
Chapter 77 No Aura Of Zoravec

William stopped there and looked at Zoravec from head to toe, he did not let him feel about that physical inspection. The cop saw Zoravec and Simon going to the other corridor, however he did not see Simon coming out of the class. It raised his suspicion that he came to inquire about it, as per his instincts William wished to spot any kind of scar or wound on him.

"Mm. So, you must be walking home?"

He demanded a truthful answer from her as Zoravec grew suspicious of whatever William was trying to do. They both stood there in the middle of the arcade while conducting that chat. William assumed they both had some kind of quarrel or physical fight which was why he wished to see any scar.

\'Why is he asking me such an obvious question? Is he testing me for something?\'

Zoravec could not help but think of it as he stared blankly at the cop while trying to figure out the reason. Whereas William tried his best to make it less stressful for Zoravec. However it was certain that the cop was investigating him.

"Yes, sir. My mum will be waiting for me."

He tried to keep it normal and calm as Zoravec replied to him. While William was sure that something was off about him. However he took his time in figuring out the things. Whereas Zoravec was unable to contemplate why the cop was so involved in him.

What was William\'s reason for taking so much interest in him? Was he suspicious? Or was the reason solly personal?

They both were in the corridor where Zoravec saw the other kids walk past them. It made him uncomfortable regarding the awkwardness. Zoravec knew he had been a victim of bullying ever since and now William\'s interest in him will result in a worse kind of situation. Zoravec would be labelled as a nutjob for being under the radar of cops.

\'Fuck! Come on, let me go. Why the heck is this cop even making me stay here? If this continued then I will definitely turn into a hot topic around the school.\'

Zoravec acknowledged the dire of getting out of the school, he was aware of how the gossip travelled

And possibly what chaos could it cause for someone who was already among the hit list of the students was not hidden. Zoravec was sure he had to remain lowkey due to multiple reasons now. Firstly he still had no control over his powers which made him a potential threat for everyone around him.

Whereas the rest of the reasons lied in the fact that his power outburst could kill anybody within the snap of his fingers. Moreover he could not let Devi follow him around and cause the disturbance in the natural flow and balance of the realm. It was evident that whenever an outsider came there had been some imbalance created which indicated evil.

\'\'Damn, now even other students have started to look at me with suspicion. All because of this fucker.\'

Zoravec cursed William under his breath as he smiled at him. He could sense all the other students murmuring about him, which did not go unheard from either Zoravec or William. Both of them could hear those whispers clearly due to their strength and powers. However, according to the pyramid of strength only William was supposed to hear such stuff.

But due to Zoravec\' unusual powers he was nearly on the same level as William, if not an equal competitor of him. It left so many questions which were still unanswered. Nonetheless, William could clearly see the worry on Zoravec\'s face upon being confronted and stopped.

Although he completely understood his reaction was the result of the way his classmates treated him. After all, who would not get irked by their suspicious gazes and the rumours they had been spreading by such gossiping. William could understand how Zoravec felt at that moment and probably that was his intention for stopping him in the first place.

"Why do you seem worried?"

William snagged his attention by that question, while Zoravec looked around himself occasionally from the corner of his eyes. It was still not sure why William was involved in him so much, even though Devi had made sure nobody would suspect him. Then why the fuck William was still inquiring him?

"Oh..uh yes. It seems this little casual talk has raised suspicion about me. Heh, we don\'t really encounter special squads that\'s why."

Zoravec looked at him haphazardly and then replied, as he wiped off the sweat above his lips. It was a natural reaction which made William squint his eyes because it was not the only thing.

He knew Zoravec had been hiding things from him, it was significant that he was not lying. William had figured out by now that there were a few odd things about him. Zoravec had no dhampir aura which meant he was an ordinary human. But even the humans had some faint smell which distinguished them from the dhampirs and vampires.

Zoravec had no scent! And having no scent meant he probably had no affinity to level up. There was no way Zoravec could be converted into a dhampir. Now the question remained there completely unanswered that why was it like that?

Zoravec was a mixed breed by birth, a half vampire and half human. He was supposed to possess any one of those auras, but it seemed that Zoravec had none of them. And it made his case even more suspicious. He had never encountered any class A or B dhampirs, only those people were able to smell such things.

Ever since the dhampirs came into existence by willing transformation things had turned different. There were numerous powers introduced, numerous failed to develop in the dhampirs. It became a race for power, a thirst to get stronger by different means.

However, Zoravec had now become a suspect for William. Even if the attention garnered did not involve Lyra\'s case, rather a whole new thing. It was evident that he had snagged William\'s attention with something even Zoravec was unaware of. Since Hecate was not a class A or B dhampir, she could not grasp that her son had no such aura. Only she had known about it, and could have found a way to save Zoravec from William.

"Mm, right."

The cop gave him a brief reply while looking at Zoravec\'s face keenly. William could sense something different over him, there was some different smell coming from Zoravec.

Something resembling to rotten blood!

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