
Chapter 18 Speak Up Or Else

"Ah, she fainted. Poor demoness."

Zoravec caressed his knuckles over her cheek and whispered slowly. He pitied her because of the immense absorption of the energy from her body. Since Devi was a demoness and her kind was known to withhold immense power. But for some reason her half of the powers were sealed and to unlock her potential she required to have some host.

Devi\'s sole purpose was to help Zoravec get stronger so she could later on feed on his body for energy. Since she was a demoness of lust the only thing which could help her get stronger was lustful thoughts and the mana collected by the intercourse as a result of dual cultivation.

It was certain that both of them needed each other, since Zoravec had already experienced how drastic his touch could be. Or well, precisely how deadly the penetration of his dick could be. Similarly Devi was already annoyed because the demoness had waited for so long just o find someone capable of reviving her lost powers.

Now the both were stuck with each other, but one thing was certain from their recent interaction. Nothing happened to Devi, unlike Lyra. Was it because there lust tendencies matched? But what even was that meter to test the capabilities of dual cultivation? And if they were a match why did Devi faint from exhaustion and Zoravec was fine?

[I am not poor, bruh. It\'s you who is stupid.] - Devi

The demoness snapped at him as her voice resonated in his head. Zoravec chuckled softly and looked at Devi\'s unconscious body. He shook his head with amusement that she still had the energy to fight him.

"You sure are an energetic one. But whatever happened, you just invited it in."

Zoravec tried to justify that his little loss of control was intentional. However deep down he was aware that something was peculiar about her blood.

[Just admit that you are a jerk. You couldn\'t stop because you didn\'t want to.] - Devi

She was persistent in making him realize that he was at fault for not even trying. Zoravec was aware that he didn\'t stop until the end point when Devi\'s body gave up. It troubled him somewhere in his mind but he shoved the thoughts behind.

"Of course, you tasted like a summer delicacy!"

Zoravec made the remark to praise her assuming that it should work on her too because after all Devi was also a woman. However no voice came from her side, there was complete silence.

He moved towards the study table and opened his bag, even though he made up the lie of a mutual project Zoravec still had to study. The entrance exam for the magic academy was in three months and it was a tough exam to excel.

Just as he pulled the chair and sat on it, a loud shriek reverberated in his ears which made Zoravec fall off the chair. It didn\'t take him long to recognise that it was none other than Devi.

"What the heck, Devi? Do you even know how shrill your voice was?"

He complained without sounding like a shouting mad person, Zoravec couldn\'t afford to hear her yelling once again. To vent his anger and frustration he approached her on the bed. Devi\'s laughter soon died when he sat on her thighs, whereas a smirk appeared on his lips.

[What are you doing?] - Devi

Since Devi was unconscious and could not do anything to move her body, it gave Zoravec an open chance to tease her a little. A grin speared on his lips upon hearing the reluctance in her voice, the demoness could also get shy!

"What do you think, love? You are the one who played foul and became unconscious."

Zoravec spoke in a whisper and leaned in to hover over her breasts. Devi was still wearing clothes but as soon as his nose touched her dress the demoness felt a wave of heat in her celestial figure. For some reason he was unable to see her floating celestial figure around him.

But as for the effects of Zoravec\' touches were felt by the demoness even in her ghostly form. Nonetheless he trailed downwards towards her tummy which made Devi beg him to stop. After all, only she knew the consequences of extreme exhaustion and could not afford Zoravec to know.

She was not a love interest to him so it highly possible that he will eventually resort to those ways to make her disappear from his life. It was wise for her to comply to his commands to keep up her cover. Zoravec halted over the hem of her dress and lifted his head up to see her gorgeous sleeping face.

"Should I take advantage of your immoveable body or not? Mm, let\'s see.....I won\'t if your truthful answer satisfied me."

Zoravec did not want to hold back from knowing the reason she came to him. After all, why would she infiltrate the human world just to find a host? She could have ventured other realms or some other house to find an elite powerful host rather him.

It was not like Zoravec was going to take advantage of her unconsciousness and **** her. But it was a good threat to force her to speak when he knew that his touch could cast a lot of intoxicating effects on her.

[Fine, fine. I will tell you. But please get off me.] - Devi

The demoness pleaded to him and Zoravec immediately followed. He got off her legs and headed back towards his study table. It was not like he had to worry about Devi waking up any sooner because she could not recover that fast. Although the demoness was not going to tell him the truth, or else he would look for tricks to get rid of her.

Then what excuse or lie she was about to tell him?


Checkout my other apocalyptic book:

Evolution system: Rise of an irregular returnee

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