箭在弦上 电视剧

Chapter 103: Proving the process with results (6)

The surgical microscope, surgical cloth, and circular LED were not different just because he was in a Chinese hospital, but the composition of the medical staff was quite diverse.

Doctor Hu Xiao, the assistant surgeon. First assistant, Dr. Wang Joo Yi. A lot of nurses.

Center Director Zhang Wen and other professional interpreters from the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs nodded toward Dowook from one side.

Dr. Liam, director of neurosurgery at Dieno Hospital in Paris, who was connected by video call, also paid attention to offer surgical advice.

‘I\'m the only one from Korea. Let\'s pull ourselves together.’

Dowook put on sterile gloves and a gown before standing by the patient\'s head.

He slowly examined the surgical plan and opened his mouth.

『For convenience, we will unify all surgical terms in English. Beginning Minister Kushner\'s thrombectomy.』

Assistant Wang Joo Yi handed him a scalpel.

Dowook took it and made a U-shaped incision in the scalp near the blood clot and quickly fixed it with a clip.


The patient\'s brain was revealed when the skull piece was removed and the epidural was incised in a triangular shape.

『Navigation device verification will be omitted. Please prepare for vascular surgery as soon as vision is secured.』

Wang Joo Yi and the scrub nurse, who were preparing 3D navigators and endoscopic equipment, paused at the same time.

When Wang Joo Yi, who was surprised, asked questions, Zhang Wen interpreted at the same time.

『Doctor Park. Are you going to secure a view for surgery without a navigator?』

『Yes. There are not many bundles of nerves near the blood clot that will interfere with vision.』

『You need to pass through the 5mm gap in the nutritional artery.』

『There\'s a gap of 5mm. You just have to go around it.』

Realizing it would be useless to keep explaining once he saw their buzzing reaction, Dowook dragged down the microscope. Then he turned to the assistant surgeon, Hu Xiao.

『Prepare to assist. If I touch the nutritional blood vessels and it starts bleeding, Dr. Hu Xiao should perform standard surgery through the navigation system. That\'s enough, right?』

After Zhang Wen\'s interpretation, Hu Xiao also put his eyes on the microscope.

Dowook used the micro-forceps to dig through the blood vessels.

Smooth movement that reacted quickly and slid sideways whenever the forceps were about to touch ultra fine blood vessels with a diameter of 1mm.

Those who were looking at the microscopic images soon became shocked.

The forceps, almost similar to the beat graph of the vital monitor, entered the surgical site at once in a constant rhythm.

Last Choi\'s sense of blood flow was very useful in this case.

Whenever Dowook avoided blood vessels like a ghost, Hu Xiao moaned as if he were going up and down the roller coaster. If he had done it he would have scratched the blood vessels 100%.

Dowook asked as he neatly grabbed the vascular lesion.

『I\'m going to continue like this. Do you still want to do the standard surgery?』

The answer came first from the hospital in Paris that was participating as a long-distance surgical consultant.

-No. You saved at least 5 minutes with that one shot.

『Dr. Park, Dr. Wang Joo Yi apologizes.』

Wang Joo Yi, who was most concerned, apologized with a short bow to Dowook.

Since then, no one complained about Dowook’s actions.

An hour after the surgery.

Dowook put the micro-scissors on the blood vessels in question where the ligation was completed. As soon as this area was cut off, mass bleeding would begin, and the entire process from returning to smooth blood flow would be a fight against time.

The quicker he finished, the less aftereffects the patient would suffer.

It would have been an easier operation if Choi Hoo was here, but now the surgeon himself had to play all the roles.

Dowook opened his mouth with a cautious look.

『Here, the assistance of Dr. Hu Xiao and Dr. Wang Joo Yi is very important. Please keep up with me.』

The eyes of the two doctors became determined.

『A thrombotic incision.』


Beep beep!

As bleeding increased, the patient\'s heart, which detected abnormal blood flow, increased pumping. Dowook pushed his forceps through the open blood vessels and scratched a thick blood clot.


An anxious wait began until residual blood clots were pushed out of the blood vessels flowing deep into the brainstem.

『Heartbeat 96.97.98……. Blood pressure is going down!』

The anesthesiologist\'s report.

-Dr. Park. Shouldn\'t we suture it now?

Surgical advisor Dr. Liam\'s question.

『Shouldn\'t we hurry up and catch the bleeding?』

Chinese medical staff\'s concern through Zhang Wen\'s mouth.

A sense of crisis lingered throughout the operating room in the patient\'s condition, but Dowook focused all attention only on the sensation at his fingertips. It could be defined that the blood clots were completely removed only after this unnatural beat was over.

『Heart rate is 105! Blood pressure dropped to 60!』

Thump thump.

Dowook’s fingertips flinched at the feeling of normal blood flow that finally arrived.


Dowook shouted, taking the suture and needle toward the blood vessels.

"Suction! Cauterizer! Add 2 more packs of blood and induce hyperventilation!』

He even gave the assistant surgeon Choi Hoo’s sense. Now it was a fight measured in seconds.

Bee-bee-bee-bee… beep. beep.

Less than 30 seconds later, the patient\'s condition stabilized rapidly.

Whenever Dowook finished suturing at an insane speed, Hu Xiao removed the clips around him as if he had been possessed and put them on the surgical tray. In Chinese, he muttered, "This rhythm is crazy."

In a little bit.

When Wang Joo Yi regained sight of the affected area with E-Gation and suction, the blood vessels that had been sutured were revealed.

The solid-looking connection was enough to show that the best skills were implemented.


Dowook was relieved only by the beat of the lively blood flow delivered through his fingertips. This was enough to leave little to none complications.

『End of thrombus removal. Closing the head.』

Finishing order. After fixing the fractured headbone again, a reinforcing pin was attached. After suturing the scalp, Dowook looked at the clock on the wall.

It took a total of 1 hour and 55 minutes.

『The surgery is over. It ended faster than I thought because everyone followed along well. The hospital is in charge of patient care, right?』

『Yes. We will take good care of the patient in the VIP recovery room.』

Dowook nodded at Zhang Wen\'s answer.

『Everyone, thank you for your hard work. I think my role here is finished.』

All the medical staff politely bowed their heads to Dowook as he walked toward the door..


Inside the room where the stormy surgery ended.

Hu Xiao looked at his hand, which had assisted the surgeon in a trance, and asked Wang Joo Yi across from him.

『Professor Wang, did you feel that?』


『Before. It felt like my hand was moving by itself.』

『Really? I\'m jealous. It feels like we were part of a miracle.』

『It\'s my first time seeing a doctor whose hands don\'t shake at all in fine surgery. Is this possible? Does Dr. Park do this type of surgery all the time?』

The two neurosurgeons at the First People\'s Hospital were overwhelmed by the lingering emotions and could not easily leave the operating room.

Claude was on the phone with Dr. Liam.

-You will know the exact prognosis only after a close examination, but based on the results of the surgery, the patient can be discharged from the hospital in two days.

『His head was opened, but the recovery period will be the same as prescribed drugs?』

-It might be faster. You should\'ve seen it, too. The soft fingertips that drew out residual blood clots with bold bleeding induction and covering the time of probation with skill. It was exhilarating.

『I can\'t tell the secretary that the surgery result is exhilarating. I’m asking for objective opinions, Dr. Liam.』

-I can\'t think of any other word. He\'s the maestro of blood vessels. It\'s a pity that I only watched the video.

As spectacular reviews came, Claude sighed and found Dowook coming out of the hallway.

『Maestro Park is here. I\'ll ask him directly.』

-Praise him!

* * *

The next day.

Dowook opened his eyes with a hangover headache at a hotel in downtown Shanghai.

‘I drank too much.’

A meal that arrived a little late after the emergency surgery. As he was surrounded by doctors from all over the world and received a drink, he drank out of control.

He felt for the table, opened the bottle, and took a sip, and he could see Claude falling on the floor under the bed and deep asleep.

He even called room service at his own expense, saying thank you for the work with Minister Kushner, but he drank two more bottles of wine alone and fainted.


Dowook emptied half a bottle of water and felt more alive.

Looking at the clock, it was 6:03 am. The official schedule started at 8 o\'clock, but he still headed to the bathroom because there was nothing bad about preparing in advance.

After washing up, Professor Lee Il-soo was also watching TV.

"You’re awake."

"Good morning. Are you feeling okay?"

"I can endure it, but I won\'t drink today."

"Watch out for that Claude. I think he really likes you.”

Dowook and Professor Lee turned to Claude on the floor.

Smacking his lips with a happy smile, he was a stylish middle-aged gentleman in Europe. It was just weird because he acted like a neighborhood big brother who was generous with alcohol. Yesterday, they were so swept away by his atmosphere.

"I should."

Drying his head with a towel, Dowook noticed news related to the G20 meeting on TV.

A reporter for the BBC channel was standing in front of the hotel.

-On the second day of the G20 Joint Meeting of Health and Finance Ministers, Greenpeace protesters announced a street march. Even radical environmentalists called the Animal Liberation Line are known to have entered Shanghai, which is expected to cause a strong clash with security guards in China.

A video of protesters throwing water balloons at the bus followed.

-In a joint statement posted on the Internet, these groups strongly insist on putting the phrase "universal medical care for all living things" in the conference agreement, not "universal medical care for humans."

Dowook pointed to the screen.

"I\'ve heard of Greenpeace from somewhere before."

"Was it in the 80s? It was probably those protesters who jumped into the Soviet nuclear weapons test site on a rubber boat and made a fuss. It was really famous then, too.”

Dowook clicked his tongue as he changed. The Soviet Union in the Cold War era was a more closed communist country than any present today. It was understandable for a moment that they showed such boldness against the Chinese government.

"Open your eyes wide."

Minister Kim Jin-hoo opened his eyes wide at Dowook’s direction.

After observing the distance between pupils, left and right movement, and tremors, the pen light was lowered.

"Could you focus on my finger this time?"

Dowook, who put his index finger close to the minister and pulled it far away to examine the contraction of the muscles in his eyes, withdrew from Minister Kim.

"I don\'t see any abnormal findings. Do you have a headache?"

"I don\'t have any.”

It was a formal checkup because he had not had a seizure for years, but he still completed the diagnosis after conducting it meticulously.

"There will be no possibility of fatal neurological symptoms for the minister today."

"That\'s a relief."

When the vital equipment was removed, Minister Kim, reorganized his clothes and asked Dowook.

"Yesterday, you had an emergency surgery for the French minister?”

"Oh, yes. Your attendant suddenly asked me for a favor."

"The French side has expressed great gratitude through the Foreign Ministry channel. Thanks to this, the status of the Korean medical community has risen significantly. You’ll be compensated but let me offer my sincere gratitude first. When you return home, the government will pay you back enough."

Minister Kim, who bowed his head to Dowook, walked out of the clinic.

Today\'s first and last patient disappeared outside the VIP emergency center with Chinese bodyguards waiting outside.

‘Compliments make me feel good, but I\'m already done with work at 8:15 a.m.’

Dowook went back to the lounge. All he had left to do was to sit bored until evening. Unless there was a special situation like yesterday.

-Animal experiment! I\'m totally against it!

-Change the agreement!

About 200 protesters holding pickets and shouting their own slogans.

Hundreds of security barriers were sagging in front of the Shanghai International Convention Center to stop them.

With a solid plastic shield at the forefront, someone standing among the protesters threw a plastic bottle with an open lid.


Yellow liquid flowed out of the plastic bottle that touched the shield wall and rolled around.

Public security around him looked embarrassed when the strong volatile scent of flammable liquid blew out.

Thump, thud thud.

Dozens of bottles poured out. In an instant, a flaming bunch of paper fell to the ground full of gasoline. Protesters rushed with cheers as the ranks of security guards were disrupted by the spreading flames.

The security guard immediately picked up the radio.


『Violent demonstrations occurred. Violent demonstrations. Requesting backup at the convention center!』

The Korean minister\'s vehicle and escort vehicle left the main gate of the People\'s Hospital.

A masked man, who was looking at the entrance through a telescope from the roof of the apartment on the other side, immediately picked up his cell phone.


Dowook saw all the doctors in the lounge gathered in front of the TV and approached, wondering what was going on.

"Professor Lee."

"How was Minister Kim Jin-hoo?"

"There\'s nothing wrong with him. Except for the high blood pressure."

"Look at that. The protesters must have thrown a bomb."

The sight of the protests being illuminated by the media around the world. It was being suppressed by the public security deployed in an instant, but it was shocking. He couldn\'t believe they were really doing a violent demonstration.

"Risking your life for animal welfare."

Whether to recognize that as a diversity of values or to regard it as a crazy act.

While looking around for a long time, the door of the lounge opened and attendants with a lot of envelopes in both hands entered. Among them was the Korean interpreter Jin Daeyoung.

Jin Daeyoung greeted Dowook and put the boxes on the Korean table.

"It\'s lunch. If it doesn\'t suit your taste, I\'ll go out to town and buy something else."

"Other countries have the same boxes. I guess it\'s a common lunch for the attendants.”

Jin Daeyoung nodded.

Dowook looked at the strong Chinese spice-smelling boxes and asked Professor Lee.

"I think this is similar to the hotel food we had in the morning. Do you want to eat this for lunch? Daeyoung said you can change it."

"I\'m fine."

Dowook turned to Jin Daeyoung.

"This is enough for me, too. Thank you."

"Don\'t you need an interpreter?"

"The head of the center here speaks English well. I don\'t think there\'ll be a problem."


After greeting Jin Daeyoung, who was leaving after delivering lunch, all the lights and TV in the lounge suddenly turned off.

When Dowook looked out the window thinking it was a power outage, all the electronic devices in the emergency center were on.

"What\'s going on?”

It was then.

The dim entrance to the emergency room opened wide, and dozens of people wearing masks flocked in.

The mask they wore was engraved with the clear phrase ALF, so Dowook could be seen at once. It was the group that had been talking on TV since morning.

-Get Minister Kushner out here!

At the shout of the leader, dozens of people jumped toward the stairs.

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