
Chapter 96 - In Trouble

In Trouble

The retainer shook his body coming forward to attack Albert yet he stopped because the mace nailed in the body. The opponents saw this attack and laughed, "So your team consisted fakers? This is how you cleared first level?" One of them was laughing.

He was rude and indecent. Albert brushed past but did not attack instead thirsted his spear in the opponent standing behind the retainer. "You got it right however never be annoying if you ever played any game in the future." Albert was visibly angry at his last remark.

The opponent fell on the ground looking at him with contempt filled eyes. Clark used his hammer when the retainer was turning behind. The other retainer captured second team member and waved his sword at Orin.

Since Orin attacked he was going to face it. Orin stepped back. The long bastard sword aimed at him. It was mess of situation. Orin rolled on the ground to create distance.

Albert rushed to help him but the second retainer was running behind. He angered because of the first attack. Ahram reached at the same time. He threw his chains weapon and stopped the bastard sword ready to fell at Orin.

Orin gasped with horror. If it was not Ahram he was sure to die. Albert moved about to tackle the retainer. The retainer attack and he spread shield. Clark showed with the hammer again.

The scenario was same however now they were three.

Sashi took permission when she saw that Ahram left to search them. Junan was sure that the retainers were no more in the area so he let her follow behind.

Sashi reached few moments later and saw the situation. Everyone was busy including the opponent team member. "They are also here but only one?" Sashi murmured.

She immediately shoot arrow in order to save Albert. The bastard sword fell from the hands of the retainer. He was looking like angry fool without his sword.

The arrow stuck his shoulder. He thought to pick the sword when another arrow stuck his back. Now it changed the situation. Two arrows followed soon after.

Ahram looked at the girl. "You left them there?" he asked. Only Junan and the kid were there. "I took permission first." Sashi focused to kill the retainer.

Ahram thanked heaven. Wild thoughts were running in his head since they were unable to escape. It was due to the team head that he was quite smart.

The retainer could endure the attack to two and three at most however the arrows kept raining on him. It was no way under his endurance. With the death of one, it reduced burden on the team members.

The second opponent was standing speechless. He was worried what would happen when all weapons would be directed at him. His team was already disqualified.

Ahram helped Clark and tackled second retainer. During this they heard the footsteps of few more enemies. They looked at each other. From the signs they were in large numbers.

Albert gestured to leave. Sashi found the gesture and led them toward the team head. She knew how Ahram would bring them. Someone should reach earlier to inform.

Jake should ready to welcome them. Clark took this responsibility. He was running with the fastest pace since Sashi told the last place she left them.

Junan and Jake were at the second last street on the wing when they found the right door for the path. They also heard blind rush. Clark might have ignored that particular street and walked however Junan voiced to get his attention.

Clark stopped immediately. "They are coming in number. Sashi is leading team members too. Get ready with the surprise attack. Jake nodded and spoke, "Bring me at the second roof of this street."

The roofs were cone shaped. He needed support first and then use weapons. "Sure. Hop on my back." Clark was experienced and big man. He could give ride to the kid. Thinking this he sprinted.

It was tough for Jake too however they were able to reach the perfect spot for attack. First they saw Sashi and Albert then Orin followed behind.

Little later near twelve retainers with the big handcuffs appeared. They were large in numbers so hell sure to capture them all and the one sprinting on the roof was the first target.

He angered them to the point of frustration. Jake saw Ahram and understood the distance. He held four pouch of ammunition and threw along with a small brick.

He picked it in order to increase the range of the ammunition pouches. Normally he could throw them at twenty feet distance. However adding brick the light weight pouches got some support.

Ahram hurried to leave the area. He was last and the retainers were almost in the same street. The Jake took aim and fired several bullets. The ammunition busted on the heads of the retainers.

They were hell shocked to see this plight. Ahram barely made it this time. The roof under his feet collapsed and he sprinted another one.

Streets from all sides got influenced with the blast. Whatever path retainer tried to escape was blocked by the burning wooden houses.

Almost all of them were injured and half of them dead due to injuries. "Tell me if they are still alive." Jake voiced out loud and asked Ahram.

"The alive should not be able to escape. They are surrounded with fire." He answered. Third team looked like the dictators of these two wings. They killed all retainers sent to capture them.

Half of the buildings were set on fire. The residents would be shocked to see the present condition of their houses. Clark brought the kid at safe place.

The scattered team members gathered in front of the house that Junan and Jake painstakingly searched. "We left an opponent alive. Hope he would not come in front of us." Albert commented.

"Even if he found guts he could try it again. You will pin him down I am sure.." Junan chuckled.

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