
Chapter 410 - New Accessory


"I can mimic the object, but not the material. If I were to transform into a rock and you tried to touch me, it would feel like touching a slime instead of an actual rock."

"I see… That is interesting. So the clothes you were wearing before?"

"When I was a servant, those were real clothes or else my identity would have been given away immediately."

I nodded, "I see, I see… So… How long are you going to stay there?"

The bracelet on my wrist shook slightly, "Ummm… I… I\'m still not used to this… I\'m kind of stuck at the moment…"

"You mean you can\'t transform back?"

"Ummm… Not at the moment… Just er… Give me some time to figure out this new ability… My deepest apologies Master…"

Oh whatever, not like she\'s really obstructing me or anything.

I think it\'s high time for me to return back to my disciples to see how they are handling things anyway, I\'ll figure out things with her later.

"Oh… Master is going back? I… Do you think it\'s a good idea with me here?" Xun Guan asked a little worriedly.

"It\'ll be fine, just don\'t talk while you\'re still hanging on me. I\'ll bring you to somewhere safe once you can actually change back."

"If… If Master says so…"

A head popped out from the corner, "Ehhh?! Darling is leaving already? But I just got out of those restraints!"

"Well too bad," I tutted at Shizuri. "You took too long to get out of them."

She pouted, "Not faaaaiiiir! I was waiting for darling\'s playtiiiiime!"

"Like I said, too bad, I\'ll play with you next time."

Shizuri stomped her foot, "Noooo! I wanna play time now!"

I sighed before stabbing my hand into her abdomen, draining her body dry again before letting her disintegrate into dust.

Just before she disappeared, her body shuddered in the throes of what was obviously an orgasm before disappearing.

This girl has some serious issues.

Well, at least that will keep her busy for a while.

My bracelet vibrated, "Umm… Master… What was that?"

"What was what?"

"That… Fox youkai… Didn\'t you kill her before?"

"Oh, right. She\'s an undead with a curse of revival on her. She cannot stay dead for long."

"Ah… I… Umm… I see… No wonder Master did not hesitate to kill her..."

"She has a fetish for it, don\'t mind her."

I snapped my fingers and I was instantly teleported back to our camp where I was greeted with the sight of all my disciples kneeling with their heads pressed to the floor.

I raised an eyebrow at them, "Er… What\'s going on?"

Lian Li pressed her head down harder, "Our most honourable and beloved Master! Please forgive your useless disciples for falling for the enemy\'s schemes and discommoding you! We accept any form of punishment to atone for our sins!"

Ah… I forgot how serious my disciples can be with regards to things like this.

I don\'t even know why Elaria is part of the group too, but I guess she must feel equally guilty or something.

I shook my head at them, "Please get up. If it is anyone\'s fault, the blame should rest on me for allowing you girls to be used like that."

"No, Master! Our hearts cannot rest until we are suitably punished! For us to bring Master grief is completely unacceptable! Please allow us to atone!"

The rest of the girls also pressed their heads down, "Please! Master!"

Great. I know by now that the girls are a stubborn bunch and wouldn\'t budge until I actually do as they requested.

"You girls will do anything?"


In that case…

I clapped my hands together, "Alright then, I got your punishments for all of you. All bedroom activities are suspended for the next two weeks."

All of their heads shot up and their eyes widened in shock.

"Tw… Two weeks… Two weeks, Master?" Lian Li gaped.

I nodded, "Two weeks. Not even foreplay. No kissing either. You girls are going to have to abstain for two whole weeks."

All of them recoiled as though visibly struck, the pain clearly visible on their faces.

"Guh… If… If that is what it takes to obtain Master\'s forgiveness. We will gladly accept the punishment..."

Oh? I actually thought they might voice out a complaint of somesort at least. Surprising. Looks like they are actually taking this thing quite seriously.

"Umu… Anyway, I came to tell you guys to pack up. We\'re going back home. Now\'s not the time to have a camping trip so make sure everything is clean. Do not leave anything behind."

"Yes, Master."

"Good. Where is Cai Hong?"

Just when I called out her name, a little bundle of rainbow came running up to me from the corner as though waiting for it.

"Papa! Papa! Cai Hong is here~ Jajaan~~" Cai Hong cheered, hugging my waist.

Ohhh, who\'s the cutest little dragon there is? Of course my little Cai Hong is the cutest one!

Naturally, I gave her the head pats she deserved before picking her up in my arms.

"I assume all of you have eaten at least?"

"Of course Master. It was an order given by you, after all," Sophia answered for them, appearing out of nowhere.

Well it wasn\'t so much an order, but whatever.

"Mmm… Alright then. Lian Li, I\'ll leave you in charge of the pack up. I have to go back and check with Elder Feng to see if he\'s alright."

"Understood, Master."

Obviously that\'s not why I\'m going to check on him, but it\'s to complete the ruse that he actually \'killed\' Xun Guan the slime.

With Cai Hong in my arms, I teleported back to Elder Feng\'s courtyard.

The phoenix spotted me and was about to hop over to me before abruptly stopping in its tracks, shying away at the last moment.

Hmm? It looks like it\'s… Scared of Cai Hong?

Oh right, Cai Hong is a dragon after all.

"Pretty birdy! Papa play?"

The phoenix frantically shook its head at me.

"Mmm… Let\'s play with it some other time. Papa is here to visit someone, ok?"


I spied my two foxes lounging under the shade of a tree, their heads perking up at me when I got close to the building.

Since they seem relaxed there, that must mean nothing unusual has happened in the time I wasn\'t here.

The bracelet on my wrist shook a little and I caressed it with a hand to reassure Xun Guan that it will be fine.

I knocked on the door and a curt "Come in" resounded from within.

Stepping through the doorway, I spotted Elder Feng seated at his dining table enjoying tea.

"Ah, Master Lin! I didn\'t expect you to come back so fast! I suppose it should be expected of you to get the information so quickly. Oh? Is this the famed daughter of Master Lin?"

Cai Hong sucked on her finger, "Papa? Weird old man?"

I patted her head, "Elder Feng, this is Cai Hong, my adopted daughter. Cai Hong say hello to Elder Feng."


"Oh, she\'s so cute, I wish I had a daughter like her too," Elder Feng chuckled. "What about the assassin?"

I adopted a solemn face, "Unfortunately… It seems like the assassin was killed before I returned."

He gasped, and I must say that he really is a good actor too.

"What? How can this be? Did the assassin kill herself?"

My bracelet vibrated again, but thankfully my long sleeve hid it from view so Elder Feng did not notice the movement.

"I am not sure but I suppose that is likely. Though that would mean that we don\'t know who the mastermind is."

Elder Feng stroked his beard, "Ah, but since Master Lin has shown that even this assassin could not succeed, her employer might not be willing to try again lest his identity be discovered."

"Hmm… In that case, I think it would be safer if Elder Feng were to remain here."

"Oh… I… Erm… I don\'t think that\'s necessary anymore, Master Lin. I have imposed on your Sect long enough."

I shook my head, "What are you talking about Elder Feng? Our Sects have merged, this is your Sect just as much as it is mine! Why don\'t you just make this your permanent residence from now on eh?"

"Oh… But wouldn\'t that be inappropriate?"

"Nonsense! We can see this as the first step to our Sect\'s merger. I\'ll ask Sect Master Qing to arrange someone to bring your things here."


"Ah, ah, no buts. You don\'t need to be modest now."

"I don\'t--"

" Oh, don\'t worry about it, you\'ve already stayed here for so long just move in already! We can take the opportunity to know each other better!"


"Alright, that settles it, I\'ll go talk to Sect Master Qing now! Take care!"

I walked out the door before he could stop me.

Good, now I got him trapped here. Even if he plans to do something, there\'ll be people watching him at all times.

He thinks he can just slip away like this without any repercussions? Oh no, the show has only begun.

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