
Chapter 145: Are You An Angel Sent From God?

Chapter 145: Are You An Angel Sent From God?

(Zrudread University- Elite Student Housing Complex)

(Mansion 456Y)

“What are you two doing?” Cleo asked in surprise as she entered the bathroom.

“Is this a training method or are you trying out a new beauty treatment?” 

Sophie and Moon were laying down in a bathtub full of what appeared to be translucent crystals that constantly emitted waves of ice energy.

“Cleo…. I’m cold,” Sophie cried tearfully as she had been soaking in the tub for at least three hours.

The energy contained in the crystals was a lot harder to absorb than she initially expected.

Sophie had been forced to continually circulate the mediation method while shivering under the intense chill.

“Can you get me some food?” she tried to crack a smile, but her lips had already turned numb.

Squeak! Squeak!

Moon perked up at the mention of food and stared at the princess with an expression that was a mix of expectation and mild annoyance.

“Sure darling,” Cleo was still confused but headed down to the kitchen to cook some simple noodle dishes for her girlfriend.

“Love you babe!” Sophie yelled as the bathroom door swung close.

She shifted her attention to Moon and tried to feel if the blood bond connection had strengthen in any way.

Moon was feeling very comfortable surrounded by all this frost energy, so he had gradually closed his eyes and gone to sleep.

Sophie stroked his head gently and started to pour her qi into the connection between them. 

Various images flashed across her mind briefly as she saw herself flying through the air gracefully in what appeared to be an arctic tundra.

Her figure was no longer that of a humanoid but rather it was in the form of a small furry creature with two thin wings. 

Was this Moon’s dream?

It was a strange sensation as Sophie felt like an outside observer in Moon’s body as she had no control over his actions.

Moon squeaked joyfully as he approached a figure covered in a warm and soft light. 

Sophie tried to get a glimpse of this mysterious person, but their facial and physical features were blurred.

She could not make out any details about the gender or race of the stranger but felt an overwhelming comfort that gave her soul a sense of peace.

“Hello little ones,” the figure whispered gently in a melodious voice.

Holy light shone from its palm and tried to cover Moon with a soft glow, but a dark rune appeared behind Moon’s body and formed a dark barrier that blocked the light. 

The figure paused for a moment in apparent shock at the rejection before the trace of a smile graced its lips.

“I originally planned to give you both my blessing, but it appears that another god has already granted you their favour.” 

“Maybe one day when you are strong enough…. I will seek you out once more.”

Sophie felt her body jerk backwards and she found herself back in the bathtub with the remaining Frostrite crystals fully drained of their energy.

What was that?

Sophie tried to recall what she had seen in Moon’s dream, but the memory was getting fuzzy and unclear.

“Urghhh….” Sophie gripped her head in pain as she continued to struggle to remember any details about the dream.

“Sophie the food is ready!” a loud call came from the kitchen that shattered Sophie’s concentration.

The last vestiges of the dream had now fully disappeared, and Sophie was left with a feeling of frustration. 

Well at least food always made things better.

Sophie groaned and slowly got up from the tub with Moon in hand. The little frostwing bat was still unconscious so she dropped him off on his bed before heading downstairs.

“Tada!” Cleo declared proudly as she passed Sophie a bowl full of seafood ramen.

The princess had spent days secretly practising cooking in order to give her girlfriend a pleasant surprise.

It had certainly paid off as Sophie eagerly stared at the noodle dish while trying not to drool in anticipation.

Soft and yet firm noodles were coiled on the bottom of the bowl while a gentle mist of steam rose from its surface.

Green vegetables and pieces of shrimp swam merrily around the golden-brown mixture of fish broth that smelled absolutely tantalising.

“Thank you for the meal!” Sophie give Cleo a small peck on the cheek and immediately reached for a pair of chopsticks to dig in.

Sophie could only describe the food with one word…. 


The bowl was completely empty within minutes, so she turned to Cleo with a sad look in her eyes.

“Don’t worry. I made plenty for my big glutton,” Cleo teased as she brought out a pot with more seafood ramen.

“Are you an angel sent from god?” Sophie asked seriously.

“Shut up and eat your food,” Cleo turned away to conceal the rising blush that was forming on her cheeks.






Sophie sighed in satisfaction as she finally finished her eighth bowl of ramen while Cleo just had a look of resignation on her face.

Yep…. her girlfriend’s stomach was a bottomless void.

“Thanks again Cleo,” Sophie got up from her chair and gave the princess a warm hug.

“I’ll give a special reward later tonight,” she whispered softly in Cleo’s ear as her eyes slowly shifted to a pinkish hue.

“So, what were you and Moon doing in the bathtub?” Cleo quickly changed the topic to hopefully distract Sophie.

Listen… she enjoyed their nightly sessions but during the week it would not be very convenient.

Cleo usually found herself too exhausted to get out of bed for the rest of the day after Sophie was done with her. 

“Oh, that was a mediation method one of my professors gave me in order to strength the blood bond between Moon and myself,” Sophie explained. 

“It’s super expensive to buy those Frostrite crystals so I figured that we could run a bounty hunter mission before the midterms.”

“Hmm… We can probably invite Qiana and Astrid to join us but first they need to register at the Black Rose guild,” Cleo spoke after thinking for a few seconds.

“I’ll message Qiana tonight so hopefully we can go on the expedition in about two weeks from now.” 

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