
Chapter 203 New Element

The metal doors of the elevator creaked open, revealing a well-lit hallway lined with office doors on either side.

"Let\'s go..."

A woman with silver hair and green eyes stepped out of the elevator, her heels tapping against the polished marble floor.

Katarina closely followed her mother, scanning her back as they made their way toward the end of the hallway.

Her emerald eyes scanned Carolina\'s straight back as they walked.

\'She\'s still as strong as in previous attempts...\'

Nodding her head, Katarina smiled, knowing that at least some things hadn\'t changed.

Her mind was drawn toward the irregularities that had appeared in this life.


Katarina\'s green eyes narrowed as she recalled a young man with piercing golden eyes and an eerily calm demeanor.

She remembered the first time she met him, in one of the combat classes.

Her eyebrows furrowed as she remembered how he could firm the pain without an emotion shown on his face.

He was scary, really scary.

However, it wasn\'t because he had inhuman pain tolerance but because he was an unknown variable.

During the five lives Katarina had, not in a single one of them, there was a guy called Aiden.

At one point, she even debated whether to kill him or not because his existence was something she couldn\'t control.

Katarina didn\'t have any deeper knowledge of the guy or some strings she could pull to get to him.

\'It\'s annoying...\'

Muttering under her breath, she drew the attention of her mother who gave her a mischievous smile.

"Thinking about some boy?"

Carolina spoke playfully, nudging Katarina\'s shoulder and raising an eyebrow.

However, Katarina didn\'t find this as funny as her mother did, rolling her eyes and shaking her head.

"Why did you call me?"

Finally, after they reached the end of the hallway and entered a wide room, Katarina spoke whilst taking a seat on a comfortable couch in the middle of the room.

Carolina also took a seat on the other side of the couch, crossing her hands together.

"My daughter is very cold..."

She pouted, however, Katarina\'s unblinking eyes made her collect herself soon after.

\'My daughter is acting like a grown-up...\'

Carolina hissed inside but hid her disappointed expression within, taking an envelope out of her Spatial Bracelet.

"We\'ve discovered another element or rather... It\'s a dungeon."

Katarina\'s eyes slightly widened upon hearing her mother\'s words and she quickly grabbed the envelope.

This was the first time she heard about this.

"What does this have to do with me?"

She spoke while glancing through the text written in the letter.

However, since her eyes were diverted downwards, she couldn\'t see her mother\'s smile.

"We are going to explore it!"


"Ready to talk now?"

Smirking, the demon spoke, clasping his hands together.

However, I didn\'t share the same friendly tone.

"Fuck you!"

I responded, summoning my Authority once again and clasping the sword\'s hilt tightly.

My defiance was unwavering, even in the face of overwhelming odds. I knew I was outmatched, outgunned, and outclassed by this S Rank Demon, but I refused to yield. The spark of determination within me burned brighter than ever, a beacon of hope in this bleak battle.


With a primal roar, I lunged at the Demon once more, my fists clenched, and my teeth gritted in a primal display of raw determination. My vision was clouded by pain and exhaustion, but I couldn\'t afford to back down. My Authority surged with energy as I closed the distance between us.

The Demon, seemingly amused by my tenacity, met my charge with an arrogant grin. Its movements were fluid, almost elegant, as it sidestepped my attacks effortlessly. It was like trying to catch smoke with my bare hands.

Each strike I aimed at the Demon was countered with ruthless precision. Its limbs moved like lightning, deflecting my blows and delivering punishing counterattacks. I was a marionette in its cruel puppetry, forced to dance to its malevolent tune.

But I refused to be a pawn in this twisted game. I had come too far and fought through too much pain and suffering to give in now. My mind raced, seeking a weakness, an opening, anything to gain the upper hand.

As I feinted a strike to the Demon\'s left, it momentarily shifted its weight in that direction. It was a small opening, but it was all I needed. With a surge of adrenaline-fueled strength, I changed my attack trajectory, aiming for its exposed right side.

For a brief moment, I felt the satisfying impact of my fist connecting with the Demon\'s flesh. A gasp of laughter escaped its lips, and its crimson eyes widened in surprise. I had finally landed a hit.

But my moment of triumph was short-lived. The Demon\'s retaliatory strike came fast and furious, a barrage of blows that sent me reeling backward. Pain radiated through my body as I tasted blood in my mouth. It was a brutal reminder of the immense power the Demon possessed.

I wiped the blood from my split lip with the back of my hand, my vision blurred and my body battered. The room around me spun, a dizzying whirlwind of torment. But I couldn\'t stop now; I couldn\'t give up.


Summoning every ounce of my willpower, I focused on my Authority, the source of my strength. It pulsed with energy in my hand, a lifeline that kept me in the fight. With renewed determination, I launched another assault, my strikes a flurry of desperation and fury.

The Demon, for the first time, seemed taken aback by the ferocity of my attack. It parried my blows, however, I could tell he was a little bit surprised.

But I couldn\'t afford to let up. I pressed my advantage, striking blow after blow, my fists a blur of motion. Each impact sent shockwaves of pain through my body, but I ignored it, pushing through the agony.

With a final, powerful strike, I sent the Demon stumbling backward. It crashed into the chamber\'s wall, a look of genuine pain contorting its grotesque features. I had done it; I had gained the upper hand.

However, merely a laugh left its mouth.

I maybe threw it into the wall but that was probably because he allowed me to.

Previously an enraged Draconic Human rammed into this Demon with all the strength but he barely budged.

My heart pounded in my chest as I moved in for another blow. But just as I was about to strike, the Demon\'s eyes hardened with resolve. It brought its arm up, blocking my attack with an almost supernatural speed.


The force of the impact sent reverberations of pain through my arm, and I staggered back, gasping for breath. The Demon had regained its composure, and it was clear that this battle was far from over.

We circled each other, I battered and bruised and the Demon, smiling. The room had become a battlefield, a stage for our brutal dance of survival.

The Demon\'s laughter echoed once more, a maddening sound that sent shivers down my spine. It reveled in the challenge, in the struggle for dominance. But I would not be a mere plaything in its twisted game.

With renewed determination, I launched myself at the Demon once more, our bodies colliding in a clash of sheer power. Every muscle in my body screamed in protest as I pushed myself to the limit, delivering blow after blow in a desperate bid to overcome this monstrous adversary.

But the Demon was relentless, its attacks unyielding. It seemed to draw strength from my desperation, feeding off my struggle. I could feel my strength waning, my movements growing sluggish, but I couldn\'t give in.

As the battle raged on, I began to recognize a pattern in the Demon\'s attacks, a rhythm that I could exploit. It was not infallible; it had its weaknesses. I just needed to find the right moment to strike.

I feigned weakness, allowing the Demon to think it had the upper hand. It took the bait, launching a powerful strike aimed at my head. At the last moment, I dodged to the side, narrowly avoiding the blow.

With a burst of speed, I closed the distance between us, my fists a blur as I delivered a series of rapid strikes to the Demon\'s midsection. It staggered backward, its crimson eyes wide with shock.

This was my chance.

With all the strength I could muster, I delivered a devastating uppercut to the Demon\'s jaw.

However, this time the Demon didn\'t play with my game, taking a hit head-on and receiving no damage whatsoever.


In response I got another heavy hit in my gut, crashing into the marble wall of the building.

I coughed out a mouthful of blood and struggled to catch my breath.

Is this really the end?

My golden eyes met the cold, unwavering gaze of the Demon.

It was clear that the battle was coming to an end.

I am probably dead.

Funny isn\'t it?

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