
Chapter 347 - New Addition To The Tournament

After the second battle of the day is over, Albert agreed for me to hire the commentators

Then, Albert revealed his identity to the twins.

"It\'s interesting to watch the match with you two talking. Everyone will enjoy the match more. I approve of you two as the commentators. I will look forward to the next match."



The twins are still shocked after hearing Albert\'s true identity that they can\'t react properly.

"Say something. You\'re in front of the king." I said.

"Oh, right! We will do our best to analyze the next matches until the final!" Steven said.

"Good. From tomorrow onwards, I will watch the matches from my seat. I\'ll see you again tomorrow. Keep making the matches interesting. Just be careful to not provoke someone you shouldn\'t provoke. Though if you do, just report it to Roy here. He will take care of them." Albert said as he pointed his finger at me.

Me? Well, I\'m the one who found the twins after all. They are my responsibility.

After that, Albert asked several more questions and the twins answered them honestly. I guess Albert still want to know if they can be trusted or not.

After the second match is over, the Arena is empty other than some cleaning staffs and earth mages fixing the destroyed parts. Maybe we should consider about the damage from the fight as well. Probably it\'s a good idea to let several light mages prepared here so they can protect the audiences with their Barrier magic. Barrier made by light mages are clear and people can see through the barrier.

Though it\'s a good thing that the first day ended with no exceptionally strong mages although some part of the stage is broken.

The stage in the Arena is 20x20 meters. It\'s big enough for two mages to fight, and small enough for the audiences to be able to see everything. This is also similar to the mostly unused Arena in Cassau university.

Albert and I visited the officials in a room in the Arena. They are still discussing about the first day and speak concern about what I\'m thinking. Seems like I don\'t need to tell them about the light mages.

Kron and Oleg are here as well. And since most of them are those Albert can trust, I\'m fine showing my face to them. Though they are still surprised to see Albert to come earlier.

"Y-your majesty! You\'re earlier than expected!" One of the officials said.

"I had help. Though my carriage will be late. I have watched the second match. It was prepared nicely, but we can do better. I have some suggestion to make." Albert said.

Suggestion? If it\'s from the king himself, that\'s an order. I can just deny what he wants if it\'s something disadvantageous, but Albert\'s suggestions are all good. including installing screen in both inside the Arena, and in the square.

That mean I have to bring all those items here. Well, I\'m the one who first suggested that idea so it\'s fine. Or was it Victoria who suggested it first?

While we had a meeting, Spot who was watching the match finds me and wrapped his body around my waist. And he instantly falls asleep. Is it tiring for him to watch a boring match?

After getting everyone to agree, I installed the screen in the Arena right away, and then in the middle of the night, I installed a screen in the square. People will be surprised to see something unknown suddenly built in one night, but that\'s not my problem.

As for the technologies, Marie said that it will be difficult for anyone to learn about how it was made, unless they kidnapped Marie. That\'s why it won\'t be a big problem if someone stole the screen. Though the thief will still be given punishment.

As for Albert, he stays in one of the nobles\' mansion. Someone he revoked their nobility status in the past. But the mansion is still maintained. Maybe Albert decided to stay there back after denouncing that noble while still hiring the servants of the house.

That\'s why Albert, Marie, Alan, and Lana stayed there. For protection, Oleg and his family will stay there at least until Mustache arrives.

I also asked for the review of the TV from Veronica who watched the fight in Cassau. She said that the picture was very clear as if someone is trapped inside the TV. Victoria said that it was thanks to the technology from her world, combined with magic in this world that the picture is very clear.

Lynn, Harold, and old man Henry also watched in their own places. Only Harold spoke about the match. Old man and Lynn only said about the TVs.

The next day, as expected, people are gathering at the square to see something new. Though there are some of Oleg\'s men who will inform the people when the match is about to start.

I brought the twin to the same empty room as yesterday, which we have modified. There are another TV here, and magic item to let their voice be heard loudly. Of course their voices will be heard by the camera that broadcasted the match as well, so the people watching from home can hear them. Though only some people have TVs in their home.

Before the first match started, Kron explained to everyone that there will be some changes. Not in the match, but outside it. The officials also have explained it to the participants so they have to ignore what Steven and Dwight said.

And now, it\'s time for the two to appear.

"Good morning, everyone! What a good day to kill each other!" Dwight said.

"Idiot! It\'s a match! No one is killing anyone! Sorry about this idiot, but from today, the maych will be analyzed and commented by us. I\'m Steven and here\'s my partner, Dwight." Steven said.

"…Maych. You said maych. Were you so nervous you bite your tongue?" Dwight said.

Steven just ignored him and continued, "Before we start, we will introduce the participants from the two teams who will fight."

"Yeah. And as yesterday, we have two mayches. The first mayches will be…" Dwight teased his brother.

"Enough with the teasing already! I\'m sorry I was nervous, okay!"

"Apologies accepted. Now, we will introduce the players who will fight. The first cheam will be… oh shit."

"Cheam! You said cheam! Who is the nervous one now!?"

This time, it was Steven who teases Dwight.

Those dialogue they spoke were not scripted. They truly bit their own tongue. But thanks to their teamwork, it turned funny for everyone who hear the two bantering. The audiences are laughing while still confused about the big screen on the Arena.

While they are introducing the players, I also checked the square. The people are confused, but after seeing that they can see the match from there, everyone rushing to that place. Especially street vendors who saw that as an opportunity. Good thing Oleg\'s men are already prepared.

Back to the Arena. This time, I didn\'t see anyone who look bored. In fact, even if the match is boring, they are looking forward for the commentators\' talking and joking around. The audiences are laughing together. It just like that time I performed as a clown in the circus.

Now this is amazing. I picked the right people for the job.

And the first bout is already over.

"That\'s an amazing usage of wind magic. Instead of using Wind Slash or any other commonly used offensive wind magic, he made the wind blow and push the opponent outside the stage. According to the rule, there are several methods to win. When the opponent fainted, the opponent gives up, or the opponent fall outside the stage. And despite being overwhelmed, he won by pushing the opponent off the stage. He\'s a smart one." Dwight commented.

"You don\'t need to tell the rules that everyone already knows. Though the opponent seems to be complaining that it didn\'t count. Maybe you are right to tell the rule again. But do you think it will be useful in real battle?" Steven asked.

"Obviously. Imagine instead of falling from the stage, the opponent will fall from a cliff. Even if you are weaker, you can still win. Though it also depends whether the opponent can fly or not." Dwight said.

From time to time, the smart one changed. This time, it\'s Dwight who is the smart one while Steven is asking question. It also depends in what element they have since the two have different elements despite being twins. Maybe in the future, Alan won\'t have ice magic like Lana? Who knows?

"I guess you\'re right. But that mean just being powerful is not enough to win this tournament. Though by using that rule, those with wind element has advantages." Steven said.

"You are right. They might be able to fly, but they still need to find a way to win. Continuously using flight magic will spend too much mana. In the long fight, they are the one with disadvantages." Dwight said.

"Look. Seems like Kron won\'t accept that complain since they have been given the rule already. He\'s the referee and most people here should know him, right? He\'s from Melk after all." Steven said.

"…I don\'t know that. I have been in Melk all my life, but I don\'t know him."

"That\'s why you need to watch your surrounding! He was one of the strongest hunters back when he was active in Melk. His achievement during the Stampede was so great. Though it\'s a wonder why he\'s still single."

"Because he\'s bald."

"Maybe you\'re right. He\'s not that old but he\'s already bald. What a shame. Look at how many disappointed female audiences. Oh, wait. They are laughing at him."

"And he\'s looking at us. He\'s looking at us! He\'s angry! Stop talking about baldness! You also have a bald spot, right?" Dwight said.

"Bald spot is different from being bald. I\'m still lucky." Steven said.

"Maybe he\'s angry because we made fun of him for being single instead. Well, I can\'t do anything about that." Dwight said.

"You also can\'t do anything about his baldness either. Sigh… Let\'s continue to the next bout. Seems like both sides are ready. But the referee is not ready. Come on, Kron! We want to watch the battle!" Steven said.

From explaining the magic, the strategy, and the rule, to making fun of Kron. They are already used to commentating.

The match become more interesting as everyone can learn from what the twins said.. Now I\'m not bored anymore.

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