
Chapter 1007 Give Me Back My Things

I looked down at the guy crouching on the ground while cursing under his breath. It feels weird to see someone looking like me doing that.

Hmm… Seems like he hasn\'t realised I\'m here yet, let\'s try something… First, I changed the lockdown area to just within this area so he wouldn\'t even be able to escape anywhere else after this. Then…

"Bad day?" I asked casually.

"You have no idea! How the hell am I supposed to beat that bastard?! He trapped me here and if I can\'t beat him, I would definitely cease to exist!"

"Sounds rough. So what are you doing?"

"Of course I\'m trying to learn from the people around here! He definitely got his skills from this place so I just need to learn from them too and I can beat him!"

"Smart. So what have you learned?"

"Nothing! I don\'t understand how he even grew that strong! None of them were even using moves he used back then! Just how did he learn those moves?!"

Wow, this guy really is stupid… How did he even manage to get the other Origin fragments? Was he just really lucky or did someone help him gather them?

But seriously though, he hasn\'t even realised he was talking to someone all this while?

I got closer to him and looked over his shoulder, trying to see what he was scribbling away so eagerly.

In front of him was a piece of paper and at first I thought he was noting down his plans to win against me or something. Not exactly a smart move but at least it\'s something.

Turns out it wasn\'t even that as he was simply doodling a picture of himself punching a drawing of me on the paper.

What… Am I dealing with some three year old? Is that the case? What the hell?

I cleared my throat, hoping to get his attention but he waved his hand at me dismissively, "Go away, I\'m busy planning on how to beat that bastard up!"

"Ahem… You really are a special blend of stupid huh?"

He finally looked up and realised who was standing behind him.

"You!! Why are you here?!"

I tilted my head at him, "Why can\'t I be here? I need to kill you to go back to the real timeline after all. So if you can do us both a favour, maybe just give up your Origin fragments to me?"

"Ha! What are you going to do if I say no?!"

I looked around the area to make sure we\'re alone before turning back to him, "You really want to go there?"


I stepped forward and punched him in the gut, causing him to double over in pain.

Before he could even recover, I grabbed him by the sides of his head and kneed him in the face, the force enough to send him flying backwards to land on his back.

He clutched at his nose, realising he was actually bleeding.

"What… What did you do to me?! How am I bleeding?! This shouldn\'t even be possible! I am Origin!!"

"Mmm… First of all, you are not Origin. Second of all… Quite simple really, I made it such that within this area, anyone who doesn\'t have at least half the power of Origin would become mortal. That means you."

"H… How?! Your Origin should not affect me! I\'ve absorbed enough Origin fragments to be considered Origin too!"

"Oh, you\'re really not. You\'re just masquerading as me. And that talk about how I\'m just a concept that gained life? You do realise that you are created from said concept right?"

"Just because you created something doesn\'t mean you would remain above them!" He protested, shaking his fist at me comically.

"Mmm… True enough I guess. But you aren\'t one of those who can overpower their creator at least. So last chance, hand them over or I\'ll End you."


Well, I tried. Not that I\'m surprised that he\'s too stupid to even consider my offer anyway.

He charged towards me with his fist raised and swung his fist towards me in a wide arc.

I only needed to take a step to the side to avoid it, sticking out my foot to let him trip over it and face planting into the ground.

Somehow, the feeling of satisfaction welled within me when I saw him fall. Not good… Did I turn into a sadist?

Hmm… It doesn\'t feel as good when I know he has my face so let\'s change that…

I used Origin and made it such that everyone within this area will revert back to their original, physical forms.

He flipped himself around and…

Holy shit… He\'s er… He\'s… Really plus sized… And er… His face is quite unique… Unique in the sense that I\'ve never seen so many warts on a person\'s face before… What the hell happened to him?

"You…. You… What have you done to me?!"

"Err… I just reverted you back to your original body. Now I know why you wanted to make yourself look like me I suppose. Erm… My condolences I guess?"

He let out a roar that sounded more like a pig\'s snort and tried to charge me with another punch that was thrown without any technique.

I caught his fist before countering with a punch to his face, sending him falling back.

"You bastard!!" He squealed again trying to punch me with his other fist.

Once again, I caught it and punched him on the other side of his face.

"Raaaghh!" He screeched once more, charging towards me again.

This guy really doesn\'t learn huh?

I stepped to the side, letting his next punch hit empty air.

He turned back around only to have his face slapped hard enough for a tooth to fly out from his mouth.

Before he even knew what was going on, my foot had smashed in between his legs with a resounding crack.

He dropped down on his knees with his hands clutching over his crotch, taking a moment to groan out in pain before he collapsed onto his side.

Right… Anyway, I think that\'s enough fun. I do want to return to my girls after all so let\'s just kill him now.

I made him float up in front of me and without a bit of hesitation, I sliced my hand across his neck, cutting his head clean off.

I then looked through his Origin and burned him away from existence, making sure that he would never ever exist within this universe.

I was honestly quite tempted to just let him suffer for the rest of Eternity, but knowing that this would mean I have to keep him around kind of disgusted me.

If I really wanted to in the future, then I suppose I can just bring him back then.

Hmm… I felt nothing from erasing him… Guess I knew that he was trash anyway.

Now let\'s absorb these Origin fragments and alter the universe to send me back to the correct timeline…

It was a short adventure but it was honestly quite traumatising, I want to purge what happened here from my memories already…

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