
Chapter 40 Before Vampiric Apocalypse

"What the hell!?"

Devi burst out in rage as she shot up from her seat, the demoness had heard nothing more ridiculous than that. How could she believe that bullshit? However it stunned her that upon hearing those words Zoravec froze again. He stood in front of Hecate completely unmoved as he simply stared at her in disbelief.

The demoness felt the need to help him figure out the situation. Since she wanted Zoravec as her host then she had to protect his sanity too. Zoravec had to be in a strong and sane physical and emotional and psychological aspect. Respectively of course. Devi placed the ice cream bucket on the table and crossed her arms.

"Wait, so you are saying that you wanted revenge on that count or whomever that person was…and in order to do that you fucking stole his son right from the crib!?"

Devi had no clue what Hecate meant by all that story because there were no barons, counts or whatsoever she had been talking about.

"I am not talking to you, you vile demoness."

Hecate shouted at Devi while she glared at her with dislike. The both had been in a cold war ever since she had stepped into her house. But now things had gone far, Devi initially had respect for Hecate because she was Zoravec\'s mother.

"It all started because of you! You are responsible for this!"

Hecate stood up from her seat and pointed out towards Devi. She leaped to reach for Zoravec\'s shoulder but he backed off. He lifted his hand to stop Hecate from coming closer to her.

Zoravec glanced at her with teary eyes and disbelief, he could not even speak anything about the matter since it was beyond his understanding. However Devi was not going to hold back from shredding Hecate into bits through her words. After all, she fully acknowledged that she had no right to decide on Zoravec\' behalf regarding what to do with Hecate.

"Duh! I am not the one who stole an infant. How did it all start because of me? In fact you should thank me that you finally got to speak the truth to him after years."

The demoness sprinkled the oil over the fire while she grinned at Hecate. Devi did not stop there because she still had to take revenge on her for calling the cops.

"Also, do you really take us for fools, huh? What counts? Which era are you even talking about?"

It was the moment when Zoravec glanced at his mother and realised that there were no counts or barons. There was no such class system in his world, the only status quo which indicated the vampires were the pentagons, nobles, dhampirs and humans.

How could there be counts?

Zoravec hoped that his mother would eventually admit that she had been playing a dirty prank on him. And everything would return to normal, his pleading eyes were utterly sad. However Hecate\'s reaction was saying something else, it appeared that each and every word said by her was true.

The old woman wiped off her tears and swallowed hard as she plopped back into the sofa. Zoravec kept on standing in front of her but now there was a visible distance between them. Devi was still smirking and proud of herself for exposing Hecate and for catching her words right away.

"You are not from this world. It all started before the vampires invaded our world and conquered it. Humans were frequently being abducted mysteriously and it was impossible to recover them. Government and many other organisations began to launch special teams who could track down the whereabouts of the missing people."

Hecate was finally talking now and whatever she had to say was new information for both of them. Neither Zoravec nor Devi were aware of it and the certain limitation of their knowledge led them to listen to Hecate with all ears. Perhaps she was not lying!

"My husband was also part of such a team, he was an efficient head of the special team. He was assigned the task to find the reason why the humans were vanishing and where they were being taken to."

Hecate paused and looked up at Zoravec with a bitter smile, he could see the amount of pain and suffering in her eyes.

However before he could bring himself to console or say anything to her, Zoravec wished to know more and the remaining story too. Devi on the other hand was surprisingly quiet, the demoness did not feel the need to speak mockingly or to interrupt Hecate yet. Thus they both patiently waited for the rest of the plot.

"He finally found the reason for the unusual disappearances after years of searching. It was a gateway to the vampire realm which directly permitted the vampires to trespass whenever they wished to."

Zoravec was listening to her carefully and was trying hard to believe the story. It was not as if the existence of the vampires was a disbelieving fact for him. He knew they were real and the possibility of other supernatural creatures was also high.

"You both might have already known that vampires are the blood sucking fuckers who feed on blood. To satiate their endless hunger a few started to abduct humans and sucked their blood dry which resulted in unusual corpses."

The way Hecate boldly addressed the vampires made Devi and Zoravec flinch for a moment. Although it added validity to her story since her tone held significant hatred towards the vampire. Devi was carefully listening to her as to find some loopholes so she could ridicule Hecate.

On the other hand, Zoravec was still processing everything. He was trying to make sense of everything which was being told to him. He could not deny a few things because they were true or at least appeared to be.

"My husband trained his team to filter the poison of vampires from those cadavers. And finally succeeded in processing the venom into some kind of safe virus which could be injected into humans. Hah! How stupid of him to transform himself into dhampirs to save others!"

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