
Chapter 186 Dungeon’s Influence

As the first light of dawn filtered through the remnants of the ship\'s cabin, I slowly roused from my exhausted slumber. 

My body ached with the memory of yesterday\'s battle, every muscle protesting as I tried to shift my position on the uncomfortable floor. 

"I can endure pain, but this is just pure torture."

With a low groan, I muttered to myself.


Summoning my Mana, I channeled its soothing energy through my tired muscles, attempting to alleviate some of the soreness. 

It took a few minutes of concentrated effort, but gradually, the tension eased, and I managed to rise to my feet.

Ruffling dark bangs that fell across my forehead, I pushed open the cabin door and stepped outside, only to be met with an unexpected sensation. 


The water swarmed around my feet, drenching my shoes and sending a shiver up my spine.

Frowning, I blinked several times to adjust to the morning light, dispelling the residual blur from my vision. As the scenery cleared, my heart sank. The ship, once a vessel of adventure, now rested lower in the water, sinking at an unhurried pace.

I inspected the deck, my eyes tracing the path of destruction left by the Shadow Kraken. Holes punctured the once-sturdy wood, allowing the river water to seep in at a slow but relentless rate. 

The deck resembled a battleground, a testament to the fierce struggle that had taken place.

Turning my gaze to the remnants of the forest of reeds, I observed the aftermath of the colossal shadow\'s assault. The density of the reeds had been decimated, their once-thick population reduced to a mere fraction of its former self. Mangled and broken, the reeds stood as a testament to the chaos that had unfolded.

Peering into the thin shadows cast by the reeds, I discerned the presence of dark creatures within. They were not the usual shadows one would expect, but rather, entities from the Shadow Dungeon. 

These beings, with their obsidian eyes fixed on me, seemed to be in a state of rest, their stillness unsettling.

In response to the tension in the air, I activated my skill \'Mana Perception\'. 


A surge of Mana flowed to my eyes, illuminating my vision with a beautiful golden glow. A myriad of colors and Mana signatures became visible, revealing the intricate web of energies all around me. 

As I looked at the shadows, a realization struck me - they lacked Mana. 

They were ethereal entities composed of aether, a type of energy beyond the grasp of conventional human understanding.

I continued to observe the shadowy beings, my gaze meeting theirs in a lingering exchange. After a few moments, I shook my head, snapping out of my contemplation. With a thought, I released a gentle E-Rank Mana pressure, causing the shadows to hesitate and eventually retreat back into the reeds.

Summoning my resolve, I waded through the water that had pooled on the ship\'s deck, making my way toward the tip of the ship\'s nose. 


Without hesitation, I dove into the cold river, the chill of the water enveloping me. Despite the initial shock, I quickly composed myself and began to swim toward the distant shore.

As I swam, a few of the shadowy figures slipped out of the reeds, attempting to follow me into the water. In response, I allowed my Mana pressure to increase slightly, causing the beings to falter and ultimately turn back towards the safety of the reeds.

After a few minutes of determined swimming, I finally reached the shore, emerging from the water with a gasp. 

Suppressing a sneeze that threatened to erupt, I stood on the muddy bank, water dripping from my clothes. The remnants of the battle had left its mark on both the ship and the landscape, a testament to the power of the shadow entities that had attacked.


Although the prospect of raiding the Shadow Dungeon was already a massive challenge, the realization that I would have to swim across the river without a boat or any other means of assistance added another layer of difficulty.


Lifting my eyes from the river, I finally took in the view of the island. My gaze first landed on the massive, intangible shadow that loomed over the village. Despite the absence of clouds or any other obstructions, the shadow seemed to mask or even camouflage the village. If you weren\'t specifically looking for it, the civilization below might have gone unnoticed.

Frowning, I observed the environment, recalling that Dungeons had a tendency to influence their surroundings. For instance, an Ice Dungeon might lead to a drop in temperature and a chilly climate, while a Fire Dungeon could create a nearly volcanic environment. Shadows, however, held a different affinity. 

They had the ability to distort the environment around them, making it appear hidden or blurry. They could create illusions that gave the impression the dungeon didn\'t even exist. 

This added to their eerie nature, as an undiscovered and uncleared Shadow Dungeon could lead to an outbreak. If not dealt with within a specific timeframe, the dungeon could unleash a horde of monsters that would spill out and attack humans.

With a sigh, I summoned my Authority, gripping my long sword, and began to slowly approach the village. The landscape was fraught with the shifting dance of Shadows. They seemed to be everywhere, and a few of them even approached me too closely for comfort, forcing me to engage in combat to defend myself.

As I made my way forward, a sudden movement caught my attention. A shadow that resembled a massive anaconda dropped from a tree, its surprise attack narrowly missing me. I managed to dodge its gaping jaws by a hair\'s breadth, the wind of its strike brushing against my skin.

This shadow was not to be underestimated.


Summoning my Aura Blade, I focused on my Mana, the golden light of the blade illuminating the surroundings. The anaconda\'s obsidian eyes locked onto me, its form fluid and sinuous as it coiled, preparing for another strike.

Without hesitation, I lunged forward, the Aura Blade slashing through the air. The shadowy serpent met my attack with a swift, sweeping motion of its tail, forcing me to sidestep to avoid the strike. The impact sent ripples through the air, the darkness of the shadow contrasting with the gleaming golden light of my blade.


As the serpent\'s tail grazed past, I seized the opportunity to counter. With a precise thrust, I aimed for the shadow\'s head, my blade meeting its form with a clash of energies. The collision created a burst of light and darkness, the forces battling for dominance in a fierce struggle.

The serpent hissed, its eyes narrowing as it recoiled from the impact. It was as if the clash had disrupted its coherence, causing it to waver and falter. I pressed my advantage, my movements fluid and calculated as I evaded its attempts to ensnare me.


I circled the shadowy anaconda, waiting for the perfect opening. Its movements were unpredictable, each attack carrying a deceptive fluidity that belied its intangible nature. As it lunged again, jaws wide, I leaped into the air, executing a graceful backflip that allowed me to evade its reach.


As I landed, I channeled Mana into the Aura Blade, making it glow twofold and dashing toward the Shadow with lightning-fast speed. 


The blade struck the serpent\'s form, causing it to shudder and lose its momentum. Its darkness wavered, tendrils flickering as if struggling to maintain cohesion.

Taking advantage of its momentary weakness, I launched a rapid series of strikes. Each blow sent ripples of golden light through the shadowy mass, creating a dissonance that seemed to disrupt its very essence. The serpent thrashed and convulsed, its obsidian eyes glowing with frustration and pain.


As the battle wore on, the shadowy serpent\'s movements grew more erratic, its attacks less coordinated. It seemed as though the continuous assault of golden energy was wearing it down, breaking its unity and weakening its form. The fight became a battle of attrition, my determination to overcome it pitted against its relentless tenacity.


Finally, with a decisive strike, I aimed for a weakened spot near its tail. The golden light of my Aura Blade cut through the shadow\'s form, and with a resounding crack, the serpent\'s tail shattered into dissipating fragments. The darkness recoiled and convulsed, and then, with a final burst of golden light, the shadowy anaconda disintegrated.


Breathing heavily, I stood amidst the fading remnants of the shadow, my chest heaving as the adrenaline of battle began to subside. The silence that followed was punctuated only by the sound of my own breath and the rustling of the wind through the grass.

\'If every shadow in this area is this strong...\'

Looking toward the village in the distance, I momentarily held my breath.

\'Then I\'m fucked!\'

A small grin spread across my lips.

Although the situation was dire, I couldn\'t help but smile. 

I haven\'t had a good challenge in a while.

Except for the fight with the FrostFire Tiger...

and with the Midnight Panther...

and with the Kraken...

Anyways, this will be a treacherous adventure.

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