
Chapter 536 Mysterious Island Part 2

"Are the bikes ready?" Blake asked as he walked over to the newly built air bike hanger. This platform was only to be used for going to and from the land below. It was built into the bottom of the floating island and had a port door that moved down and up with magic to allow people to fly in and out. There was even a port station that monitored everything that was going on below the island. This way, those coming in could call in to say they needed the port to be opened. Else if they did not identify themselves in any way, they would be shot out of the sky by one of the hidden weapons that were built into the entire island as well.

"Yes, we have checked and given them some maintenance. This will be the new type\'s maiden voyage, so please return quickly if you find any abnormalities." Noa replied. She had a large hand in creating these new sky bikes that were equipped with mini mana cannons. 

"I will be sure to come back as soon as I feel that there are issues. Are the encoders working correctly? Will the bikes self destruct if not touched by someone who has been marked by me?" Blake did not want his technology to fall into the hands of others. If they were not under contract and tried to touch the bike, it would explode, hopefully killing the one who tried to take it.

"Yes, everything is set," Noa replied as she stood on her tiptoes and kissed Blake on the cheek. "Make sure you stay safe."

"I will." Blake smiled and squeezed her butt cheeks, causing her to playfully slap him. 

"Ahem…. Lord, I know you and your wives are lovey dovey all the time but time and place please." Bret was sick of looking at the public display of affection. Rin was not able to come send him off due to the children and her own duties, so he was all alone, and now he was taking it out on Blake, who called him for this job. And since this was an official mission with others around, he had to speak to Blake in a respectful manner.

"Alright, stop being grumpy because Rin was busy. Let\'s go and see what these newcomers are like. If their tech can be used, we may be able to trade with them or even offer them to come to Destiny City." Blake wanted the mech technology, but he would not force it either. That is, unless they seemed hostile towards him which he would then not hesitate to take it by force.

"I am not grumpy!" Bret was visibly pouting, causing the others who were there to tease him. He finally couldn\'t take it anymore and yelled out: "Are we going or not!?"

"Alright\' let\'s go. Sky Team 1 lift off!" Blake yelled out but only got strange stares from Bret and the others. "Ahem…." Coughing to cover up his embarrassment, Blake said: "What? Let\'s go!"

The air bikes were lined up on the launch pad as the port slowly began to open, revealing the blue skies of the outside world. With a signal from the monitor room, the group of five started up their air bikes and shot forward, each one quickly exiting the cloud bank that covered the bottom of the island.

Bret pressed against his com and asked: "Blake, how are we going to get close to these people? Are we just going to fly over and be like hey, how are you doing?"

"No, we will first activate our invisibility modes and get as close as possible. With their tech, they might have infrared sensors, which will make us visible since our invisibility is not meant to guard against high levels of technology. We need to see if they will fire first or call out to us. If they call out to us, we will try to speak to them. Although from what I have seen, their language is not something I have heard before. Ishtar and Nanaya think they came from a whole different dimension or even timeline." Blake explained.

"Timeline, huh? So they might be humans, but from a timeline that veered off from our own? What did Madam Lillia say about it?" Bret wondered what the woman who reset the entire world had to say about different timelines.

"She had no idea. Time magic alone is already something that is beyond her. Even as a drakani now, she is unable to use time magic. It seems between my wives and me, only I can use it. However, my children might be able to use it as well. Which I am okay with since the act of manipulating time is not very safe. So I do not plan to teach the others how to use it." Blake was not willing to let others learn time magic as it was dangerous. If they accidentally reversed time and got stuck there, history itself could end up being rewritten and would end up with even greater consequences than anything one could imagine.

He couldn\'t imagine a timeline where he ended up dying and leaving his kids behind or one of his wives or children dying. He had worked so hard to get to this point he did not wish for it to be wiped away due to some kind of butterfly effect. He himself had already changed the world enough after being reborn and back in time.

"But say you did, and one of your kids went back in time wouldn\'t that mean a whole new timeline would be created?" Bret asked.

"I do not even want to think about it!" Blake replied. He really did not like thinking of time paradoxes. 

The group had just reached the island when a red beam flew past them without warning. Then a loud sound came from what seemed to be speakers set up on the island. "Mhagofulo! Sortfani!"

Blake raised his hand  keeping anyone from attacking. "Undo your invisibility. We want to show them we do not mean to hide from them."

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