Chapter 448: The Massacre Princess and the Magic Beast

The battle between one person and one monster is bizarre and unusual. Nell, who is only as tall as an average woman, and Maria’s brilliant right arm 『Jabberwock』, which has a humanoid form with a large build, are striking each other with a sword and fist. They are not merely striking each other, but also receiving the aftermath of their collision and healing their wounds as they attacked each other. It is a super-aggressive battle strategy that focuses only on attacks as if they don’t care about defense or evasion. It can be said that it is a fighting method that can only be done by monsters.

Roto Flugel!」


As Nell sprints through the air with wings of flame made from her magic, the monster also created huge dark red wings from its back as if it’s burning with a sense of rivalry. In less than a few seconds, as soon as it finished forming its wings, it took off into the sky and approached Nell. At the next moment, the flame sword and the strong arm of the monster crossed again, and exchange of hundreds of slashes and powerful blows unfolded.

(I see, it’s not bad. It seems that the status is far lower than mine, but it has Maria’s regenerative ability and doesn’t feel fear, making it strong enough to fight me. At first glance, the light on its head looks like its eye, but in reality, it’s where Maria’s blood and the swirling wind are the strongest. It’s like its heart that circulates wind and blood throughout the body. The wind is so strong that it is best not to touch it directly. No wonder Alezel chose to escape.)

Nell was analyzing the monster while fighting it. As Deris said, Nell is pushing and she seems to have a lot of energy left in her.

(But other than that, it’s disappointing. It can transform in an unorthodox way because it is a magical wind creature, but the attack methods are mostly mimicking mine. Does it have low intelligence? Not that I’m taking back what I said before, but even Alezel could have done more. It’s proof that she was all about earning money and neglecting her training! Well, setting that miser aside, since it seems that it almost has no intelligence, I think there’s no more I can expect from this thing. No, I’ve warmed up a bit, so I should praise it instead.)

Nell was expecting the best warm-up before the battle against Maria. Even though it did not reach a perfect score, the monster seemed to be able to meet her expectations to a certain extent. However, it’s about time to end the warming up. Thinking so, Nell puts a high-firepower flame on her flame magic sword. She intends to eradicate the monster with a serious blow.

「■!? ■■, ■■■――!」

When Nell’s bloodlust became real, the monster stopped its monotonous action pattern, and for the first time since coming here, it jumped backward while raising a cry filled with emotions just like a living thing. It was not due to fear, but more like a cry of joy at the sight of a new toy.

When the cry stopped, it changed its humanoid form. The claws on the arm were enlarged to a more deadly and vicious shape. It grew a strong tail with countless ominous thorns at the end of it. The dark red mist that was covering its body was cleared, or rather, the body had absorbed the magic power without wasting it.


Now that the mist is gone, the body is more compacted than before. The new appearance has two eyes and one mouth of the red light divided into three parts. All of them are uneven circles like a child’s random doodle, so it creates an eerie atmosphere.

「■■■■, ■■■!」

「Hee, does it have phases like my Aralkar? Or did it feel a crisis and forcibly led to evolution? Knowing Maria, it’s probably the former. That vampire loves entertainment after all.」


The monster flapped its stronger wings and used its tail as a spring to approach Nell at high speed. The speed is faster than before the transformation, and it has reached a level that’s as close as possible to the best warm-up Nell could ask for.

(Hmm. The figure has become clear, but it’s not that it has materialized. It doesn’t have a physical body but can intervene physically, just like a ghost with strong malice!)

In addition to the attacks from the claws and tail, there are also swirling winds. From its eyes and mouth, it blows strong winds of higher magic density with roaring sounds, and begins to lay waste to the entire field encircled by Deris’s barrier. The wind pressure is similar to the gravity-based magic used by Haruna and Deris in all directions. The wind is spreading around the prey, taking away its freedom and disturbing its sense of direction, and the monster, being the only one not affected by the wind, will deliver the finishing blow.

The monster could open a large hole with its fist or tear your body apart with its sharp claws. Now that the monster has changed into this form, it’s a checkmate for the opponent. …… Normally, that is.



Even in this situation, the balance of the battle isn’t broken. On the contrary, Nell is laughing. The reason is simple, it’s because the monster is coming at her with reasonable fighting power and strategy. As a warm-up, it’s a perfect score. Nell is in the mood to give the monster a reward.

「How violent. Then, I will give you a suitable reward.」

With Nell’s voice, the wings of flame on her back, 『Roto Flugel』 became violent, counterattacking the wind that attacked from all around her. Nell’s flames, more powerful than the wind, pushed back everything and began to overrun the field. The monster, which is close to Nell, is directly affected by the flames, and its insubstantial body is consumed by the flames.

「■■! ■■!?」

The monster reflexively tried to counterattack, but it didn’t hit Nell at all. And when it tried to retreat, it couldn’t escape from Nell’s pursuit.

「■, ■■■■, ■■!?」

Nell’s left hand, wrapped in flames, firmly grasped the head of the monster which should be insubstantial. The one who should be torn apart and injured was Nell, but there was no such sign and her fingers never released the monster.

「You probably thought that these wings of flame could only give me the ability to fly and increase my speed, but they also could counterattack attacks from blind spots like this. Well, launching a surprise attack on me is a stupid plan, and it’s almost meaningless in the first place. Now, here’s your reward.」

The blade of the Flame Magic Sword Pluto was wrapped in flames and pierced the abdomen of the monster.

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