
Chapter 336 - Wrathful

Macheo and Hongse perked up at this name, both locking their eyes onto Augustus.Â

"A Beast of Sin...here? In Purgatory? Just what the hell is going on, really?"

Macheo scratched his head fervently as he gritted his teeth at the headache inducing situation that surrounded them.Â

Have I heard that term before\'¦? Iris thought.Â

"The hell is a "Beast of Sin"? Sounds like something I should know about."

Valerie\'s words came out without any tact once more as she looked between Augustus, Macheo, and Hongse for an answer--though most eyes were on them as well.Â

Clearing his throat, the tubby, crimson panda spoke up, "It\'s among an adventurer\'s greatest aspirations to encounter one of the Beasts of Sin; up there with traveling the Continent of Titans, finding Belmon, or even finding lost cities. They\'re a group of monsters given the highest threat level from the Journey Foundation--"Cataclysms"--there hasn\'t been a report of anyone beating a Beast of Sin in decades."Â

As Hongse explained this concept to everyone, the realization set in just what kind of fiend lurked within the halls.Â

"...That sounds about right."


Aiko looked at the young prince sitting beside her as he spoke up, bringing the attention of the others to himself.Â

"When I was little, I remember my father issuing a hunt for the Beasts of Sins; not to kill, but to subjugate them for our army. Their existence wasn\'t made common knowledge because...well, they weren\'t able to be handled. The fear they would drive through the masses would spell trouble. That, and I think most nations wanted to keep it a secret so they could get their hands on the Beasts of Sin as well. Lucrauv tried...I watched the squads be formed; specially picked, powerful fighters. Of course...the squads we sent out were all wiped out whenever a scout managed to track one down."Â

If it wasn\'t settled in before, the reality of the beast roaming the halls was cemented by Macheo\'s words as the space fell silent.Â

"Augustus, right?"

"Yup! That\'s me!"

Augustus bowed as far as he could with his large belly in the way as he replied to Iris, who sat down, hugging her knees close to her body.Â

"How will you know when it\'s safe to go back out?"

"Good question, Iris. Spit it out, tubby."

Valerie reinforced the question with a lot less kindness to her words as Augustus seemed hurt by her last comment.Â

"Tubby\'¦? Well, the only way I could check would be to open the door again...and if I did that, Wrath would have more than enough time to charge through if he noticed it."

"So, our best option is to wait then?"

Macheo asked, receiving a nod from the green-haired man who continued to twirl his perfectly-groomed mustache.Â

"In the meantime, if you\'re hungry, I\'ve stocked my Secluded Castle with many supplies!"

Clapping his hands, Augustus caused one of the verdant tiles of the room to sink away before a few boxes were rosen up on a new tile.Â

"...Is he really thinking about food at a time like this?"

Macheo muttered quietly as he watched the large man waddle over to the stockade of food.Â

"Seems like it\'¦"

Aiko smiled wryly at the sight; though it was somewhat relieving to see the man who sought to escort them hold a calmness to his demeanor.Â

"...Please, no! No--!"

Losing his footing in his anxious running, the man in beige armor fell to the ground as he listened to the thundering footsteps quickly approach--begging for his life as he turned to face the malicious beast that he could feel coming.Â

It was forced to hunch over from the ceiling\'s limit, barely fitting in the width of the corridor with its muscular body that was layered in scarred skin, decorated with bone jewelry; though it possessed no eyes in its fleshless head, baring only a blackened skull with long, curved horns of the same coloration.Â

Hanging around its neck were skulls of different shapes; some human, some more monstrous--though they were worn like a necklace, they seemed to be engraved into its fleshy hide.Â

"Stop! Stop\'¦! Please! I don\'t wanna die! I don\'t wanna die!"

Shaking his head as he saw the dreadful appearance of the giant beast, the man\'s begs fell upon death ears as the beast rushed onwards--slamming its foot down atop the man\'s skull as it splattered onto the ground beneath. A mess of crimson painted the floors as fragments of the unfortunate man\'s skull littered the corridor.Â

Standing at the other end, a blue-haired man dressed in cyan robes quivered in fear as the beast\'s gaze faced him.Â

"Don\'t come any closer\'¦! Apollo: Divine Sanctuary!"

Before the beast could reach him, the man successfully conjured a multi-layered barrier of late that stood between him and the colossal, hulking fiend.Â

"...Ha...ha...I did it! You can\'t reach me!"Â

My Divine Sanctuary is strong enough to hold back a grandiose spell! I am a barrier specialist...I can make it out of here! The man celebrated.Â

Though his confidence was tested as he watched the horned beast silently walk over with its thundering footsteps before stopping before the barrier, raising its fist up into the air.Â

"There\'s no way you can break it...you can\'t\'¦"

--Muttering this, his stomach sank as he watched the beast swing its fist down without any elegance, reducing the barrier into nothing but particles of light as now nothing stood between the man and the beast\'s bloodlust.Â

"No\'¦! No---!"

Before he could even turn to run, the beast\'s massive fingers wrapped around his head, squeezing with infinisemal effort as it popped like a ripe fruit.Â

Finishing its prey, steam propelled from the bone nostrils as the beast exhaled a breath. Though even as it came to a stop for a moment, large veins still pressed against its hide as steam exuded from its pores.Â

What caused it to halt its rampage down the corridors were the calm, slow steps that approached behind him.Â

"Did you get all of them, Wrath? If we\'re finished here, I\'d like to go home now."Â

Holding dark bags under his eyes, the man spoke to the Beast of Sin while receiving only low growls in response.Â

"You think so?...Eh, that\'s good enough for me. I\'m exhausted. Being a Marquis is a pain in the ass."Â

The mysterious Marquis bore a fair face that seemed to link to an age no older than his early twenties, wearing a sleek, black set of robes reminiscent to that of what a man of the church would wear, but instead bearing the symbol of Belmon on his back.Â

Waving his hand, the tired-looking young man ushered for Wrath to follow him back the way they came, "Let\'s go Wrath, I\'m sure Liber is done with his end by now. I hope so. That guy takes his damn time with it. How exhausting."Â

Stopping in his path, the tired Marquis let out a sigh as he looked back at the Beast of Sin, "I almost forgot. It\'s my responsibility to make sure those guys hold up their end of the deal. Galaggher and...I forgot the other\'s name, but it was my responsibility, right? He was supposed to take care of that Victorious Seven guy. How exhausting."

As the Marquis spoke in between yawns, he received only grunts and growls in response from the towering beast who followed behind him.Â

"Yeah, yeah, I know, Wrath. Galaggher and the other were put under my watch, so it\'s my responsibility...still exhausting, though. Where is he though?...Oh, I know a quick way to do this."

The youthful, but gloomy looking young man snapped his fingers as if discovering something in his mind, to which Wrath blew steam from its nostrils as if intrigued.Â

Clapping his hands, the Marquis\' signal instantly summoned men in black robes that appeared through the walls and floor like spirits. Without a word, they all bowed before him, saying the same thing in unison.Â

"We\'re at your command, Marquis Zeno Tressa."Â

"Uh...yeah, whatever. Go find Galaggher and his partner for me, would you? If you can\'t, then at least confirm the death of Andraste. Get it done quick so we can all go home, okay?"Â

Marquis Zeno gave his orders, finishing it with a clap that signified "chop, chop". Bowing once more, the mysterious followers dressed in shadowy robes then disappeared in the blink of an eye.Â

"I guess being a Marquis does come in handy sometimes. It\'s mostly exhausting though."Â

As the sleep-deprived Marquis rested his back against the blood-stained corridor, the stationary beast beside him blew steam from its nose as it watched him. Feeling its anxious gaze on him, Zeno let out a sigh.Â

"You want to go on another rampage?"

Asking this, Zeno received an answer as Wrath excitedly pounded its chest with its large, calloused hands that resembled brutal clubs more than hands. Just the beating of its chest mixed with its thrilled stomps caused the entirety of the arena to tremble from the savage strength exuded by the Beast of Sin.Â

"...Alright, alright, you\'re killing my head\'¦"Â

Marquis Zeno let out another perturbed sigh as he looked up at Wrath, "Kill them all. Just make it quick."Â

As quickly as those words rolled off his tongue, Zeno watched as Wrath unleashed himself--sprinting down the corridor as it roared out with an echoing savagery.Â

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