
Chapter 524 The City In The Sky


The ground beneath Destiny City began to shake violently. The citizens were all huddling in shelters or their homes, waiting for the process of the city rising into the sky to be over. Some braver people were outside on the rooftops to watch the process firsthand. 

A large crack began to form in the earth about half a mile from the barrier. This crack began to break apart the earth in a line going around the city. It was not perfectly straight. Some parts were wider than others, but it continued on. Even when it hit the water, this crack broke apart the sea floor and even went out further than it did from the land taking three miles of ocean with it. 

This cracking was not just in one direction but both. It was as if it was trying to claim as much land as possible before reaching its limit. The entire process took almost thirty minutes, and when the two sections connected, the true start of the rise began. 

A massive earthquake shook the land for many miles in all directions. A loud rumble filled the air as Destiny City and the land around it before the cracks began to slowly rise up into the sky. The process was slow at first but gradually it began to speed up. A large blanket of cloud suddenly formed out from the sides of the giving birth to the cloud bank that would keep the city hidden while in the air. 

"How far do you plan to take it?" Lillia asked.

"We want to go up as high as we can. I want it so that if we fly to the top of the dome of the barrier, we will be able to float without using magic or wings. The higher we are, the safer the city will be at all times. Plus. If Earth is lost, then with our space program already underway, we can probably take Destiny City out of the Earth\'s atmosphere and make our way to another planet." Blake did not want to do such a thing, but if it came down to it, he would have no choice.

"Do you think things will really get that bad?" Lillia asked. They were both watching the rise of the city from the main control room. This room was not Destiny City\'s most important place.

"I hope they do not, but…." Blake sighed. He only knew that things were not looking good for the time being. He only knew what Ishtar had told him, but it seemed that the power of the underworld surpassed that of the Astral Domain. He did not know if there were more powerful people or not, but from the sounds of it, only Anu was powerful enough to hold his own against some of the more powerful beings of the underworld. He also understood this was the reason why Anu did not even come to help with the situation. 

Currently, Destiny City had five goddesses, including his daughter. In order to protect his people and his family, this was the only option besides leaving the planet itself. While they could go to the Astral Domain, this would be a last resort. He would like to stay near Earth for the time being than being in a place where beings like Ea are looking to kill him.

"Mmm… We can only hope our future will be peaceful for the time being. We should take out time and slowly build out our defenses and weapons so we can take on anything that comes our way." Lillia felt sad that things turned out this way, but there was nothing they could do. They were lucky to have already had the idea of a floating city in the works a long time ago and was long since completed waiting for the day it would be used.

"No matter what, we will not go down without a fight. We just need to use our time wisely and slowly grow stronger. Once we reach a state where we can break into godhood, we will walk down that path." Blake looked at the screen in front of him, showing the ground below getting smaller. The shaking of the land had already stopped, and the citizens were all making their out of their hiding spots to see what it was like to be floating amongst the clouds.

"How are the oxygen and mana levels?" Blake asked. 

"All green. Far above normal, actually. The sky has the purer mana compared to the ground, and it is almost all evolved mana as well. The magic circles to create oxygen and also equalize gravity are working perfectly fine. The mana from the atmosphere is flooding in and being stored in the storage areas to be used for supplying the city and keeping the city afloat. If we keep this up, we will have a full stock of reserves that will last ten years if we need to move to another place." Lillia had thought of many things and understood Blake\'s plans well. They had made sure they had enough supplies to last a long time in case they were forced to leave the planet or go into seclusion until they were ready to fight back.

"Alright. Put things on autopilot and we will go take a look outside. I want to see this with my own eyes." Blake stood up, Lillia doing the same. 

He grabbed her hand and teleported them to the surface to take a look. If only they could catch a break, though. "Surface dwellers! What have you done!?"

A loud voice came from the east. Blake flew into the air while holding Lillia\'s waste to see a blue skinned man with a fishtail standing in the sky staring at him with eyes filled with hate.

"You are a merman?" Blake asked. He was quite sure this was the case, but he still asked to be sure.

"That I am! And you have broken the pack that has long lasted for millions of years!" The merman roared. 

The Merman was about to attack when Gemini suddenly appeared in the sky. "Frotatur, I will say this now, but you are no match for the people of this city. Do not try to go to war with them. In fact, you should be thanking my husband for allowing you to come with us. Or you might just end up losing everything…."

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