
Chapter 106: Do you need your beauty sleep son?

Chapter 106: Do you need your beauty sleep son?

(Hydra Star System- Planet Eleron- Lunar Colony X-374)

The transport ship had arrived a bit later than expected which meant that Sophie and her friends landed on the lunar colony the evening before the training camp would begin.

Qiana had left the shuttle early to meet up with Astrid while Sophie and Cleo were still occupied with flirting with one another in Sophie’s room.

The pair stepped off the vessel around six o clock and gazed in amazement at the beautiful….



The lunar colony resembled a planet in the beginning stages of terraforming with red dust sandstorms raging in the distance and a barren, rocky environment.

The air was hot and dry which caused beads of sweat to run down Sophie’s forehead as the heat was quite uncomfortable.

“What a hell hole,” Cleo raised her hand in front of her eyes to block out the harsh glare of the sun.

“Maybe it’s not so bad at the training site?” Sophie cheerfully spoke.

Cleo just rolled her eyes at her optimistic girlfriend.

It was quite obvious that this training camp would be two weeks of pain.

Sophie checked the coordinates on her communicator and saw that the camp was only a ten-minute walk away, so the duo headed off in the right direction.

“I see it!” Sophie yelled as she spotted some structures in the distance.

“Finally,” Cleo staggered slightly as the harsh environment was taking a toll on her soft and delicate body.

Sophie saw that she was uncomfortable, so she picked up Cleo’s luggage and the two girls walked into the camp.

The camp was exactly as Cleo predicted.

It was in the middle of a desert and the structures that looked impressive from a distance turned out to be a series of small tents.

An elderly Mendolesa warrior greeted them as soon as they stepped foot on site,

“May I see your IDs?”

Sophie and Cleo held up the two identification cards the university had sent in the mail and the elderly man scanned both items and broke into a smile.

“Would you like separate tents or a double bed?” he asked.

“Double bed!” Cleo spoke up quickly before Sophie had time to respond.

“Follow me,” the Mendolesa warrior spoke and guided them to a white tent at the far corner of the camp.

Sophie could see other students lounging around the camp or still unpacking their luggage bags and chatting merrily with one another.

Two important details captured her attention.

Firstly, the majority of the students were Mendolesa, but Sophie could see hybrids, humans and even a few Servies zipping around.

And secondly…there were way too many students.

The elite class supposedly only had thirty spots and yet Sophie could tell that the students present outnumbered that amount by a large margin.

“Here you are,” the Mendolesa warrior spoke as he brought them to a tent a little bigger than the ones surrounding it.

He turned around to leave and Sophie hurriedly asked him the question on her mind,

“Um… why are there so many students?”

The elderly Mendolesa continued to walk away and gave a short reply, “This year the students will compete for those thirty spots with one hundred competitors.”

Cleo frowned as she had researched the details about the previous training camps, and no one had said anything about eliminations.

Sophie was also concerned but there was nothing the duo could do except meet the challenges head on.

They entered the tent and found two sleeping bags.

And nothing else.

“This is going to be a long two weeks,” Sophie sighed as she started to unpack and put her clothes on the side of the bed.

The camp did not have the facilities to house combat pets so Moon was sent directly to a hatchery on the main campus where he would be pampered by specialized beast workers.

Sophie could feel the lazy glutton’s happiness through the spiritual bond, so she knew that he was being treated well.

“Alright I’m going to sleep,” Sophie rubbed her eyes wearily and dove under her covers.

“Me too,” Cleo replied and joined her on the same bed.

“Cleo…this sleeping bag is way too small,” Sophie opened her eyes and stared at her girlfriend.

“No! I still have nightmares,” Cleo’s green eyes stared back mischievously, and Sophie found herself unable to kick this troublesome girl out.






“Alright maggots…. get your asses out now!” a loud voice boomed from a megaphone and echoed across the whole camp.

“Training starts in five minutes!”

[Ring! Ring!]

[Ring! Ring!]

[Ring! Ring!]

Not just satisfied with the announcement, the instructor activated the alarm function on the speakers to wake up any heavy sleepers.

Sophie woke up bleary eyed as she tried to make sense of where the loud noises were coming from.

She had only just fallen asleep as Cleo’s warm body had kept her wide awake due to certain naughty thoughts flashing across her mind.

“Sophie…what’s happening?” Cleo groaned before burying her head in her girlfriend’s arms.

“It looks like the training is happening now. Let’s hurry up and get changed,” Sophie shook Cleo gently and got up from the bed.

The girls had slept in their undergarments as the hot atmosphere of the lunar colony made it almost impossible to get comfortable.

These damn tents did not having any cooling or heating devices to adjust the temperature inside.

Sophie’s clothes were made from memory foam, so it only took a few seconds to place the tiny device on her chest which then expanded the material to coat her body.

She had to help Cleo change into her training uniform as the princess was feeling too lazy to move from the bed.

Her figure was…. very impressive.

Cleo’s body may not be as seductive as her own, but the two soft milky peaks and slender shape made Sophie nervously gulp quite a few times.

No student wanted to be late at the first training session of the camp especially after the possibility of elimination was stated by the instructors.

Those in the elite class were especially wary as seventy other students would be competing fiercely to take their places.

It did not take long for the students to assemble outside their tents in various states of tiredness.

Sophie spotted Qiana and Astrid at the far end of the crowd and gave a short wave.

“Well this is what I like to see!” Instructor Selvon stepped forward with his assistants and clapped sarcastically.

“Sir why are we up so early?” a handsome student at the front complained. He was an attractive blonde with blue eyes and the look of a typical wealthy second generation.

Selvon bared his fangs and approached the sleepy candidate who was still rubbing his eyes in a drowsy manner.

His assistants exchanged knowing looks with one another and gazed at the poor students while having the expressions of watching a good show.

The other students quickly moved to the side as anyone could tell that the instructor was not in a good mood after hearing that question.

“Oh, I’m sorry,” Selvon whispered gently as he placed his hand on the poor student’s shoulder.

His bulky seven-foot frame dwarfed the boy while his razor-sharp claws menacingly glistened under the moonlight.

“Do you need your beauty sleep son?”

The handsome boy sensed that something was wrong and tried to blend into the crowd but the firm grip on his shoulder prevented any movement.

“How about a challenge?” Selvon grinned with a mocking smirk.

“Take one hit from me and I will excuse you from the first session.”

“Just one hit?” the student asked hesitantly and Selvon nodded in confirmation.

“Alright I accept your offer!” the boy proudly declared.

It was important to establish prestige among his competitors and who knew if his brave attitude would impress the instructors.

Instructor Selvon and the boy moved to the front of the crowd of students and stood just two feet apart from each other.

The student clenched his fists tightly, planted his feet firmly on the ground and adopted a defensive posture while Selvon casually placed his hands at his sides.

Something was not right about this challenge.

Sophie could not tell what was wrong as the instructor would obviously not use his full strength on the boy and each student here should have a high enough cultivation level to survive one blow.

And yet…. every fibre of her body was screaming at her to get away from the Mendolesa warrior as quickly as possible.

“Ready?” Selvon spoke in a lazy drawl.

“Ready sir!” came the firm reply.

Instructor Selvon vanished from the spot and before anyone could react, he slammed a closed fist into the boy’s stomach.

Even Sophie’s golden eyes could not track the instructor’s movements as he was too fast for her to sense.


The boy was sent flying in the opposite direction until he crashed into one of the tents and lay sprawled out on the ground.

He was clearly unconscious and one of the assistants ran over to drag his body to the infirmary.

Instructor Selvon faced the rest of the students and spoke again,

“Does anyone else have any more questions?”

The crowd was silenced instantly as students nervously looked at one another while still in a state of shock.

Who would be mad enough to ask another question at this time?

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