
Chapter 42 The Survivors

It was a long and silent journey. At first, everyone blamed Azazel\'s death on carelessness, sharpening their senses and vowing to not divert their attention unnecessarily until they\'ve reached the border town and fortress within.

A tattered wagon dragged by two bulky men rather then a beast of burden rolled into the concrete gates of the border fortress. The moment it stopped, the two men dropped to the ground in a puddle of their own blood, twitched a bit, and then went still.

Dead still.

Miko, who was barely keeping up on his own two feet, spearheading the group, barely breathed a sigh of relief before he heard a muffled thud behind him. His heart ached, but he drew in a sharp breath and steeled his heart before turning around.

Out of everyone who pledged to move on till they drew their last breath, only five now stood before him.

Scarred by the flames of conflict, even his once beautiful sister had a long poisoned scar slithering down the side of her profile. However, she ignored the bubbling miasma and gave him a bitter smile that seemed to question whether or not this was worth it.






These were the \'survivors\' of this hell-like trek through the province of oblivion; Tropical Rainforest, Canyon of Despair, and the Lost Wilderness.

Azazel was merely the beginning, and Miko could do nothing about it but watch helplessly because his priorities were the safety of Leonardo and his party, no matter the cost or sacrifices.

On multiple occasions had his brothers committed to fooling actions that were borderline suicidal for the sake their cause, leaving nothing behind but words of encouragement to their agonised boss.

Miko dropped to his hands and knees as hot tears trickled down and stained his bloodied knuckles. He could finally relax, and his emotions of guilt burst out. He couldn\'t come forth and admit to his brothers that he saw this coming, he knew death to some was inevitable but he lied to their faces and to himself.

His sister and the rest must have figured it out midway due to the intensity of the consecutive ambushes. They must have figured out that they\'re no more than sacrificial pawns for a chance at a better future for whoever survived.

That must be why Azazel made his will clear, as no one else had the chance to do so in the following days.

Miko felt disgusted at himself and his actions, but he moreso felt disgusted because although his motives were clear as day, regardless of how impure, everyone carried on as though it was natural.

However, just because they understood and didn\'t complain or revolt, that doesn\'t mean they\'ve accepted it or forgiven Miko. They\'re simply forced by the circumstances.

That\'s right, they\'re already committed to the cause, there is no going back.

Leonardo enjoyed watching this play out because now exists a psychological barrier between Miko and the five survivors. Those five will naturally form a cohesive unit joined by their feelings of distrust and despise towards Miko, while Miko will be driven by guilt and self blame into the arms of someone, anyone who would dare accept a scumbag like himself.

That person would just happen to be Leonardo.

Leonardo and company could have acted to save the lives of Miko\'s troupe in subtle ways, but that would prove counterproductive for Leonardo\'s future plans.

He didn\'t want a group of subordinates willing to risk their lives for another subordinate. That\'s unnecessary and foolish.

Misaka and the other four simply stood to the side, not even bothering to comfort Miko. However, if anyone was prone to ultimately forgiving him, it would be his sister as she understood him best, and knew the burdens in his heart.

It must have been painful to go through with this decision.

The doors to the wagon\'s compartment flung open as Leonardo and company alighted to the ground from either side.

Leonardo had the same flat smile on his face as he proceeded with calm steps, his left hand clutched onto by Leona, though her expression seemed a bit duller than usual; less enthusiastic and more solemn.

Juvia was eyeing the little girl with a hint of worry in her eyes, much like Kieran who was silently clenching his fists tightly. Throughout the journey, Leonardo didn\'t permit anyone to obstruct the incoming psychic waves from affecting Leona.

The suffering, agony, bloodlust, hatred, sadness, greed, and a collective of negative emotions the girl never knew existed constantly bombarded her immature mind.

She fainted, woke up, fainted, woke up, and again fainted in a cruel cycle. However, she endured through it after her Godfather\'s instructions.

According to her Godfather, it was about time for Leona to see the ugliness of this world since a chance presented itself. Even now, the little girl could feel a thick cloud of dark sentiments like a lingering miasma reeking from the five survivors and Miko.

However, the frequency of Leona passing out lessened greatly over the course of the three months journey, so much that she could control what she perceived and to what extent, not to mention limit the range of her perception accordingly.

This was great progress that Leonardo complimented the little girl for. Now, she was aware more than ever that this world has more than lights and rainbows to it.

She was sheltered from the rain by her big brother while he trudged through difficulties and starvation. Then, a kind Godfather introduced her to the colourful world at large. However, if all she could experience was joy and happiness, there will come a day where her innate martial intent would be the downfall of this child.

Because no matter how everyone protects her, the world is a cruel place that she must endure in solitude sooner or later.

"Leona, are you okay?" Juvia approached the child together with Kieran and asked her with a hint of concern in her tone. As for Kieran, he directly broke off from Juvia\'s hands and hugged his little sister silently, kissing her small head.

"Don\'t worry, big brother!" Leona smiled and rubbed Kieran\'s back while hugging him. As for Leonardo, he eyed Juvia and spoke in a calm tone.

"We\'re already beyond the areas where your family can exert influence so I\'ll be returning to calling you Juvia from now on. If your existence could escalate a war between the two domains, we can make use of that to put you on the Elven Throne."

"As for Leona, don\'t worry about her. Although I don\'t have a suitable cultivation technique for her physique and talent, I can train her innate capabilities for the following five years by exposing her to intensive raw emotions. For now, however, I want you to impart a saint grade cultivation method to Miko, including the insights of ascension."

As a saint, projecting energy isn\'t the only thing an individual could do. In fact, auxiliary techniques such as imparting memories or soul projections for the purpose of mind invasion and implanting seals within someone\'s mind\'s eye for various purposes are also possible; slavery being the most prominent of the bunch.

When Aria who was resting on Leonardo\'s shoulder realised that the young man was seriously planning to bring Leona and Kieran back to the higher realms with him, and that the young girl was lacking a suitable cultivation technique, namely a divine grade in accordance with her physique, she began to ponder.

As for Leonardo, he looked at the remaining five and said, "Are you going to introduce yourselves to me yet?"

The five heard everything that went on between Leonardo and Juvia, and they were shellshocked that Miko was granted sainthood just like that. Although his physique wouldn\'t be able to handle the magnitude of energy to complete half the first cycle of sainthood, let alone progress further.

At least, he will become a saint, even if the lowest of the bracket.

They only snapped back to their senses when Leonardo called out for them, and they instinctively dropped to one knee each as they greeted their new Master.

"This one is Misaka…."

"This one is Kristopher…"

"This one is Sitri…"

"This one is Andreas…"

"This one is Lucas…"

Leonardo observed the five, mainly focusing on the four men with fluctuating ages from young to those in the latter years of their forties. However, the only acute differences lie in their facial features, everything else is but ordinary from the black hair to their eyes. Actually, Lucas was the only person with somewhat exceptional features of blonde hair and blue eyes, but beauty was never a standard of talent or strength whatsoever.

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