
Chapter 333 - Unexpected Landlord Problems


One of the coachmen probably got tired of waiting and leapt off the carriage, giving me a stink eye before opening the door of the carriage for its occupant.

A middle aged, bearded man was seated inside the carriage, dressed in some sort of gaudy clothes with gold decorating almost every inch of it.

He had the Royal Family insignia sewn on every visible part of his clothes too, like he was worried that people wouldn\'t know he was of Royal blood.

Except I remember the only other living member of the Royal Bei Family was Queen Guiying so who could this be? Some long lost uncle or something that was taking advantage of the current Royal Family\'s situation to claim power?

Nah, it can\'t really be that right?

The man stepped out of the carriage with the most pompous air I have ever seen and that\'s saying something. He was quite lean and not overtly fat like some people might have expected, the way he carried himself suggested at least some experience in handling the sword.

At this point, all the guards and coachmen were ignoring me and instead bowing their heads to the man.

The man took the time to look around the place first before finally looking at me with clear disdain on his face.

He scoffed, "Should have known my niece would be incompetent. Who would let someone with such a stupid face be part of the staff in my beach villa?"

No. No way.

Is he actually Guiying\'s uncle or something? Oh wait a minute.

I pointed at him, "You… You\'re that Royal Uncle who got banished by the King for trying to rape some palace maid. I thought you were dead."

Oh yep, this happened like so long ago, even before I joined Heaven Sect in fact.

It was a well known secret that people would whisper about back then, how the King\'s brother pushed one of the working girls down while he was drunk in an attempt to ravish her.

Fortunately the maid managed to escape before he did the deed.

Unfortunately for him though, she just so happened to be the granddaughter of a Duke\'s brother\'s second cousin from another mother.

Prior to that event, the uncle was already known for his debauchery so the King decided to exile him to save face and appease the noble Houses from using it against the Royals.

That brother was never heard from again so most of the people in the know had theorised that the king had hired assassins to cut off loose ends, though that theory was never confirmed of course, just speculated.

I don\'t even remember what his name was either, since back then I never really had the mind to look at the political side of things.

Guess he really was alive after all…

Hearing my words, his retinue immediately looked at me with wide and hateful eyes. From their reactions, I\'m assuming this was a taboo topic in front of him.

His brows furrowed, his left hand clasping around his sword\'s sheathe that hung on his waist.

"It seems like my niece has gotten herself some really interesting staff members. What is with the little girl? Is this bring your kid to work day?"

I looked down at Cai Hong, making sure the Technique to silence any outside sounds from waking her was active.

Turning my gaze back to him and ignoring his question, I asked, "So if you are really that guy… Why are you here? I\'m assuming you heard about the calamity that befell the Royal Family?somehow so you decided to come back from your exile. Shouldn\'t you be at the capital?"

"What does a peasant like you know about your betters?" He growled, his hand still on his sword.

I tried my best not to roll my eyes at him.

Judging from what I\'ve seen about him so far, he probably didn\'t pay attention to anything else but himself while he was in exile, which meant he had no idea about my position nor my looks since I only gained my sort of fame after he got kicked out.

Not really surprising for someone like him to be honest.

"I assume you had decided that you would try and use your position... Sorry, your previous position to try and weasel your way into this villa as your permanent residence or something? Trying to take advantage of the fact that the capital might be in disarray because of the calamity it had just went through?"

My guess must have been right on the mark judging by how his face had turned red.

Not the first time I saw this type of thing happen, really, though he is definitely the most pompous looking one that\'s for sure.

It looked like he was deciding if he should draw his sword to cut me down right there but he calmed down somewhat after a while, flashing me a rather out of place smile instead.

"Even if that is true, it has been decreed that this place is for the Royal Family\'s use. Anyone, and I mean anyone, from the Royal Family can use this place however they see fit. So I suggest you let us in if you know what\'s good for you."

I shrugged, "Oh, I\'m not stopping you from entering. Feel free. Just know that you\'re not the only one using this place at the moment so I\'m not sure if there\'s space for all of you."

That revelation seemed to have caught him off guard.

"My niece is here?"

I shook my head, "She has, well… I suppose it is accurate to say she lent out the place to someone else."

He sucked in a breath, "Letting others use the summer villa specifically built for the Royal Family?! That is outrageous! No one else is worthy enough to even step foot on this shore, much less stay in it!"

"Wow, that\'s a bit harsh don\'t you think?" I asked.

He gritted his teeth before pushing past me, "Step aside, boy! I will see that these intruders be thrown out before the day even ends!"

Yeah… Good luck with that. I ain\'t budging from here until my cute disciples have had their share of fun on this beach so we ain\'t moving.

His guards stormed past me after their charge, leaving the coachmen behind to take care of the carriages and horses.

"Man, you are so dead. Where the hell did you get the balls to talk like that to your betters?" One of the workers asked me after the guy was out of earshot.

I shrugged at him, "He doesn\'t seem that important."

A few of them sniffed at the comment before going back to their work, leaving me to return back to the villa unmolested.

I\'ll have to check with Guiying what she wants done about her uncle before I do anything, just in case she wants him around for whatever reason.

It\'s because of things like this that I really can\'t be bothered with politics, even your most hated enemy can still be used on the chessboard that is politics so you have to put up with them.

Oh well, until I can confirm with Guiying tonight on what to do with him, I should warn everyone to cope with him for the time being.

Seriously though, this guy came out of nowhere… I can\'t even get any rest even on vacation it seems...

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