
Chapter 317 Artificial Limb

"Oh yeah? Fire away, my friend," Blimpo curiously adjusted his goggles, sitting criss-cross-applesauce on the wood-and-vine flooring.

Patting the spot where his right arm used to be, he smirked, "How about we build a new arm that knocks my old one out of the water?"

Blimpo was stunned for a moment before grinning ear-to-ear, sliding his goggles over his eyes as he jumped to his feet, "It\'s like you knew I always wanted to build a fully artificial limb! You needn\'t say another word, my friend! Just rely on the genius of your best mate–I\'ll make you an arm that far surpasses one of flesh!"

"Really?! You can do it?" He asked, standing up as he shared the same excitement as the tinkerer.

"Who do you think you\'re talking to?! I\'m the best damn inventor to come outta Arcadius!" Blimpo chuckled, jabbing his own thumb against his chest.

There was no surprise to the young Dragonheart; of course the eccentric tinkerer would be more than willing to aid him, though it was a selflessness and camaraderie that he dearly needed in such depths of the afterlife.

"Thanks, Blimpo, really," he showed his gratitude.

"Huh? What\'re ya thanking me for?" Blimpo looked at him, "It\'s normal for friends to help each other, isn\'t it?"

He was taken aback by the words of his comrade, though he nodded in agreement, "You\'re right."

It was almost a superhuman attribute of Blimpo\'s; the complete and total trust he gave to the Dragonheart. One could attribute it to naivety, but in the eyes of Emilio, it was an admirable aspect of the elven man.

Already getting to planning, Blimpo used a scrap of leather he found in the nightstand, using a quill on top of it to begin scribbling down the blueprints of his new project.

"Mm…this there…that here…" Blimpo mumbled while deeply focused on the plans.

He watched over the blonde-haired figure\'s shoulder, amazed at how quickly he got to work. After a few minutes, Blimpo finally stopped scribbling, lifting his goggles as he looked at the Dragonheart, "I\'m not going to be able to make anything without resources. I\'ll leave that part to you."

"Just tell me what you need and I\'ve got you covered," Emilio assured, holding up his hand.

"Well, I\'ll need some wood and some steel, if possible…I can make do with that, yeah, it\'ll work," Blimpo said as if half thinking to himself.

With the request put in, it was a simple task for the young man to carry out as he honed his mana, conjured a heaping amount of raw materials. Creating wood was simple enough for him with his experience with nature magic, though steel was definitely of an advanced level. Still, as he was free to take his time and not have to meld it for combat, he was able to weave the mana in his body into ingots of steel.

"Alright, alright! Beautiful!" Blimpo said, picking up the ingots with a wide smile, "I\'ll need some fire from you as well. We\'ll need to shape these babies into the right form! Ya ready to make that new arm?!"

"Say less!" He excitedly agreed.

It was within the abode of the fruit-bearing, grand tree that they slaved away at building the new, artificial limb. There was no magic quite like the inventive mind of the elf; the blueprints came to life seamlessly by the minute.

Emilio provided the heat adequate to shape the materials, though the handiwork of Blimpo was too masterful for him to truly learn from; the speed and efficiency the elf worked at was an art in itself.

He\'s amazing. How could somebody with talent like this not have been a legend in Arcadius? A mind like his is a waste being stuck here in the After, Emilio thought.

A constant stream of blue fire was needed, as well as tools made through Emilio\'s ability to conjure natural resources with nature magic, though their shapes were less than refined due to his inexperience.

Fortunately, it seemed the faeries spent most of their time tending to the garden, giving the two enough time alone, doused in sweat from the smelting flames and arduous work going into the impromptu creation.

—After a few hours of nonstop work, leaving Emilio drained of mana and Blimpo drained of stamina, it was complete.

"…And done," Blimpo breathed out, wiping the sweat from his forehead as he finished the mystical engravings along the arm.

"It\'s the moment of truth, then—let\'s see if it functions," Emilio said.

The limb was made with the exact proportions of his left, made of a blackened metal and engravings running along its length. It was certainly an impressive appearance, especially considering the circumstances in which it was made.

It was a different sort of magical creation than what the elf usually created, tending to rely on runes to empower them. However, seeing as the one possessing the artificial arm was a mana battery himself, all that was needed were seal engravings.


He watched as Blimpo began attaching it to the vacant spot on his right side, making sure it was positioned properly before hovering his finger over a switch on the upper part of the metal limb.

"Ready? This will hurt," Blimpo asked.

He nodded, "Do it."



The mechanism caused the artificial limb to stretch itself and meld against the Dragonheart\'s body, molding to his shoulder and becoming completely attached to his body.

After it finished becoming one with him, he breathed out, looking at the arm as it was now responding to his input; like a real limb, the fingers moved and the arm itself was seamlessly flexible due to the meticulous handiwork of the inventor.

"So…how is it?" Blimpo asked.

Emilio was enamored with it, feeling the missing sensation on his right side completely filled as he waved his new, sleek-metal arm around before clenching the fist, "It\'s perfect."

The engravings and gaps in the arm were perpetually producing a soft, blue glow within, as the mana of the young man completely filled the interior of the limb.

This was the basis on how it was able to completely replace a real, flesh-and-blood arm: Emilio\'s mana flow acted like the nerves within his arm, empowering it and providing accuracy beyond the limitations of flesh.

—However, it wasn\'t a perfect workaround.

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