先性后爱 电影

Chapter 485 - A Death Sentence

Her father had already handed his share to Alex even before they married. On the other hand, Alex returned his entire shares to her, even those he bought as an investment before he took over as the CEO, as a wedding present.

The transfer was included in the prenup they both signed before the wedding. What good was the company to them if they were both dead anyway? For now, she needed leverage to keep them alive.

"Well, it is not that simple anymore." He rubbed the palms of his hands along her arms, wanting her to understand that the game had changed.

Actually, he liked this new woman in his arms right now. She had awakened an obsession in him to possess her once more. He believed he would be a fool to let her go again.

She had become a challenge that he needed to overcome.

Now that Cassie was out of the picture, he desired her even more. He was not even craving Cassie\'s body anymore.

"What do you mean?" She asked but already guessing that she might not like what he had in mind.

Her body was recoiling in disgust at the way his body was pressed against her back. She hated that his hands were even touching her skin. It made her skin crawl.

"Well, I think we will be a good team." Then, his lips slowly grazed the exposed skin on her neck.

He did like the fear she was emanating, then the way she was fighting hard to control it. It was like an aphrodisiac that drove him to lust for her even more.

He wanted to own her, to make her submit to his demands. But not how she used to do it when they were still engaged. This time, he liked that she was fighting against it. He would like the challenge of taming her to his will.

"Get off me." She shouted when she could not take his advances anymore. She used her elbow to jab on his ribs first, making enough space for her to move out of his hold.

Then, she stepped away from the window, backing away from him to create more distance between them. She quickly searched her brain for a way out of this situation.

At the moment, she was drawing a blank. Her brain was a jumbled mess. Between thinking of Alex\'s situation and her own, she felt that any false move would cause their lives.

But she could not just stand idly and do what he wanted. She had to form a solution that would save them both or, at the very least, Alex.

"Wow, you certainly changed." He was not mad at her action. On the other hand, he was more amused by her little stunt. Though he felt the blow of her elbow on his chest, it was not enough to alarm him.

It just confirmed his earlier assumption that she had been training herself in self-defense. It only made their situation more interesting for him. It also alerted him that he should up his game too when it came to her.

"I am warning you if you dare touch me again, I will send you to hell where you belong." She did not want to be intimidated by his vulgar ways. She would fight him in every way until she found a way to free her and Alex.

She believed that their families were probably aware that they were missing and more likely be looking for them by now. Help would be on the way soon enough.

"Oh! Don\'t be like that. I remember how much you love my lips on you." Reminding her of her old self. The young, naive girl, inexperienced in the ways of the world. "And, how much you were eager to please me."

He walked towards her, moving at a slow pace. It was as if he was stalking his prey. While she tried to back away, hoping to escape his grasp. She was about to run, but he was quicker.

He knew she had nowhere to go. She was trapped when her back hit the wall behind her. He continued to pursue her, planting his hands on either side of her head, pressing his body against hers. In the end, securing his position.

"Fortunately, I have learned my lesson never to trust scumbags like you." She hissed at him, but before she could push him away.

He grabbed her hands and pinned them on the wall above her head with one of his hands. With the other free hand, he held her chin with his fingers, gripping it tight to make a point that he was in control.

He watched her face, waiting for the fear to show up in her eyes. But all he saw was defiance. She was fighting him with everything she had, generating all her energy to spite him.

"Then, let me show you another lesson you will never forget." He did not give her another chance to reply as his lips claimed hers in a possessive way.

She tried to fight him, struggling to set her hands free, kicking with her feet to dislodge herself from his hold. But all her efforts were futile since he was stronger than her.

She had no idea of what else she should do. She could feel the fear creeping up on her. She wanted to control it, but it was starting to grip her heart.

She wondered what options she had.

If she kept fighting Nick, he could end Alex\'s life.

If she allowed him to win, she would be condemning herself to life in prison, just like a death sentence.

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