
Chapter 393: Emotional Trigger

Chapter 393: Emotional Trigger

(Earth Federation- Alpha Star System)

(Nephilim Church Starship- Private Cabin No.23)

“Sophie… Sophie… please… I…” a gasping voice came from the other side of the call. 

Sophie slowly opened her eyes and saw an image on her communicator screen that almost made her lose control.

Cleo was laying helplessly on her mattress while gently rubbing her thighs together. The bottom part of her baggy sweater lifted up slightly to reveal a smooth belly.

Her beautiful pale face was flushed with arousal and her piercing green eyes were clouded with lust.

No trace of the prim and proper princess could be seen. 

Those full kissable lips drew Sophie’s attention, but it was the look of want and desire hidden in Cleo’s gaze that made her heart skip a beat.

I want her… I WANT HER. I WANT HER!

Three words echoed non-stop in Sophie’s mind as the powerful urge to take and ravage swelled up in her chest.

Sophie forcefully ripped the communicator off her wrist and placed the screen face down on the bedside table.

The faint gasps and pleasured moans that occasionally could be heard coming from the speaker made the dark desires in Sophie’s heart bubble ever so closer to the surface.

Clearly something was wrong. This wasn’t a good development… but why did it feel so right?

Sophie slowly took in deep breaths and then gently exhaled while doing her best to focus on the sound of the air leaving her mouth.

This was not the first time that this particular ability had activated but Sophie did not know that it would affect her girlfriend who was hundreds of light years away.

“Calm down… you will see her soon… calm down…” Sophie muttered softly. 

Instead of picturing erotic fantasies in her mind, Sophie tried her best to ground herself by remembering the quiet moments shared between the pair. 

The peaceful moments that were filled with nothing but happiness and joy.

A warm sunny afternoon spent lazily hanging around in the living room. Moon perched firmly on her shoulder while Cleo read a fantasy novel.

Another time when the pair had taken the afternoon off to stroll around the campus and take pictures of the scenic spots.

Or a simple dinner spent visiting a fancy restaurant that served traditional Mendolesa cuisine. 

Sophie smiled when she remembered the look of pure disgust on Cleo’s face when a giant slab of raw meat was placed on the table

The relationship between them was more than just sex. Cleo was her best friend. She was her confidant and her rock.

Sophie would be the first person to admit that maybe she was a bit possessive, but she genuinely cherished her girlfriend deeply.

It was this feeling of love and affection that made it easier to focus on her breathing pattern and calm herself down.

Sophie felt at peace, and she picked up her communicator with slow easygoing movements. Her reflection on the screen showed that her pink eyes were now back to their usual golden colour.

Small flecks of pink could still be seen along the corners of her eyes, but these spots were rapidly disappearing.

“What… what was that?” a faint groan interrupted her thoughts. The video feed showed Cleo walking back into view wearing a completely new set of clothes.

Sophie sheepishly stared at her girlfriend who was now wearing a simple white dress that had clearly been hurriedly put on.

What had happened to the princess just a few minutes earlier was fairly obvious since Cleo’s old clothes were still in the room.

Sophie tried not to stare too closely at the suspicious wet spot near the center of her girlfriend’s faded pants that were on the floor.

The princess’ wild and messy appearance was now even more disheveled but the faint post-orgasmic afterglow that surrounded her body made her seem extremely alluring.

“Cleo… are you okay?! I’m sorry… I think my powers accidentally activated,” Sophie hesitantly confessed.

“That’s what that was?” Cleo hoarsely whispered. The princess was clearly feeling drained since Sophie could hear the tiredness in her voice.

“Um… I think that my powers got stronger or maybe it’s the connection between us. I… I’m not sure,” Sophie replied gently.

The hybrid girl nervously twiddled her thumbs together while thinking about what to say next. 

Cleo had every right to be upset or even be concerned about what had just happened since to a cultivator it was a tremendous risk to be affected by someone else’s ability.

Sophie opened and closed her mouth several times as she struggled to find the right words to convey what she wanted to say.

“I’m sorry… I know this was an awful experience and I promise that I will get this stupid power under control just please give me a chance and I…” Sophie whispered.

The rest of her words were interrupted by the voice that came from the other end of the call.

“When did I say that I didn’t like it? It was a bit unexpected, but it definitely wasn’t an unpleasant experience” Cleo suddenly blurted out. 

“Huh?!” Sophie exclaimed in shock.

Cleo brushed a loose strand of hair to the side of her face and stared at her girlfriend with a calm but serious look.

“Babe… I trust you. I know that your powers can sometimes make you lose control but honestly at least this time, the experience wasn’t so bad…” Cleo explained with a gentle smile.

“Believe me. I have complete faith in you to master these powers and plus when you come back to university, we can try to figure it out together.”

Cleo finished her speech with a flirtish wink in order to lighten the mood that caused Sophie to let out a small chuckle.

She really was perfect. 

Sophie had no other words to describe the fantastic princess who had stormed into her heart like a hurricane.

“So… does this mean that anytime you get aroused the ability activates? What I mean is… Will this power activate just for me or for anyone that you think is attractive?” Cleo asked curiously.

Sophie paused for a moment to remember what her emotional state was during the time when the goddess’ power flowed through her body.

There was definitely a feeling of lust but that was only a small part. Truthfully there was a darker desire hidden behind Sophie’s passion.

“No. You are the only person who makes me feel this way,” Sophie firmly spoke. This was something that she truly believed in.

“It’s not just lust or arousal so seeing a good-looking person won’t cause it to overwhelm me. I remember…”

Sophie took a few deep breaths to steady her mood and then confessed what was the thought running through her mind at that time,

“I… I… remember feeling jealous at the thought of you meeting someone else when I was gone.” 

“Just the thought of you moving on and finding someone else was enough to make me feel sick to my stomach.”

“I could be wrong, but I think that emotion was the trigger that made the ability respond to my feelings of insecurity.”

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