
1423 War Of The Gods And Demons: Chapter 23

Chapter 1423

War of the Gods and Demons: Chapter 23

Xin Ja wanted to test out the theory behind his newly crafted weapon. He also wanted to know how long the blindness would be in effect according to the strength of a person.

Of course, he knew that the status effect is not permanent as the body would react and quickly uses its antibody to get rid of the bacteria.

As awakened beings, their body system is not like that of a normal mortal anymore. They have stronger antibodies and metabolisms. That is the reason why he wanted to test out his theory right now after he finished crafting the blade.

And so, after he regained consciousness after researching, he noticed that the bus is not moving.

As he walks out of the bus, he saw the soldiers gathering around the bonfire and some of them are still even wearing their Goliath Suits.

He could not help but smile upon seeing this. Gun Mace, on the other hand, is sitting near the bonfire while sipping something hot. But on his hand, he could see that he is busy writing something on a note.

"That guy is really into machines, huh…" Xin Ja thought as he walked towards the edge of the encircled carriages.

"Sir!" a soldier wearing a Goliath Suit greeted him with a bow.

Xin Ja nodded his head in response.

Then without saying another word, his figure flashes out of the soldier\'s sight which startled the soldier.

Since he could no try the weapon on any of the soldiers in the camp, he decided to hunt some demons to try it on them.

Soon, Xin Ja arrives near a huge lake after teleporting for a while.

He could feel a strange aura in this lake and it made him think that there is something happening in this place.

If there are many demons in here, then he can do two things… test the new weapons and gain more Ki energy to increase his strength.

As Xin Ja landed on top of a tree branch, he noticed a few figures standing near the lake.

What surprised him is that, these figures are composed of several humans and opposite them are some demons that have green skin and big build.

The long tusks on the lower portion of their mouth made them look weird. But their feature and build are just like that of a buff human.

Intrigued by this scene, Xin Ja decided to watch how these humans would interact with the demons in front of them.

"Did puny human bring it?" the green guy who looks smaller than the rest of his fellow behind him said in a neutral language.

The human looks at the green person and then showed a slight smile on his face.

"Hehe… Of course, but did you guys also bring what we needed?" the man wearing metal armor asked.

The man looks like a knight and the others behind him are wearing the same uniform-colored metal armor which is black and blue.

Xin Ja also noticed that a few of them wears a piece of leather vest armor, and two people are wearing robes.

While looking at the group, he could not help but shake his head and show a faint smile on his face after seeing the content of the suitcase the man is carrying.

He was just surprised that these people would be selling such a thing to the demons.

The green guy handed the man a large sack which seem to be filled with some strange glowing stones.

As the two sides exchange what they are carrying.

They quickly checked the items inside.

The man showed a wide smile on his face while looking at the glowing stones.

Meanwhile, the green man also showed a delighted expression after seeing the packed white substance inside the suitcase.

"These people are even dealing drugs in this dangerous place?" Xin Ja thought while shaking his head.

Soon, the two groups separate and walked about 500 meters away from each other. At that distance, Xin Ja noticed that there are a larger part of the group waiting for them in that distance.

Xin Ja could tell that the green people seem really happy for obtaining the substance which Xin Ja thinks are narcotics or hallucinogens.

Those white powder things should be drugs created by humans. And it seems that those green demons like using those substances.

Xin Ja just observed the two groups and then suddenly noticed that there is actually some movement by the lake.

He then noticed that the lake may seem to be peaceful, but there is actually something weird happening inside of it.

As he watches the two groups prepare to do something, he watches them with interest.

He could see the green people wearing their armor and wielding their weapons as they drew closer to the area by the lake.

The same goes for his fellow humans who are already armed and ready for battle.

He then could see those green men opening and packing the white powder in a small pouch and began handing it to their men.

Meanwhile, on the human side, they have all broken the glowing stone and also distributed it to everyone in the area.

When he saw this, Xin Ja became curious about what is really happening. Why does it seem that the humans and the green giants are working together on something?

Suddenly, the lake water burst forth, and the water which flew out of the lake slowly transformed into a shape that looks like that of a water dragon.

As the dragon made of water began to swim on top of the lake water, it has already attracted the attention of the demons and the humans.

Then suddenly it flew high up in the sky and began gathering all the water in the lake.

Soon, the lake slowly dried up as all the water was siphoned high up in the sky by that dragon made of water.

The dragon slowly grew bigger and bigger until all the water in the lake are all gone… and what is left is the dry land.

Xin Ja could now see what could be seen in the now dried-up lake. With his sharp vision even though it is already dark, he noticed that there is actually a huge door deep in the middle of the lake.

Then suddenly, he saw the two groups charging toward the center of the lake.

As soon as the first footstep reaches the border of the lake, something strange began to happen. And from where Xin Ja is watching, he could clearly see what is happening around the lake.

He was stumped to see that the lake is actually a huge formation. Whoever created such a formation is surely something else.

Then he saw several figures made of water, coming out of thin air in the center of the dried lake.

Those figure slowly change and then transformed themselves according to the figure that has just entered the lake.

"Ahh… Mirror battle array formation…" Xin Ja suddenly exclaimed as he now realized what the array formation does.

He was just shocked to discover that such a huge formation actually existed on the other side of this planet.

He is now curious about what is inside that door in the middle of the lake.

Soon, the sound of battle could be heard as the forces of the demons and humans clashed against the figures that now look like themselves but were made of water.

He could tell that the water is actually a mirror of their own strength.

Class-E would fight against Class-E water figure, and the same goes for other classes.

Xin Ja could not help but shake his head at what these people are doing. But then he was suddenly surprised as after killing one of the water figures, something fell and the human that killed it quickly grabs the object.

The object looks like thumb-sized red gems in the shape of a tear.

When Xin Ja saw the first fallen gem, he could immediately feel a large amount of chaotic Ki inside of it. When he felt that, he could not help but frown as he knew that those things are very precious, not only for him but for both the demos and the humans.

He now could somewhat understand why those two groups are doing cooperation.

It seems that they have been doing this for a while now and are in a tacit understanding of how important those things are.

Then suddenly, he saw something strange in the battle.

Whenever a demon or a human dies, their corpse would suddenly sucked dry by the water figures. Then those things would suddenly have a great change in their body and turn more solid.

When Xin Ja saw this, he frowned but then somewhat showed an understanding of what is happening before him.

"A life for a life…" he thought.

He did not know what would happen next in this battle, but he could not just watch anything. The reason for this is because… something inside of him is telling him to go and enter that strange and mysterious-looking door.

If he did, he could find some treasures inside of it that would surely help him get stronger.

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