
Chapter 92 - The Giant Demon Rock Snake

Chapter 92

Three figures followed through the tunnel that curled away coldly into an infinite dark, the light that showed the rough walls dwindling as it snaked away. The torch they are holding barely make out the path that they are walking as they head deeper.

"Young master, there seems to be something wrong with this tunnel." Rat Ling suddenly said as he noticed something.

Although both of them have scanned their surroundings in details still they haven\'t found anything. Even Shin Jiao who can only use his natural senses can feel an icy chill running down his spine. It seems that something or someone is watching them, but they can\'t find where that, someone or something is hiding.

"Don\'t put your guards down." Shin Jiao just reminded gaining nods from his two companions.

As the three carefully followed the tunnel, they suddenly found a large cavern. In Shin Jiao\'s estimate, they have walked through the spiraling tunnel for about a kilometer in distance. Judging from the huge cavern in front of them, it is at most around 500 square meters wide. Looking at the huge cavern it seems that it is in the middle of the path they took. So it means that they have been circling down the dome-shaped wall of the cavern.

What surprised them is that the cavern is actually dimly-lit by some weird stones located atop its dome-shaped roof. Inside lays different types of crystals and precious raw stones which can be found in abundance. The types of ore in this place is truly numerable which seems like they have been planted in this place and left to grow wildly like plants. Shin Jiao even notice a particular black stone that he has been looking for a very long time now.

Staring at this sight Shin Jiao\'s heart feels elated and at the same time laments as he could not use his ring yet. If only he has the ability to use his ring then his harvest would be huge. Judging from the amount of the raw materials he can get from this cavern he can make a lot of advance gears which is enough to make his very own futuristic city.

"Young master if we can get these raw materials we will become rich!" Rat Ling excitedly blurted out, exhilaration clearly showing in his face.

"Haist, Rat Ling… Are you that eager to die early?" Shin Jiao said in exasperation at the simple-mindedness of Rat Ling.

"If the elders or other members of the clan learned about this, we would be immediately silenced. Though they are trying to kill me, yet if I can escape this tribulation I\'ll still keep my life as long as I endure. But if they know that we discovered this place, even our bones would vanish immediately." Zen Nian added, making a helpless expression.

Upon hearing this, Rat Ling can\'t help himself but unconsciously cover his mouth with an incredulous face. He now knows the grievousness of this matter, but they have already discovered the place plus it\'s already night time outside, so their option, for now, is to just rest for a while to recover their stamina and spiritual Qi till morning then leave.

"Guys we still need to be careful, there is something that bothers me about this place." Shin Jiao suddenly said as they carefully enter the cavern.

"Yeah, it is like… something is watching us." Rat Ling said.

"But I can\'t sense anything with my spiritual Qi." He added.

"Wait! What that?" Zen Nian suddenly said as he found something at the edge of his spiritual sense.

Looking at the direction he is pointing, Shin Jiao and Rat Ling saw something in the middle of the cavern.

In a small hill located in the middle of the cavern, a small tree around a meter in height with small yellow leaves all over it stood. The small tree looks like a meter tall bonsai, and a fist-sized fruit is hanging from one of its branches.

"Earthen fruit!" Zen Nian exclaimed.

Making Shin Jiao and Rat Ling knit their brow in confusion. But from the aura coming from the fruit, Shin Jiao is sure that it is a very precious fruit that could help someone\'s cultivation.

"Young master, what level is this fruit?" Shin Jiao curiously asked.

"Well, according to the second book of basic alchemy… I think it\'s around level 3 or level 4 spiritual fruit. If an infant soul realm cultivator can consume this fruit, he can gain some inspiration and may be able to break through to become a nascent realm expert. If it is concocted into \'basic constitution pill\' then cultivators like us can consume it gradually till we reach Gold Core realm, as this single fruit can yield up to 30 pills at least." Zen Nian explained.

Through that explanation, Shin Jiao and Rat Ling felt that this fruit is a treasure. But Shin Jiao became curious about the book that Zen Nian mentioned which is the second book of basic alchemy.

He had already completely memorized and learned about the first book of basic alchemy and each of the thousands of medicinal herbs in there. Now that he discovers the existence of the second book, Shin Jiao didn\'t want to pass this opportunity to learn it. But first, he needed to repair his meridian and gain his cultivation back. Then it would be a cinch for him to learn the book using his short but very strong spiritual sense.

While Shin Jiao is contemplating at his future prospects, Rat Ling could not help himself and curiously walks closer to the tree. Seeing his action Zen Nian actually became a little scared, as deep inside him he can feel that something is going to happen.

Rat Ling only wanted to closely see the fruit as his curiosity was piqued. But he didn\'t know that his action would trigger the true danger inside the cavern.

As Rat Ling squatted on the hill where the tree stood, Shin Jiao and Zen Nian\'s figures were frozen stiff in place. Then Rat Ling smile and found that when he got closer to the tree, his body felt light as if it has absorbed some heavenly aura.

"Young master! Brother Shin! Come here! The feeling in this place is comfor…" Rat Ling said while he waves his hand towards the two people behind him beckoning them to come.

But he wasn\'t able to finish his words as a huge shadow actually slowly emerges which covered the small hill. Rat Ling noticed this and was immediately frozen into place, he also noticed the gazes of Shin Jiao and Zen Nian which contains horror in their expressions.

Rat Ling couldn\'t help but swallow hard, and then he slowly turns his gaze around.

A huge demon beast that looks like a snake is lifting its head upright while its fiery gaze is directed to Rat Ling. The snake-like demon beast\'s dark grey scales seems to resemble the texture of a stone, making its whole body blend in with its surroundings. The reason why they are unable to find this creature with their spiritual sense is that they thought that it is a huge rock.

"This is a level 3 Giant Demon Rock snake!" Zen Nian exclaimed as he unconsciously takes a few steps backward.

The intense gaze of the snake made Rat Ling unable to move; even breathing is a bit hard for him at this time.

Even Shin Jiao unconsciously shook in panic at the strong aura that the snake is emitting. Although it\'s only a level 3 demon beast, yet judging from the pressure it is emitting, the beast is about to break through to level 4. And with the low cultivation of the three, they are like ants in the eyes of the rock snake.

"Since we can\'t fight it, we have to escape… but how?" Shin Jiao thought as he immediately cooked up a plan on how they can handle the dangerous situation they are in now.

The demon beast suddenly shifted its gaze towards Zen Nian as he was the one who moved back, and a glint of killing intent made Zen Nian froze. The intent was so strong that it made Zen Nian feels as if his soul weakening.

Rat Ling, on the other hand, took this advantage and immediately ran away from the small hill, then taking the attention of the rock snake. With Rat Ling\'s abrupt action the rock snake was angered as it hissed while showing its sharp fangs.

Shin Jiao quickly pick some fist-sized rocks on the side as he watches carefully at the situation.

The rock snake chases Rat Ling as quickly as it could and soon drew closer. Then, with its jaws wide open it pounces towards Rat Ling\'s back.


The huge body of the rock snake crashed on the ground destroying some of the crystals, while the strong impact shook the cavern with a loud booming sound.

As the dust died down, Rat Ling\'s figure could not be seen anywhere.

"No! Rat Ling!" Zen Nian blurted out worry clearly visible in his eyes.

"Young master, don\'t worry. He\'s fine… he\'s right there." Shin Jiao said as he pointed towards a direction.

Standing not too far away from the beast\'s head is the figure of Rat Ling, still a little shaken from the pressure the rock snake is emitting and its attack.

"We have to escape this area at all cost or else we\'re doomed." Shin Jiao said.

Though he wanted to act calm, however, the situation they are in right now would become hopeless once the demon beast blocks the only path outside this place. So, after checking his surroundings he finally decided to do something.

"Master I have a plan, I\'ll get his attention while the both of you should run to the exit." Shin Jiao shouted as he suddenly dashed towards the small hill in the middle of the cavern.

"Wait! But how about..." Zen Nian wanted to protest.

"Please, trust me!" Shin Jiao cut him off showing a serious face.

The rock snake has already lifted its head and is looking angrily at Rat Ling standing not too far from it. But then it suddenly felt something hitting its head, although it wasn\'t hurt but it felt a little annoyed at the multiple projectiles being thrown. One of it even almost hit its eye.

Then it turns its head towards a figure running towards the middle of the cavern, as its eyes angrily turn into slits. With a sudden move, its head dashed towards that figure of Shin Jiao with the intent on stopping him from getting near the earthen fruit.

But Shin Jiao can run faster than the snake as he is was not affected by fear unlike Rat Ling, so he was able to reach the small tree first.

"Run to the exit!" while Shin Jiao was running towards the earthen fruit tree, Zen Nian shouted this to Rat Ling who unconsciously followed and moved towards the exit.

But before they could reach the only way in and out of the cavern, a huge tail suddenly appears from nowhere and blocks their path. Zen Nian and Rat Ling immediately halted from their steps as the sudden feeling of hopelessness appear in their hearts. With the only path being blocked, they have no choice but to fight the rock snake. It is either they die or the snake dies before they can get out of this place.

Shin Jiao noticed this as he can see what the situation is from where he stands. But he could not do anything as the rock snake is now rapidly coming closer towards him. Without a choice, he decided to change his plan and he readied himself to fight the demon beast.

The rock snake demon beast opens its mouth and a head-sized rock suddenly appears and shot towards Shin Jiao like a cannonball. Shin Jiao saw this and was a little taken aback, but since he has prepared himself he successfully evaded it with ease.


"What the heck was that? This demon beast is like a walking artillery cannon." Shin Jiao thought as he saw the rocks and crystals from behind him was blasted apart.

That single shot is comparable to a grenade launcher\'s destructive power. So Shin Jiao didn\'t relax but cautiously watches the movements of the rock snake. Luckily he did, as the demon beast suddenly sent multiple shots of rock shells towards his direction.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Shin Jiao evaded each of those attacks by jumping, tumbling, and rolling on the ground. But he was not spared as debris from the explosions would scrape his body every now and then.


A loud beast roar suddenly shook the cavern.

"Brother Shin!" Rat Ling shouted unconsciously as he saw Shin Jiao being bombarded by many rock shells.

He knows that since Shin Jiao lost his cultivation, he is just a normal mortal now and is helpless against the powerful demon beast. So both Rat Ling and Zen Nian ran towards Shin Jiao\'s location. As the dust settled down they were dumbfounded at the scene.

Shin Jiao is standing near a bloody wall, but his whole person is also covered with blood. Then they noticed that the wall behind Shin Jiao seems to be moving. It turns out that the wall-like thing behind him is a part of the body of the rock snake which was hit by its own rock shells.

Because of its anger at not hitting Shin Jiao the rock snake because furious and release many rock shells indiscriminately and hit itself in the process.

"Guys, I have an idea, please get its attention!" Shin Jiao shouted as he discovers something.

When Rat Ling and Zen Nian heard Shin Jiao they quickly followed and pick up some stones and threw it with all their might at the rock snake currently glaring at Shin Jiao. When the stone hit the snake it actually chipped of a scale from its head. This is especially true to Rat Ling as he threw a fist-sized stone with all his might.

Feeling more pain from its head the rock snake suddenly turns its head towards the two people who threw those stones. When it saw the two figures moved the rock snake followed and also rushed towards them.

As it chases after Rat Ling and Zen Nian, the two just ran in circles. Meanwhile, as they have gotten the attention of the rock snake Shin Jiao began to put look around and collected some materials, he then carved some rune patterns on those materials and set up an array formation on the ground.

While chasing after the two figures, the snake suddenly made a turn and blocked Zen Nian\'s path. Then it opened its mouth and suddenly shot a rock shell. When Zen Nian evaded the rock shell, the demon beast suddenly bites down towards his new position. Luckily for Zen Nian, he was able to use his sword to block the beast\'s mouth.


The force of the demon beast\'s charge threw Zen Nian towards the wall of the cavern. With a loud bang, Zen Nian felt his whole body aching as he slid down the to the ground, it seems that he had broken a couple of his bones.

Seeing the grave situation of his young master, Rat Ling eyes turn red in anger and rushed madly at the rock snake.

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