
Chapter 17 Devil's Spouse (2)

Cyrus looked at Rita\'s tense expression, and no matter how much she tried to hide it, she couldn\'t, and Cyrus could hear even her pounding heartbeat. She was like a newlywed maiden on her first night!

"Alright, there is no need to be so tense. I\'m not going to eat you up, at least not right now." Cyrus subtly said with a perverse smile.

Rita blushed slightly since she got the hidden meaning behind Cyrus\'s teasing words.

She timidly asked, "What do you need me to do?"

Cyrus decided to stop teasing her and get to the point.

Regardless, no one would suspect Rita any time soon or discover the missing officers.

But since Rita had gone missing, someone might have come looking for her, so he wanted to get out of there as soon as possible at least, he wanted to leave the U district before anyone started the investigation.

His expression turned stern as he said solemnly, "What I\'m about to teach you is Cultivation. Simply put, you can call it magic, witchcraft, evolution chain, supernatural phenomena, or whatever you like.

"First, let me introduce you to what Cultivation is. In Cultivation, we will learn how to refine Qi, or Magic Power, from the atmosphere into our body and slowly change or evolve our bodies to a higher level.

"For the starter level, there are two types of Qi-s. The first one is Common Qi which had no element. Then there are Unique Qi-s with different types like yin, yang, fire, nether, ice, thunder, space, and all the elements which made our universe. To refine any Qi, we need Cultivation Techniques!

"There is a famous saying in the cultivation world that peerless Cultivation is made with peerless cultivation technique!

"The stronger one\'s cultivation technique is, the more advantage and brighter the future a cultivator would have!"

Rita was in a daze as she felt Cyrus was telling her some fairy tale, but she didn\'t speak and listened.

Cyrus knew Rita probably not believe in these things for now, but she will very soon.

So, he continued, "There are different grades of cultivation techniques, and the higher the grade a cultivation technique had, the more potential the cultivator would have.

"Even if a cultivator who had an ordinary physique with a cultivation technique of high enough grade it could compensate the flaws. But luck and hard work also play an important part if someone wants to surpass someone with a heaven-defying physique.

"But the topic of the physique is not important to you right now. I have different ways to create special physiques. What you need is a cultivation technique!

"There are five Mortal Grades of Mortal Cultivation Techniques Yellow, Bronze, Silver, Dark Silver, and Golden. But what I\'m about to give you is a Divine Grade Cultivation Technique that even an immortal would go crazy for!

"A Divine Grade Dual Cultivation Technique will have the entire cultivation system until you reach the Divine Realm, and only then you\'ll need a higher-level cultivation technique.

"The Cultivation Technique called the Devil\'s Spouse. Devil\'s Spouse is a special cultivation technique for females which could help them absorb the Yin Qi from the get-go.

"But the actual essence of the Devil\'s Spouse lies in its ability to absorb a male\'s yang during sex or with just physical contact, and the stronger the male and the faster their Cultivation would rise.

"However, the stronger you\'ll get, you will feel unimaginable lust, and only after satisfying that lust will you be able to break into higher realms. But you don\'t have to worry about it because you have me!" Cyrus smiled while licking his lips.

Devil Spouse was a terrifying cultivation technique he made after reaching the god realm. He made it for three reasons. First, he could increase any women\'s Cultivation with his yang essence at a terrifying speed.

Second, Devil Spouse will also rise and strengthen a woman\'s body, not to mention making it even more attractive and alluring.

Lastly, this Cultivation would raise a women\'s lust to a terrifying degree, and only someone like the Lust would be able to quench that kind of lust, and he enjoys that feeling too much.

Furthermore, Cyrus had complete control over this technique and had limitless potential and many possibilities to raise its level in the future.

Most importantly, any woman who cultivates it will be forever his because once started, there is no turning back and expect him the Lust God no one will be able to satisfy those women.

That\'s why he named it Devil\'s Spouse because the Devil was in the name was none other than him!

Rita was baffled by all that information, especially about the lust part, as she blushed heavily, looking more alluring. She couldn\'t imagine herself being lustful since she was a refined lady.

Still, by Cyrus\'s words, he clearly wasn\'t kidding around, so she asked hesitantly, "E-even an ordinary like me could become Unique with this cultivation technique?"

She didn\'t know what grades represented or what divine grade meant. All she cared about was if she could really escape this ordinary and unique curse.

As for becoming Cyrus\'s woman in the process, it was not a bad deal at all if he had such an ability.

Cyrus looked at Rita and couldn\'t help but smile, "Unique will be beneath you. Alright, I\'m about to teach you the chant of Devil\'s Spouse Technique for Qi Gathering Realm and try to remember it by heart, and then I\'ll teach you the breathing exercise.

"I had already measured your talent when I touched you that time. Although you didn\'t have a special physique, you still have Dark Silver Grade Talent, which is enough to put you in any 1st rate sect\'s innermost court list!" Cyrus seriously stated.

Rita didn\'t know what it meant, but she felt a tingle of happiness in her heart.

Afterward, Cyrus slowly started to recite the chants, and Rita carefully remembered them with a solemn expression, just like Cyrus.

The chats for the Qi gathering realm were not so lengthy, and Rita was able to remember it after Cyrus repeated it a few more times.

Afterward, Cyrus technique her the breathing technique, which was even easier.

Cyrus looked at Rita was now sitting cross-legged, and commanded with a grave expression, "Now, breathe as I taught you and recite the chant within your heart nine times. Repeat this process until you feel Yin Qi. Once you feel the presence of Qi, there\'s no need to recite it, and only the breathing technique will be enough!"

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