
Chapter 217 - The Wind Is Quite Strong

Shelia uses some kind of skill just like my Air Steps. I\'ll call it Air steps as well. But she\'s better at using it than me since it\'s her racial skill.

Seriously, who would have thought that Werewolves can run on air?

"…Roy, can you imagine?" Suddenly as we watched the battle, Albert asked me something.

"What is it this time?"

"Just imagine this. An army of Werewolves running down from the sky. That would be scary if they are our enemies…" Albert said.

"…we have to make them our allies no matter what. Make sure that scary thing is the future of what the cult will see."

"That\'s why you have to win no matter what and become the Werewolf King. Then one day when you reached advanced level in your summoning element, get another tribe to join us as well." Albert suggested.

"That\'s my intention in the first place. But are you sure to have me raising my own army which would be stronger than any other army in the kingdom?"

"I trust you."

That\'s what Albert said. And that\'s also why I bring him here as well. I\'m glad to be trusted so much, but I need him to understand that I can\'t do everything. I don\'t have any intention on attacking the kingdom, what would happen if one day I have that kind of desire? I doubt I will though.

Angela now faced with bigger problem. Fighting against Shelia who can move mid-air, it will be easier for Shelia to dodge her attack. And Angela also has difficulty following her speed. To hit Shelia, she must use a faster type of magic or a large-scale magic just like the Ground Spikes she used. But it must reach where Shelia is.

"What\'s wrong? Can\'t hit me? Then it will be your loss!" Shelia said.

"The fight is still on going. And I haven\'t given up yet!" Angela replied.

Still mid-air, Shelia rushed down toward Angela. This time, both her arms already transformed. Shelia wants to finish the battle now.

Shelia swung both arms while she\'s still in a distance. Turns out, she can attack from a distance as well!

It\'s just like Wind Slashes. But Angela who seems to have predicted that, or maybe it\'s instinctually, makes a giant Earth Wall in front of her to protect herself. She built three layers of wall, but two of the walls are easily destroyed by Shelia\'s attack. And the last wall is almost destroyed as well. The attack left huge scratches on the wall in cross shape.

But Angela doesn\'t seem to have given up. She still has the same confidence as when she entered the Arena. She just looks up at Shelia who stays mid-air. Shelia can\'t stay in one place, so she keeps running mid-air. Can\'t she just jump on the same spot if she doesn\'t have the intention to attack? That seem to be tiring.

I\'m still thinking of how strong Shelia is compared to Jack. Isn\'t the gap too big? With her Air Steps, that long distance slashes, those are the things that any Werewolves can learn when they got even stronger. But she\'s the only one who have gained those abilities in this tribe other than Grandpa Werewolf.

The only weakness Shelia has is that she never fought against other species. Maybe some monsters that attacked the settlement or her preys, but she never had any real battle against other species. That\'s why she\'s trying to adapt by keep moving to not let Angela\'s magic hit her. For Shelia, Angela is an unknown enemy with her various magic skills.

But now it seems like Shelia already adapted to Angela\'s attack and tries to finish the fight. And if Angela had any plans, she won\'t be able to use them when Shelia\'s mid-air and keeps moving.

Well, I don\'t think Angela has any plans in the first place. But she must have thought of something when I see that she has a relaxed expression on her face.

"I can\'t fly yet, so it\'s impossible for me to fight up there." Angela said.

"Hah! Does that mean you\'re giving up?" Shelia asked Angela.

"No. Since I can\'t go up there, then I should get you down here!" Angela said.

Then Angela raised her hand to the sky. Not aimed it at Shelia.

I have told her that hand gestures are not important in casting magic, but she said that doing it makes it easier for her to use her magic. Although now she no longer aimed her hands toward her enemies now, she would still do that from time to time.

But this time, instead of aiming for her enemy, she\'s raising her right hand to the sky with her palm opened as if she\'s reaching for something.

I\'m interested in what she will do. Then I noticed that it\'s a large-scale magic that might reach the audience seats!


Both Grandpa Werewolves and I shouted at the same time. Seems like he noticed it to. But I never thought that he\'s someone who worry over his kin since he wanted the Werewolves to restore back their pride. But I guess he only wants the Werewolves to do that in a fight, and not when they are just watching from the side.

We both noticed that Angela is casting a large-scale magic that might affect everyone in the Colosseum including the audiences.

Grandpa just stayed in his original position while everyone else is confused with our warning. But since both Werewolves and my group are the people who have put their trusts in us, they are bracing themselves from whatever is coming.

Meanwhile, I\'m grabbing my disciple and gather my girlfriends around me to protect them. As for Albert, he can take care of himself.

And it\'s coming. A large-scale wind magic that pushes everything down to the ground. The targeted area is just the Arena, but it was so powerful that it reached everyone who are seated at the front seat.

Angela controlled her magic so that it won\'t affect her. As for Shelia, unfortunately, she doesn\'t have the ability to create a foothold in mid-air. She can only keep moving, but not stay in one place. That\'s why when the wind is coming and pushes her down, she dropped quickly and crashed to the ground. Good thing that was not the place where Angela\'s Ground Spikes are.


That must have been painful.

Meanwhile, everyone in the front seats are bracing themselves from the wind. The Werewolves who have strong physical abilities are still able to stand on the ground. But Albert and everyone from my group other than me is unable to do that.

They are all kneeling on the ground. I\'m still able to hold my ground while holding on Kayla, Sophie, and Candy, with Jewel, Lina, and Shirley behind me. I\'m acting as their shield. Though they are all still kneeling from the force of the wind. I\'m just holding on to them so they won\'t get blown away.

As for Victoria, she\'s attached to my body. She will be fine.

"Your Majesty!" Mustache shouted when he sees Albert on the ground.

Then he quickly casted a wind shield to block Angela\'s wind. His level in wind element is higher than Angela\'s. Thanks to that, he can block the wind perfectly.

Albert then able to stand up again thanks to Mustache\'s magic.

"She\'s able to have this much power while still intermediate level? I thought that Roy calling her as genius is just an overstatement. She will surpass you in no time, Miguel." Albert said.

"As long as she uses her power for the sake of the kingdom, I would be happy to have her surpass me. But I will still try to get stronger than anyone." Mustache said.

Well, that\'s great to have so much confidence. The more powerful allies we got, the less work I will have.

Meanwhile, I\'m pulling the girls toward Albert and Mustache. His shield is useful for us. It can protect us from the wind. Though I wish he made it bigger.

"Thanks, Mustache. We\'ll stay here for a while." I said.

"Oooh… magic sure is nice. Sorry for intruding. Your name is Mustache, huh?" Grandpa Werewolf also sheltering under the shield.

"Hey! It\'s cramped here! I won\'t be able to concentrate like this!" Mustache protested.

Well, let\'s ignore him. I don\'t think he will undo his magic since Albert is being protected by his shield.

There\'s one more person in our group that wasn\'t here. It\'s Ian.

As soon as I told everyone to brace themselves, he instantly turned into a Giant Falcon and fly outside the Colosseum. He\'s away from the wind while still keeping watch at the fight and at Albert. He must have no worry since I\'m here and Mustache will no doubt protecting Albert.

Then Mustache make the shield bigger and we no longer stuck together anymore. Though we still standing so close to each other, it\'s not as cramped as before.

In the Arena, Shelia tries to stand up. Looks like the fight is still not over.

"This is nothing! I can still fight!" She shouted as she\'s trying to stand up.

How will the match go? This magic must have consumed a lot of her mana. But she\'s still not giving up. How will she proceed with the match?

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