
Chapter 72 - Bowels Of The Uknown

"...Brahmi, can I ask you something?"

"Huh? What is it?"

That tone she always carried was the very thing that stopped Iris from attempting to get to know her, but this time--she took a deep breath, clenching her fists as she pressed onwards.

"Why do you like fighting so much?"

A perplexed look ran over the ab-bearing woman\'s face as she clearly did not expect a personal question.

"--Where\'s this comin\' from?"

"I just think...I don\'t really know anything about you, and testing yourself in combat, putting your strength against another\'s...it\'s what you love most, right? So why is it so important to you?"

Seeing that look in Iris\' eyes, determined to get an answer from her, Brahmi gave in to her, letting out a sigh as she scratched her head.

"Well, if ya\' really want. As a youngling, I was born and raised in a remote village within Sri Lanka. My mum was forced to work egregious hours, all for scrap. It was barely enough to support "living", if you could call it that."

"And your dad?"

"Never met em\'. Mum told me he ran off to pursue some sort of career as an actor, so maybe he\'s out there...making movies and living the life of a star."

Dredging up the past of a previous world, a past life--Brahmi\'s pale verdant irises calmed from their usual sparks of fiery passion.

"I don\'t hate the guy, ya\' know? I can\'t blame him for not wanting to be pinned down to a life like that...in fact, I kind of respect him for having the balls to do that! That\'s not to say I didn\'t hold a grudge towards him as a kid. Anyways...as a kid, I grew up bigger and stronger than the boys of my village, and for that...they teased me, calling me all kinds of names ya\' could expect from wicked kids."

Keeping silent and listening closely, Iris didn\'t realize how closely she kept to her companion now, walking by her side as she lent her ears to Brahmi.

"After awhile, the harmless teasing turned physical...they started to throw sticks and stones at me, calling me\'\'ogre `` or \'\'monster ``.\'\'

"Oh...I\'m sorry to hear that."

"Well, it seemed someone up in the heavens felt bad for me! Cause\' one day, he showed up!"


The fire returned to Brahmi\'s eyes as she mentioned the unknown man, a bright smile returning to her melancholic expression.

"Zack Miller! A middle-weight MMA fighter from America, by some stroke of luck, was visiting my remote village during his vacation in India. I\'ll never forget the day I first saw him--swooping in like some sorta\' hero with his golden locks and designer sunglasses on...he scared away those bullies just with his presence alone."

"Zack Miller…?"

Iris nearly tripped over a small pebble as she repeated the name, not watching her step as she became engrossed in Brahmi\'s story--if not only because of the woman\'s contagious excitement.

"He was the definition of eccentric. I was a meek girl before I met him...but just from spending a week with him, learning the basics of martial arts and just how he carried himself, it had changed my life forever."

--So that explains the Brahmi I\'m seeing right now...this is probably how "Zack Miller" was.

"A tough bastard, he was...I was just skin and bones at the time, but he had no problem sluggin\' me! He lit a fire under my ass though, because I didn\'t care about the pain, welts, or bruises. After he left back to America, I continued practicing the gifts of combat he parted with me. None of those boys said so much as a single insult to me from then on."

"Is that why you love it so much? It helped you become a more confident person, and overcome those bullies?"

"Well, that\'s half of it! When I finally saved up enough to go to America, I became an amateur boxer before getting a contract from a large MMA organization. After seeing that first paycheck...and seeing how happy my Mum was, I couldn\'t get enough. I guess that\'s why I love it so much...I finally got to pay my Mum back for all she did for me."

A warm smile formed on her lips as she looked up at the cavern ceiling with her hands on her hips, that soft look in her eyes made it clear she missed her Mum. For a moment, hearing about that unconditional love between Brahmi and her own mother, it made her ponder about where her birth mother was. She shook her head fervently, erasing such pointless thoughts.

--Mother Beatrice is my only real parent now. It doesn\'t matter who gave birth to me--Mother Beatrice raised me to who I am today.

"--That\'s amazing, Brahmi. I think...I understand you a bit better now."

Even the battle-lusted Brahmi wasn\'t immune to the beaming smile from Iris that preyed on the hearts of all, a faint blush tinting the woman\'s cheek as she quickly averted her gaze.

"Whatever! I don\'t care if ya\' understand anything."

Amidst their conversation, it seemed once again--they had wandered aimlessly without paying much attention to their step.

"--We\'re really lost, aren\'t we?"

"Are ya\' gonna keep bringing that up? I can find our way outta\' here, easy! Did ya\' forget I can use gaia magic or what?"

"...I didn\'t forget."

It was more that Iris didn\'t know if Brahmi had even practiced utility magic, as she had only ever seen her use her magic for combat and nothing else--but it seemed once again, she had the wrong impression of her.

"Then can\'t you use gaia to find the caveragon?"

Shaking her head at Iris\' question, Brahmi let out a small huff before responding, "Nah, I can only find exits that lead outside of the cave. What\'s the fun in using magic to find our prey anyways? The entire thrill of this game is the hunt!"

"--I suppose you\'re right…"

After their aimless traversing of the extensive cavern, only one tunnel was left as an option to enter. The entrance was wider than any other, spanning wide as only darkness previewed what it held in its path as an ominous hum reverberated through the corridor.

"Looks like we found our destination."

Brahmi held a nervous smile before entering the foreboding tunnel, with the blue-haired Outlander following close beside her as she held onto the small source of light as if her life depended on it. The already musky, cold air became stale, each breath taken bringing in a chilling air to their lungs.

"--Iris, broaden the light."

It was unlike Brahmi to make such a request, especially pertaining to something like the darkness around them--as she had no previous qualms with the shadows, but Iris complied.

"Licht: Greater Illuminate."

Allowing the orb of light to hover higher, its form seemed to dissolve into a mass of illumination as the new stroke of radiance revealed the large area they now stood in. Looking down, their feet were surrounded by brittle bones, some still covered with bits of flesh and skin.


The sight of the deathly habitat nearly made Iris fall backwards as Brahmi caught her by her arm, helping her stand up straight.

"It looks like we found our target...after something else already did."


Iris covered her nose at the rotten smell that lingered within the cavern, aiming her sight to where Brahmi was looking as her eyes widened--a massive creature, layered with verdurous scales laid lifeless in the center of the cavern. Holes were pierced through the corpse\'s body, its tail severed in half as its jaw was left hanging by a strand of flesh.

"That\'s...that\'s a caveragon? What could possibly have done this? Could it be whoever inscribed that text back there…?"

Worry inhabited Iris\' quiet voice as she kept herself on guard. Kneeling down on one knee, Brahmi placed her palm against the moist stone of the cavern floor.

"Whatever did it...it\'s close by, and it\'s powerful. I don\'t even need to use anything to sense that magical pressure…"

"--I can feel that as well. It\'s feral...savage, pure malevolence. This sensation, I don\'t think I\'ve ever felt something like it."

Iris held her hands together as she sensed the looming mana that held onto the air, focusing her senses as she traced the source of it.

"Behind the caveragon--there is another passageway."

"Yeah, I sensed that too. I won\'t blame ya\' if you want to head back, but I\'m itching to see whatever the hell did this, so I\'m going."

"--Of course I\'m coming with you."

As much as her instincts commanded her to turn the other way, leaving Brahmi alone to discover this enigmatic culprit wasn\'t an option.

--I have to get over this fear. In a way...I need to be more like her.

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