
Chapter 322 - At The Gate

"Wait! We need to examine you first before you enter!"

As we were about to enter the gate, the gatekeeper stopped us and told us that he needs to examine us. That\'s weird since when other people entered, none of them were examined. Did he think that we\'re suspicious? Let\'s just stop and let him do his job first. Well, if it\'s his job.

Celestine and I entered the gate side by side. As for Spot, he\'s pretending to be my belt. And Victoria is my beard.

Nowadays, I no longer have her transformed as a grappling hook under my sleeve anymore. It\'s because I already capable of running on air. And I no longer wear protective gears like shin guards and arm guards anymore since I can use Blobbies for them. Those materials from the Giant Salamander during the Stampede are no longer useful to me.


That mean even if the guard is checking my body, there\'s nothing suspicious. Well, maybe my weird-looking belt is a bit suspicious, but I can blame it on my fashion sense.

"What examination? The others passed the gate without any examination. Why do we need to do it?" I asked.

Now that he\'s in front of us, I can see clearly that he\'s aiming for Celestine. Even though she hides her breasts size, she still has a pretty face. Celestine always care about her appearances after all. That\'s how she looks younger than she is.

"Not you. But her." The guard said without hiding his intention.

"Please don\'t touch my wife." I said while protecting Celestine behind me from the guard.

"What do you think you\'re doing? I\'m the gate keeper here. You have to obey my order!" The guard shout in anger.


"Don\'t shout!" the guard panicked because he never thought that I would scream. This is also so other people can learn how to handle people like him. Those who heard my shout looked at us curiously. With this, those people watching won\'t fall victim to this guard\'s crime.

I also see someone who seems to be his higher-up coming down the stairs after hearing my shout.

More people mean I have to be more careful. So far, I haven\'t found anyone suspicious to be expert level mage. But there\'s no shame in being wary. Let\'s escape once things go wrong, or just kill everyone here first then escape.

Just when I think of that, the boss of this shameless gatekeeper who is going down the stair, stopped for a bit. And his face has a frightened expression. But he calmed down, and continued going down the stairs to meet us who cause trouble.

"What\'s going on here?" The boss asked.

Though I noticed that his expression when he saw me and Celestine turned slightly, but his expression returned to normal quickly.

…I know this guy.

Not from my previous life since I don\'t remember anyone else from that time, but from this life. Old man Henry and Albert told me about this guy. That\'s right. He\'s a royalty of this kingdom.

I need to find a way to talk to him in private. But why did he react when he was so close before? I don\'t think he\'s an expert level mage. If he is, he would react long before I entered the gate.

He\'s disguising himself as a guard. I wonder why? We also need to be wary of him.

"Sir! Listen to this! This this gatekeeper is trying to molest my wife!" I said to the man in disguise.

"No, sir! I\'m just doing my job! She\'s actually suspicious! That\'s why I stopped them!" the gatekeeper tried to make some excuses.

The disguised royalty stopped to think for a moment about the situation, but I won\'t let go of this chance. I summoned Sonia and she appear in front of me while being invisible.

\'Sonia, tell that guy to bring us to chat privately.\' I said in whisper that only Sonia can hear.

\'Did you find something?\' Sonia asked.


After that, the disguised royalty suddenly changed expression again after Sonia whisper something to him. He looked at me to which I nodded.

"You two, come with me to my office. And you, don\'t use your privilege as the gatekeeper to stop every woman and molest them. If I found you doing the same thing again, I will make sure you get punished harshly."

After that, we followed the guy upstairs and enter an office room. Knowing that we\'re alone, I put Air Barrier to block our voices.

"…so, do you need something?" He asked me while still being wary.

That\'s also what I will do when someone extremely suspicious asked me to talk with him in private. In any case, even I need to make sure that he won\'t be a problem. And if he tries to do anything, I will restrain him.

Again, just as I thought of restraining him, he started to prepare to cast a magic silently. Don\'t tell me that he can read my mind? That\'s impossible. If he can, he won\'t be surprised when I asked Sonia to relay a message to him.

Since his magic might be dangerous, I was about to restrain him without question, but he quickly raised his hand and aimed his magic toward me. Celestine about to cast a magic, but I\'m faster. I quickly get behind him, and with a Blobbyknife on his neck, I asked him to stop attacking us.

"That\'s enough of you. As long as you don\'t do anything that will harm us, I won\'t attack you." I said.

"…how can I trust you?" He asked.

"I don\'t know. But it\'s you who needed someone you can trust. That\'s why when the ghost told you to talk with us in private, you agreed." I said.

"…fine. What do you want?" He asked.

I put down my Blobbyknife, and take off my disguise. Which is just a fake beard.

"First… what did you do? I don\'t think you can read my mind, so… you can see the future?" I asked.

"How did you know!?"

Oops. He admitted.

"From your reaction. Don\'t worry, I won\'t kill you." I said.

"…but you killed me many times already. Each time happened just because you\'re wary of me. I can only see one second to the future. But you\'re several second ahead of me." He replied.

"I\'m just fast. Now, I need your help, Crown Prince." I said.

"How did you know!?"

Not just him, but everyone here other than me and Spot who doesn\'t care were shocked. Including the ghost and my fake beard.

"He\'s the Crown Prince!?"

"No way!"

"I guess if it\'s him, he can notice this guy is a Crown Prince. Though I\'m more surprised that he remembers the Crown Prince\'s appearances."

The last one who said that was Victoria. Of course I remember. I tried hard.

"Sonia, go tell Albert that I need him now." I asked Sonia to tell Albert.

"Sonia? Your wife is called?" the Crown Prince asked.

"Not her. It\'s the ghost. She\'s invisible at the moment."

He shudders after I said that.

Although I remember his face, I forgot his name. The only thing that I remember most about his appearance is his red hair. He\'s wearing a blond wig at the moment, but I can see his real hair color under the wig.

"So, you can really see the future, huh?" I asked.

"That\'s right. Anyway, who are you?"

I told him the truth about who I am and why I\'m here. From his reaction after seeing the future, I know that he\'s no match to me. That\'s why I told him.

"My real name is Roy. But I\'m disguising myself so don\'t use my real name. We\'re here to see if the real king, your father, is still alive or not. King Albert of Tatrama, King Henry of Varadis, and even Empress Lynn of Consenza, know that the current king is a fake. What do you think, Crown Prince?" I asked.

Hearing what I said, the Crown Prince slumped on his chair and sighed in relief.

"Finally! I\'m not the only one who noticed!" He said with tears in his eyes.

He probably found out about it from seeing the future.

"We\'ll talk more about that later after we get one more guest. Or maybe more. Depend on the guest. Do you know any expert level mage in this city? We need to be wary and probably get to somewhere far from them." I asked.

"No, around this gate, I don\'t think there are any expert level mages here. I\'m the strongest here, and I\'m just advanced level. Though I don\'t think any of the expert level mage I find in this city is stronger than you." Crown Prince said.

"You know that just in one second?"

"Whenever I really want to do something, the future changed according to what I\'m doing. For example, when I was afraid of you, I did my habit of testing you. In that one second, I would try to cast my fastest magic, Wind Slash at you. Then I can see the future of what happened after that magic even when I didn\'t use it in the end. It\'s very useful, but I don\'t know why I get this power."

"That is very useful, and I might know how you got that power. Hmm? Seems like we can continue now."

Sonia returns and just nod telling me that Albert is free now.

I check around the surrounding again to see if anyone is an expert level mage, when I open a portal to let Albert come.

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