
Chapter 53 51: Meeting From The Past [Pt1]

A tall figure in an all-black hoodie walked toward Horas and Howard. Her mask hid her facial features but the way she walked was dangerous.

Even if Horas had not been trained to study body language to come to an extent, he doubted that he would have missed the memo of this person being a highly trained killer.

"Are you the owner of this house? I was waiting for you for quite some time. Do you have a minute to talk with me?"

Horas tried not to stiffen up at the familiar voice speaking to him. Reed still sounded the same, even after 11 years of growing up and Horas recognized her in a sec. On the other hand, it did not seem like Reed had recognized him.

Currently, she was focused on Howard Spencer and looked him up and down. Her gaze was lazy but filled with interest. Howard had not realized it, but he was being scouted by Reed right now.

\'Looks like the original story did not change much. Instead of being in a dungeon, the scouting is taking place in the middle of an apartment complex.\'

And that thought made Horas nervous.

There was a likely chance that a fight might break out if Reed did not get what she wanted. She was a villainess now and it was tough to tell how she would react.

"Sorry, but I\'m not interested. You can sell your schemes to someone else who might pay attention."

Howard was blunt in his rejection as well. The stiffness in his shoulders told Horas that he recognized Reed as a villainess to some extent. And Howard had a deep-rooted hatred for the villains.

"Come on. Don\'t be like that, Howard. My spy told me all about your bravery and how you fought the giants. And before you form any ideas, just know that I am not here to recruit you. I am just here to talk with you."

Reed tried again to press her agenda but Howard was not budging. This was getting nowhere and Horas knew he had to interfere right this second.

"Alright, both of you stop fighting. Miss, I don\'t care who you are but kindly step away from my friend. I don\'t think he feels comfortable with your presence."

Horas positioned himself between Howard and Reed, his gun pointed at Reed\'s face but not firing. He took in the shocked expression that Reed had on her face and could not help but feel proud.

Recognition flashed across Reed\'s eyes as she noticed the gun and familiar-looking features Horas had. She instantly took a step back in shock, not having expected to see Horas again.

But as soon as the shock had come, it went away as well. Horas did not even get a chance to say \'Hello\' before Reed attacked. She threw a red battle toward Howard and Howard made the mistake of slashing it with his sword.

The blood that was contained inside the bottle ended up splashing on his sword, corroding it instantly.

"What the hell? This sword is one of the best money could buy. Just what was the liquid in that bottle that corroded it?"

Howard questioned as he threw the sword away he did not want to risk coming in contact with that liquid.

At the same time, Horas decided to deploy the strategy of shooting first and asking questions later. He activated his skills of \'swift step\' and \'precision\' to shoot Reed but he had to be extra careful.

Horas needed to shoot Reed in such a way that did not make her bleed. Her blood was a powerful attack force for her. Howard did not know this decision to go in and attack Reed head-on.

"Howard, calm down. Don\'t cut Reed or-"

But Horas was too late in his warning and Reed had a shallow cut on her face. Her sinister smile was evident on her face as Reed quickly used her blood to capture Howard.

Howard looked surprised at the sudden attack and his reflexes failed him from evading this attack. Blooded shackles bound his hands and feet, causing Howard to look scared.

"Shit, this is the worst-case scenario," Horas whispered under his breath before he took in a deep breath and decided to plead with Reed.

"Reed, can we not talk about it? I am sure we can agree if we talk over our differences."

Reed looked almost offended at Horas\'s suggestion and he suddenly felt foolish for even suggesting this.

There was no way Reed was going to listen to him in his current situation. Especially not when she held all the advantage. She even had a hostage.

"I owe you a debt, Horas Spencer but I am not someone who mixes personal and private lives. My current task is to bring Howard Spencer back to the guild and that is what I will be doing."

Reed did not seem to be willing to do him any favors but that was what Horas had expected from her. Her personality was too serious and work-oriented.

While they both were talking, Howard had shown his protagonist charms and managed to free himself from the binds. It was a miracle that he had not cut himself on the binds, thus adding to their strength.

"Hey, stand still you problematic child. I don\'t want to risk hurting you in any way."

Reed\'s attention instantly turned toward Howard but he was busy looking and observing her as well. Howard looked nervous, recognizing the name \'Reed\' from the reports he had read.

"Are you a villainess? What are you doing here and what do you want from me?"

Howard was instantly on alert, stepping away from Reed and more toward Horas\'s side. The way he was looking at Reed was similar to how other people looked at criminals.

"Calm down kid. I am not here to threaten you or to harm you. I just wanted to talk to you about something. But I can see that I am not welcome here. Hmmm, what should I do now?"

Reed looked a lot more relaxed and grounded than her previous self. Horas was happy for her but he also found her presence to be a hindrance to his plans.

"How about you go back home for today Reed? Surely there is no need for you to push Howard this hard."

Horas tried to reason with the villainess but Reed only smiled ambiguously before a few more bottles broke around her.

Red surged around her and Reed looked like a demon surrounded by all the blood. Even the smile on her face was unholy and reminded Horas of a blood-hungry vampire.

"Sorry, but I am here on a job. Howard will come with me one way or the other."

Reed\'s words were followed by a splash of blood. Horas could hear footsteps heading his way. People were coming to this hallway soon.

"Howard, run and ring the emergency alarm. We need to empty this building right now."

Horas quickly blocked the blood with a wide-ranged shot. It used up a significant amount of mana he had managed to recover but Reed did not even look phased.

Horas knew it would not be possible to take her on with ranged skills. Especially when her blood manipulation made things ten times harder for Horas.

"You want me to leave you alone with her? But the match-up-"

"Will be alright. This is not my first time so hurry up and go."

Horas flinched but understood what he had to do. Surprisingly, Reed allowed Howard to run away as well. Her attempt to follow him was half-hearted at best.

Horas was on alert against Reed but she seemed disinterested to fight him.

"Are you getting sentimental Reed Whinstone? I did not take you as someone who would let emotions get in the way of her mission."

Or at least, that was how Horas had written Reed to be. Who knew what her character was now and how it had changed in the years that had gone by?

"Hmm, you are right. I am not someone who likes to be passive when her pray is in front of her. So why don\'t we make it quick Horas? Your toy guns would not be able to harm me."

Reed closed in on Horas as she spoke. She was reducing his range to shoot properly and Horas was ready for her.

Unseen to Reed, Horas had taken out a small knife laced with immobilizing liquid and he retaliate when Reed was in his vicinity.

He was barely able to cut on her but that much was enough as well. Soon the numbing agent would cruciate through her body and-

"Cute try but I\'m a blood manipulator. Small tricks like blood-numbing agents will not work on me. You should know this better than anyone else."

Reed taunted as she stood back on her feet. Blood gushed out of the wound Horas had made on her neck and Reed seemed to be actively pushing out her blood from it.

At this rate, Reed would end up emptying her body of the numbing agent Horas had gotten on her.

But Horas had a satisfied expression on his face as he watched Reed push the agent out of her wound.

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