
Chapter 23 Who's The Master Now?

Devi heard his words which caused a strange sensation in her body. The woman could not refuse the urge to obey him, it was highly unusual and strange for her to do something like that. Demonic race was not the one who would submit to anyone at any cost.

But since Devi was marked by him through the vampiric bond, which made it evident that she had to obey him no matter what. It was also the reason why she felt the unfamiliar gush of emotions in her body. It appeared as if her silhouette was moving on its own.

Devi knelt in front of him eventually after struggling with her might to disobey and refuses the feeling. But her stiffened body gradually gave in to his commands and her knees touched the ground. Devi looked up at him in utter shock and dis belief, she had no clue how he even managed to do that.

But one thing was certain, Zoravec was able to pull such stunt after marking her. However the demoness was still unable to get over the realization that now he was her master not the other way around. A smile appeared on his lips upon seeing Devi kneeling in front of him despite all the struggle to keep her dignity.

"Now...now...look who we have here. My dear, demoness, I warned you not to do such foolish thing."

Zoravec leaned in and lifted her face up from the chin, as Devi\' horrified eyes were right in front of him. She stared at him trying to figure out what even was he planning to do. After all, Zoravec did not mark her just to bring the woman down. Right?

His smirking face was right in front of her as she jerked her body to make sure if she could make a movement or not. Since his focus was diverted towards talking to her, it should potentially make his concentration waver. Devi tried to attempt a movement from her upper body but she still could not lift herself up.

The demoness was not going to give up, but perhaps resisting in that moment was not a wise decision. Since her reins were now in Zoravec\'s hands and the danger had increased tenfolds now. Whereas Zoravec looked straight into her eyes, it was not hard for him to figure out what she had been planning.

"Tsk tsk, why don\'t you women learn in first time? Its futile to struggle now, Devi. You know what kind of person is the most dangerous?"

Zoravec brought his face closer to hers as their lisp were just a bit apart. The demoness could feel the hotness of his breath on her lips, but it was not the time to get swayed by his charms. No doubt he was good looking, Zoravec was tall, lean but a bit buff around shoulders which added a strange charm to his appearance.

His sparking crimson eyes appeared as rubies contrasting with his sleek black hair and a it whistish complexion. His facial features had suddenly gotten a bit sharp after the blood awakening. Devi could not help but admire his looks and the skills with which he had been making her enamoured.

The woman shook her head immediately because she could not afford to make him angry. Devi knew the nature of the new situation in which she was in right now. It was critical and dangerous, because under the spell effect and mate bond charm if Zoravec told her to jump out of the window; her body will comply to his commands!

"Good, I\'m liking that you have finally understood how to reply in a decent way."

He trailed his thumb over her lips making the woman feel firecrackers in her stomach. Devi was unfamiliar to every sensation which was being caused by Zoravec\'s touch. Although she could not deny the obvious fact that she liked each one of them and wanted to explore more.

"You came here aiming to take me as a host, but now you are under my command. Isn\'t it fascinating, uh?"

He glanced at her lush pink lips while tying to hold back from kissing her. Whereas the woman was simply gulping down her fears and the shook her overthinking thoughts. It was significant by now hat Zoravec was not going to kill her if he w anted to then he would already have wrung her neck.

Devi forced a smile over her face upon hearing those words which were more likely a insult to her capabilities. The demoness cursed him in her heart for doing that, but she also could not admit that this was the first host with whom her charms and magic failed.

"You should not have tried to scare and threaten me, Devi. It was wrong, very wrong. Do you guys treat other people like this, huh?"

His tone sounded like a complain as he looked straight into her eyes trying to read her emotions and thoughts. However Devi on the other hand was not willing to let him win, because it simply was unacceptable by her ego and nature. Zoravec knew it was hard for her to accept defeat and being claimed by her own host was something else which hit her differently.

"Tch tch, it\'s your own fault that now you are in this situation. If you hadn\'t scared me I would have never taken this precautionary measure to bring you down. I don\'t like doing this, Devi, not even slightest bit of it. I never intended to take control of your body and to snatch the freedom to choose."

Zoravec sounded serious as he tried to explain to her truthfully, it was hard for him to accept the fact that he too had stooped so low just to safe himself. He marked a woman without her consent and there was no emotional attachment involved. Things were not simple as before, within just one moment everything changed when he bit Devi on her neck.

"But you brought it over yourself, Devi. And I had to do it to save myself, after all you are a demoness. Not that I\'m implying it\'s a bad thing."

He looked straight into her eyes with a soft expression, Zoravec did not want her to keep malic towards him because he marked her non- consensually. However nothing could be done since there was no way to undo the bond and to free someone from the bond; be it any kind of bonding between two people.

Devi looked at him with a stunned expression although there was an underlying hint that she might have already forgiven him. The demoness had to accept the new situation and the relationship between them because it was only wise to do since there was no way out now.

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