
Chapter 80 Horrifyingly beautiful

Chapter 80 Horrifyingly beautiful

Yu Chen actually didn’t say a word to his men about not letting Luo Xiaolei see him or anything like that but his men knew that Yu Chen was currently raging right now and that was obviously why he was not coming out of the car.

They could already tell that he was struggling to stop the urge to rush out of his car and tear that Wang guy into pieces. If Luo Xiaolei wasn’t here or if she had lost consciousness, Yu Chen might have already gone berserk by now, mercilessly and heartlessly torturing that man like he was some beast from hell, untamed and ruthless like he always was.

The men were worried that once Luo Xiaolei saw that terrifying side of Yu Chen, it will be too much for her and that she would end up being terrified of him. They even imagined her running away, shivering in fear as she ran and that was something they never wanted to happen. They were afraid that Luo Xiaolei would not see and treat Yu Chen the same way ever again. That was why all of them were trying to stop her. They didn’t want this girl; the only girl their boss had ever laid eyes on, to see him as someone inhumane and leave him.

"It’s okay, don’t worry too much. I think she’s no scaredy cat." Yang Jin’s voice broke the silence as he patted Gu Wei’s shoulder. But Gu Wei shrugged his hand off and just looked at him, not convinced at all.

"What do you even mean by that? Even I, the great Gu Wei feared the boss when he was like that, you know? How much more a girl like her?!" Gu Wei shouted and all the men except for the two mysterious newcomers nodded their heads in agreement.

"Well, she’s brave to begin with and don’t even compare yourself to her. She’s brave enough to even make that boss of ours dress as a panda. Even the bravest YOU couldn’t do that to him, no? But she did and that’s why she’s amazing and in a completely different level. So relax everyone. Think positive, okay?"

With Yang Jin’s explanation, everyone felt somehow relieved and they could only hope that nothing bad would happen. They all then looked towards Luo Xiaolei with great anticipation while deep within them, they were genuinely rooting for her.

Luo Xiaolei, who was now holding the car’s door handle, took a deep breath. At that moment, Luo Xiaolei couldn’t recognize her own emotions. She suddenly felt like she didn’t know herself, inside or out. The only thing clear to her was that she wanted to see him, damn badly.

The entire time she was inside that car, especially when she was listening to his deep melodic voice, all she wanted was to see Yu Chen and she couldn’t even explain to herself why. When the men tried to stop her, something burned within her and she suddenly felt like she didn’t want to be stopped by anything or by anyone in seeing him. She was confused but all she knew was that what she felt right now was much stronger than any extreme curiosity or intrigue she had felt before. Was all this because she hit her head?

Luo Xiaolei shook her head to clear her mind and then she finally opened the door.

The moment the door was wide open before her, goosebumps immediately crept through Luo Xiaolei’s skin. The atmosphere inside the car was extremely heavy, as if she just opened an ancient mysterious tunnel where a certain demon was rumored to be living in.

Her eyes fell on the man sitting there, hunched over, looking down, with his elbows on his knees and his hands tugging his hair as though he was trying to uproot them. She could even see his knuckles turned so white.

Luo Xiaolei’s heart skipped a beat at the sight of him and she could only feel one thing coming from him; unconscionable bloodlust.

She gulped and her fists subconsciously clenched. At the back of her mind, her instinct should be making her to retreat but she did the complete opposite and entered the car even closing the door gently.

She sat beside him, looking at him, studying him. Even though she couldn’t see his face, she could feel it. She could tell that he was murderously angry as if he was currently mentally preparing himself to go and annihilate an entire race and that thought made Luo Xiaolei shiver again. But then strangely enough, she couldn’t feel the kind of fear she thought she should be feeling by now. This intense bloodlust should be enough to scare her, make her knees tremble, and crawl away, just like what had happened to her that night.

But here she was slowly extending her hand to touch him, seemingly fearless.

Yu Chen was as immobile as stone, like a volcano repressing himself from erupting, yet Luo Xiaolei’s hand didn’t falter and then she touched his hand.

However, as soon as she touched his skin, the stone suddenly moved violently and he caught Luo Xiaolei’s hand. His grip was so tight Luo Xiaolei felt like her bones were about to be crushed at any moment now.

"Ahh!" in that split second, she winced and then their eyes met. Yu Chen froze at the sight of her and then his grip loosened at bit, easing Luo Xiaolei from the pain.

Luo Xiaolei shivered with the look in his eyes. His unfathomable eyes that she thought not even god’s spears could penetrate now seemed to be so vulnerable. Those eyes of his that she thought would forever be blank and empty were now filled with burning rage and... killing intent. And those darker than black emotions made his eyes even more beautiful; devastatingly, horrifyingly beautiful. She would never have thought that one day, she would admire something so dark and terrifying and call it beautiful, despite her shuddering inside.

"Y-yu Chen, it’s me. Are you alright? Don’t be angry anymore, okay?" Luo Xiaolei croaked softly. Her gaze never left him despite her lips close to shivering in fear. Indeed, what Gu Wei said was true. The look in his eyes, his raging aura was not a joke at all. She had never felt something so extreme like this before. This was much more intense than what she felt from Yun Jinhan that night that it couldn’t even be compared, not even close.

But despite it all, not even her instinct made her flinch away from him. Was it because she felt that his bloodlust and his rage wasn’t pointed at her? That was the only sensible explanation Luo Xiaolei could think of at the moment.

Yu Chen’s eyes slowly widened and he seemed to have turned into a statue. Before Luo Xiaolei could speak again, he suddenly ripped his hand away from hers.

And then in an instant, he pulled his hood and covered his head down to cover half of his face, trying to hide himself from her. She saw his jaws clench as he gnashed his teeth and then before she knew it, he opened the door and stepped out, slamming the door closed and seemingly escaping from her.

Luo Xiaolei jolted but the first thing she did was immediately stepped out of the car as well. When she saw him walking away, like he was on his way to massacre someone, Luo Xiaolei gulped ready to chase him when... she finally realized that Yu Chen was actually... wearing his... panda outfit.

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