
Chapter 152 Treasure

Chapter 152 Treasure

Gu Jinyang was confused while Gu Wei’s eyes sparkled with pride. The words, ’isn’t she the greatest?’ were flashing across his eyes as he looked at him with excitement.

"Gu Jinyang, didn’t you say that the theme of that ad has a touch of mystery?" Yu Chen asked and when Gu Jinyang nodded, Yu Chen rested his chin on his hand before glancing at the masked girl again.

"So this ’Little Secret’ portrays herself as an enigma in the celebrity realm, huh? How rare... While others share their every moment and thoughts online, she pulls back and keeps herself distant and inaccessible which then leaves people wanting more. At this rate, any glimpse that people can get of her, they’ll take. If that comes in song form or ad form, so be it... Gu Jinyang, do you get what I’m saying?"

Gu Jinyang was so stunned he couldn’t answer him. This Yu Chen, their big boss suddenly having this much interest towards a celebrity was so unexpected. Except for Luo Xiaolei, nobody ever caught his interest to this extent before, even if it’s purely related to business!

"Err... uhm... you, you want me to hire her?!" finally he managed to answer and Yu Chen nodded.

"Exactly, there’s no one more fitting than her. She’s the kind of treasure our company needs." He said and Gu Jinyang could only blink again. ’S-seriously? He called her a treasure of the company?!’

While Gu Jinyang was still in shock, Gu Wei was already jumping in excitement.

"You really are amazing boss! You always have the eyes to see who’s worthy and who’s not! I’m telling you this, boss. You will never regret choosing her! Anyway, boss! Have you heard Xiao Mimi’s latest song? You wanna hear it?" Gu Wei was so eager. Even though he knew that Yu Chen was not even remotely interested in music, he still confidently played the song before Yu Chen could even respond on whether he wanted to hear it or not.

And thus, a silky harmony and a soft and subtle voice started filing the spacious living room.

"Like an unnoticeable wallflower, I leaned on the wall watching you

No one is looking at me

I’m invisible, like a ghost

But you turned and looked at me

1 second, 2 seconds, 3 seconds

You didn’t look away

My eyes were asking "have we met?"

As you make your way to me

The world turned to slow motion

Your dark unfathomable eyes

Is like gravity holding me in

I couldn’t look away..."

As the song continued, Yu Chen’s eyes were becoming narrower. He looked like he was trying to decipher some mystery behind the song. His full attention was focused on the voice, the lyrics, and the soulful melody he was hearing and for some reason, he started to feel something strange as he kept on listening to it.

"Dumbstruck, I reach out

Give you the flower in my hand...

"You want this flower?" I asked, I know how foolish it was

But still, you took it..."

The moment he heard that line, Yu Chen straightened his back. His brows pulled together and something in his eyes blazed.

"And that was the very first page of our story..."

Soon after that last line died down, Guan Ye immediately sidled towards him. He looked like he had forgotten about the scene yesterday because of this unexpected and interesting topic.

"So? How was it? Isn’t her voice so out of this world? Ahh, I feel like my heart is being soothed whenever I hear her voice. I wish she would release more and more songs!" the fanboy wailed but when he looked at Yu Chen’s face, he nearly choked.

’W-w-what? W-w-why are you smiling so creepily? B-boss! I have a bad feeling about this!’

Gu Wei noticed the peculiar look in Yu Chen’s eyes and he couldn’t believe it. He even rubbed his eyes to look at him again just to make sure. But when the man was still smiling that mysterious smile, Gu Wei hugged himself.

"B-b-boss, you’re not planning to abduct Xiao Mimi are you? Y-you can’t do that, you already have your Luo Xiaolei and you even have your little buns now." Gu Wei was crying without tears. He was worried. Extremely worried because he knew that his boss was only like this towards his Luo Xiaolei alone! So what was the meaning of this? Could it be that he fell in love with her voice?! Oh no, Miss Luo, there is an emergency!!!

As if Yu Chen didn’t hear what Gu Wei just blabbered, he finally stood, but before stepping away, he looked at Gu Jinyang and gave him an absolute order.

"No matter what, the company must have her. Abide with all her wishes no matter how ridiculous it is." He said with a firm authoritative voice before he left, leaving the two Gu siblings utterly stunned and confused.


At the University’s Cafeteria

Luo Xiaolei was having another break in the cafeteria with her classmates. The girls with her were having girl’s talks as usual until the conversation shifted to a certain singer.

"Guys, guys, what do you think about Xiao Mimi’s new song?"

"Hmm... I think her latest is not her usual style. I mean the last 6 songs she released are kind of dark and painful but her new one is... well I didn’t expect it honestly. Her past songs were about love but not really romantic but this one is..."


"Yeah, and kind of innocent?"

"True, kind of feel like a love at first sight. It’s a breath of fresh air, honestly. Since I’m kind of tired with the surge of depressing break up songs lately."

"Haha. Well, we gotta thank her for changing her style. I really like her latest one."

"But hey, when will she reveal herself? The rumor about her hiding her face because she’s so ugly trended again."

"Well, honestly, she can’t blame everyone if they think like that. Her, being ugly is the only sensible reason why since its been two years and she still never showed up."

"That’s right. I was expecting she’ll reveal her face when she released her new song."

"But still, people are craving to see what’s behind that mask."

"True, I can’t deny I’m curious too."

"Duh, all of us are curious."

As the girls conversation goes on, Luo Xiaole remained quiet, listening to them when she received a message from her big panda bun.

[Big Panda Bun: My grandfather wants to borrow the twins for a day. He met them yesterday and he wants to spend time with them so I’m asking for your permission.]

Luo Xiaolei blinked in surprise and in confusion. W-what? His grandfather... meaning that emperor?!! And he wants to spend time with them? Why would he? I’m sure he knows that the twins are not Yu Chen’s sons! Wait, could it be that Yu Chen told his grandpa that they are his real sons?!

That thought made Luo Xiaolei excused herself to make a quick call.

"Hello? Yu Chen?"

"I’m here."

"You didn’t tell your grandpa that the twins were your real sons did you?"

"I didn’t."

Luo Xiaolei was relieved but... why then?

"Oh, I thought that... uhm... well, so he knows that they’re my adopted sons, right?"


"Then why..." she pressed her lips because she couldn’t continue what she wanted to say.

"I think the old man just wants to be with the kids. He has been longing for a great grandson for a long time so I think that might be the reason why."

"Oh, I see."

"Will you permit them to go?"

Ah... how could I not when you’re asking me so persuasively like this?

"O-of course."

"Thank you. By the way, about your message, what time should I be there?"

"At five o’clock, right after my class."

"Okay, I’ll be there."

"Mm, I’ll wait for you."

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