
Chapter 420 - Taken

Chapter 413


The afternoon sky brings warmth to all under its sphere of influence. People and vehicles outside and on the road can feel its majesty and warmth. Though many are delighted by the warmness it gives, many complain of the heat they are feeling as thick sweat formed on their bodies.

In this busy city area, along the express road, three vehicles can be seen traveling among the rest of the thousands of cars.

The silver luxury vehicle Mercedes-Benz S-class travels with two black SUVs one in front and the other at the back. Inside the vehicle sits a middle-aged man with his imposing aura.

George Wilson\'s gaze outside as his mind recalled the young woman he is watching while she works happily with others. Her face somewhat resembles a part of his wife\'s image which made him missed her very much.

But his heart ached upon remembering that he was the cause of his wife\'s sudden deterioration of health. Although she said that she accepted the fact that he had children before their marriage and that it was his past, she even accepted the 2 children and their mothers into the family.

But the sudden deterioration of his wife\'s health at that time made him think that he was truly the cause. It was because of him all along. And when his daughter discovers this a few years ago, she became distant to him.

When his wife died, he was devastated. He never bothered with the other women in the family as he only truly loved his wife, but he didn\'t deny his children their claims to his rich and vast business empire.

And then Marie left him alone after her mother\'s funeral. This added to his headache and he was truly saddened. Only by taking care of his business empire can his mind temporarily forget the pain within his heart.

But today was different, today he felt peace and became at ease upon seeing the genuine happiness in his daughter\'s smile.

"If this what she wanted, then I can only support her… she… she deserves this. She deserves better than being under the constant fighting and scrutiny of her own siblings…" he muttered.

While thinking, George didn\'t notice that his eyes became misty as a single bead of tear escaped his, already starting to wrinkle, eyes.

Suddenly, the car seems to slow down a bit and the bodyguard beside the driver\'s words took his mind back to reality.

"Sir, there seems to be a problem…" the man said in vigilance.

George Wilson just nodded his head. In all his years as a businessman, he has no less experience when it comes to a dangerous situation and his quick thinking and the skill of his bodyguards have kept him safe all this time. So he is not worried about anything.

Suddenly a loud explosion rocks the car he is on.


The SUV at the front was blasted to smithereens as debris of the car flew everywhere even hitting some of the cars on the side.

"Sir! We are under attack!" shouted the bodyguard in the front.

"Please get down!" he shouted as the bodyguard took out his gun while looking outside for the location of their attackers.


Then not long later as the people began to panic another explosion occur. This time, the SUV behind the silver Mercedes Benz S-class car exploded.

The other cars beside it were also blown away with many casualties.

This made all the people in the freeway began to panic as they went out of their cars and run as fast as they could to the side of the road.

They are now afraid to stay in their cars upon seeing the explosions as they though their car would be the next to explode.

Then from afar two people can be seen walking in the middle of the wide expanse of the road, a tall well-built man and a slender woman. Both are wearing green and blue robes that made them look like an ancient martial artist from the movies or TV dramas.

Suddenly, the people saw the woman extending her hand towards a group of cars and a few basketball-sized fireballs flew out making the cars explode.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The explosion rattled the surroundings and now the chaos made the people flee in panic. Many had incurred injuries due to this and many have also lost their lives.

"Sister Quan, do you think we will get in trouble for this?" the tall well-built man asked the woman beside him.

"Humph… Sissy… These mortals are mere ants in my eyes. Our goal is to get that old European man named George and our mission is done. I don\'t care about the rest." She said with a sneer.

She didn\'t care about the lives that were lost in her attacks as she thinks of those people as non-essential in this world or a waste of space. She thinks that only cultivators have the right to live a good life in this world.

The man beside him also showed a wide grin as he looks at the panicking people around them. Then his eyes saw a beautiful mother carrying a child on her arms. Her eyes are in tears as she tried her best to carry the toddler in her arms. However, it is clear that the baby is wounded severely.

The tall well-built man is named Kiros Linquay, and the woman beside him is Mira Quan. They are cultivators in the core-forming realm.

The two are top-tier expert working for \'the Fangs\' clan and was sent from the headquarters to kidnap George Wilson.

"I want her soul." The man said as he suddenly ran towards the young mother.

With a swift motion, he grabs her neck and immediately lifted her from the ground. The young mother struggles from his grasp but didn\'t let go of the child in her arms. Then her body began to shrivel as if all of the blood and flesh inside her was devoured till only bones and her skin was left.

Through her agony, she didn\'t let go of her child and the last words from her mouth is a plea, a plea to spare her child from death.

However, how can Kiros who is a bloodthirsty cultivator listen to a mere mortal? He suddenly grabs the child in her arms as the young mother died, and then absorbs the childlike what he did to the mother.

"Haha… this is really refreshing. The blood of the young and beauties are truly refreshing! I… I want more!" shouted Kiros as a crazed look on his eyes appears while looking at the people running in panic.

Meanwhile, Mira just shook her head and headed towards the silver luxury car where George Wilson is in.

Suddenly, a person walked out of the car. It was Edmond Wong, Mr. George Wilson\'s secretary.

"You vile people are out of hand… The government will not sit for these atrocities…" shouted Edmond Wong upon seeing the people on the ground.

He took out a blade and a gun while standing in front of the young woman.

"Hehe… a piece of trash like you thinks like these pieces of trash. I will teach you a lesson that you will never forget… Hihi…" Mira Quan said with a sinister grin in her eyes as her figure flashes.

The eyes of Edmond Wong went wide in disbelief as he can now see the power of the woman he is facing.

NXT Element Company, Marketing Department

Marie is currently talking with the other managers about the progress and the completion of the orders and their strategy. The group is having a harmonious conversation as they are not that pressured and worried at this moment.

The company\'s growth has boomed and because of their boss, Marie, they were able to handle their department\'s task smoothly.

Suddenly, the teacup on Marie\'s table cracked and broke.

Seeing this, everyone turned silent and their gaze is at their boss Marie who looks stunned at what happened.

Although she is not superstitious, her heart could not help but become worried because of the situation.

"Could my father be in any danger?" she muttered in a low voice but shook at the thought.

Then suddenly, she saw some of the employees looking at their mobile phones which made her curious as she observes their expression of shock and awe.

"What is happening?" she asked as she walked to the other managers who are now also looking at their phones.

"Miss Marie, there is a terrorist attack in the freeway just now. Many have died because of the explosion." One of the managers replied as she showed her the video on her phone.

When Marie looks at the video, her heart could not help but become tense.

Suddenly she saw a person on the video which made her froze with her handshaking, that person was Edmond Wong. She knew who that person is as he is the famous secretary of her father, the man who is always seen on his father\'s side.

But she can see that he looks pitiful with many wounds all over his body. Then she could not help but be afraid of her father.

As the phone in her hand fell, she could not think anymore and began to walk mindlessly towards the door of her office. She wanted to run to where the accident happened and to know the condition of her father.

But as soon as her figure reached the door a figure blocked her path… It was Shin Jiao.

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