
Chapter 492 - Once Upon A Time


"Umm… That… Well..." Lian Li mumbled, twiddling her fingers together nervously.

"Oh, I\'m not looking to punish you guys or anything. I just wanted to know if I needed to repeat anything that you guys missed," I explained while patting her head.

Lian Li bowed her head, "I apologize, Master. But we were here from the start, so we heard everything…"

"Then I suppose there\'s no need for me to repeat anything then. I want to know what your honest opinions are about this."

I have already prepared myself for their disappointments.

To know that everything I have taught them was just something I picked up from another Plane that I don\'t rightfully deserve. To know that their Master was nothing but a cheat who was given a second chance at life.

Surely someone like that does not deserve any respect, right?

Looking back, I must have been incredibly naive to think I could have my easy life just like that.

Who am I kidding? Taking advantage of the fact that I came from the future just to relax? No one respectable is going to do that.

What\'s more, I even took advantage of my future knowledge to influence people like Lian Li, selfishly altering her destiny to suit myself.

Lian Li walked up to me with a calm expression on her face.

Yep, go on, tell me you hate me. I\'m ready for it.

Instead of any harsh words I had expected to receive, Lian Li got down on a knee and took my hands in hers, kissing them on my knuckles.

"This Lian Li once again swears to always serve Master to the utmost of my abilities."


Wait, she\'s not angry?

"Are you not upset with me?" I asked, a little confused.

Lian Li actually looked surprised at my comment.

"Why would I be upset with Master?"

I shrugged, "I thought maybe you girls wouldn\'t like the fact that I used my future knowledge on all of you, disrupting your fates or something like that."

Manami came up beside me and held my arm, "Master… Please tell us... In the other life, did we ever meet?"

I shook my head.

She made a show of wrapping her tails around me, "Then that means I never got to recover from my… Accident… Did I?"

"Most likely not."

Eris joined her on my other side, "Bandits… Master came… Yes, this one\'s humble life would have been forfeit had Master not been there… Isn\'t that right, Master?"

I nodded slowly.

"Then it is a fact that Master has decided to save me, to save us. How could we ever hate Master for that? Were there any of us that would have ended up better if Master had not come to us?"

I had to stop to consider that.

"Lian Li did eventually ascend to the higher Plane in the future…" I pointed out.

The golden haired girl tilted her head at me, "Was I… Happy?"

I frowned, thinking back on the times where I caught glimpses or heard about her.

"No… You were not. At least, from what I could tell. I\'m not sure if it\'s just me but… There was quite a bit of hate in you."

Lian Li hugged me, "Ehehe~ Even if Master said I was, I doubt the other me knew of this happiness anyway~ I wouldn\'t give this up for anything in the world. Master saved me, nothing will ever change that fact."

That prompted the rest of the girls to come up and hug me as well.

Kiyomi wrapped her own tails around me, "Master… you have suffered so much… We won\'t let you suffer the same fate again."

"If I could, I would wish to take all of Master\'s pain on myself!" Diao Chan cried. Surprisingly, I did not detect any underlying meaning behind her words this time.

I patted each of their heads in turn, "Don\'t worry, it\'s all in the past. Or well, my past life at least. Things are already different as compared to before."

I guess I should do some self-reflection too. I had been so preoccupied with the possible futures that I keep forgetting about the \'now\'.

Instead of focusing so much on what \'was\' or what \'could have been\', I should be looking at what \'is\'. It\'s thanks to my cute disciples that I actually remembered such an important point.

I did notice that Elaria was pouting at me though.

"What\'s wrong?" I asked, expecting her to be the one that might be dissatisfied with my future knowledge.

She puffed her cheeks, "Onii-sama didn\'t come and see us in the other life…"

Odriana was pouting too, "Little brother forgot all about his elder sister too…"

I reached out and patted their heads, "I have no excuse. I am sorry."

Elaria burrowed her face into my chest, "Just… Promise you will love us properly this time… Ok, Onii-sama?"

"Aren\'t I already am?"

They said nothing but hugged me tighter.

"If Master doesn\'t mind… Could Master tell us about your other life too?" Eris asked, looking up at me.

"Didn\'t you girls say that you were here from the start?"

"Ehehe~ It\'s different when Master is telling us directly as compared to eavesdropping."

"Fufufu~ Why don\'t you go ahead and give your girls a bedtime story?" Mother suggested, getting up from where she had been sitting all this while. "Mama shall go call it a night. I\'ve also left a few more bottles of wine for all of you to enjoy~"

Mother gestured to the previously empty coffee table to show that it was now filled with a huge assortment of alcohol.

Where did she get all that? Was there a hidden cabinet in my room just filled with these?

Mother gave us a wave and a wink before leaving the room with a smile.

All of my girls turned to look at me, asking for permission with their gazes.

Oh, I remember how my disciples are like when they\'re drunk. But I suppose I\'ll allow it tonight considering the news they\'ve just been subjected to.

"Alright, but in moderation, ok? I won\'t be giving you any headache pills tomorrow morning," I relented.

They cheered and immediately went for the bottles, pouring out glasses to hand out to each other before settling around me to listen to my story again.

Manami handed me a glass she poured herself, letting me sit on my bed before joining my disciples to sit around me, all of them waiting for me to start.

"Now, you girls probably know already, but this isn\'t some grand adventure story nor is it a happy one. But I suppose it would serve as a good lesson to all of you on what you should and shouldn\'t do if you fall under the same circumstances as I did."

They nodded enthusiastically at my words, their faces looking more like girls waiting for a normal bedtime story than the painful and unfortunate one that I was about to tell them.

The way they looked at me in anticipation reminded me of Cai Hong waiting for her bedtime story. Which was quite ironic considering that I had been telling Cai Hong about my past life\'s adventures as bedtime stories for a while now.

So technically, Cai Hong\'s the first one to know about my past life. Except that I didn\'t tell her it was my past life, of course.

Resigning myself to my fate of needing to comfort them as soon as they start to get drunk, I began retelling my past life again, making sure to leave out the more terrible parts this time around.

Needless to say, it was a long night and I did not get a wink of sleep that night.

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