
Chapter 92 - First Invention.

[You have activated magic skill: Magic Shield!]

[You have activated sound domain skill: Sonic Drill!]

[You have activated skill: Battering Ram.]

[You have activated skill: Magic Teeth.]

With all 4 skills active, Sebastian started his counterattack. Of course, to close the distance, he needed a catalyst which was his advanced dash skill and he did not hesitate to activate it.

Rapidly rushing close, the magic shield blocked all the elemental damage being dealt by the Mystery Pryer Croc, then his sound domain sonic drill tore a small hole through its thick skin.

Before it could react and retreat properly, Sebastian rapidly closed the remaining distance with his battering ram skill and slammed into her.

The damage dealt by his chaining of skills was lesser than he expected, but he was not flustered as he calmly retreated again before opening his mouth wide.

Tu! Tu! Tu! Tu!

His magic teeth were charged properly before they started shooting out like a bullet rain. At his current level, and with him actively pumping more magic power into them, the teeth were far deadlier than before.

The mystery pryer Croc erected a huge earth shield that blocked off all the damage, but the machine gun-like bullet teeth chipped the earth shield\'s skin off gradually.

As soon as the defense of the earth wall became thin enough, Sebastian rapidly closed the distance with his battering ram skill again, but this time he complimented it with his spike attack skill.

In one heavy hit, he broke through the Croc\'s defense, dealing the first real damage to it but this Crocodile was far more fearsome than it showed.

Her defense was slightly weaker than the other Crocodiles, which was evident of the fact that she was not a melee fighter but this did not mean her defense was fragile in any sense.

She formed layers upon layers of defense, stalling all of Sebastian\'s attacks since he didn\'t intend to use his mana-draining Water Transmutation skill on her.

Not only did she defend impeccably, her elemental control omnipresent magic was so OP that she still dealt minute attacks to Sebastian which showed how powerful she was.

The more the battle dragged on, the more irritated Sebastian became but he knew that getting angry would not solve his problem. He needed to observe the battle again and make more targeted decisions.

With him dishing out every single skill that he had except his unique skill, the fact that the Mystery pryer Crocodile remained fighting showed that she was a frightening creature even at the Purple tier.

Removing a portion of his attention from her, he proceeded to observe the overall battlefield again. Through his observation, he quickly deduced that both sides were now in a fragile stalemate.

For the fierce Crocodiles with their thick skin adaptation, stalemate battles like this would only give them more of an advantage as time passed. If this continued, the Draconic lizards would be annihilated sooner than later.

Seeing this, Sebastian felt a little anxious as he was the one who drafted the plan. He expected the battle to be tight, but he still thought his uniqueness would have tipped the scales of the battle more than this.

Perhaps, it was due to the pressure of the situation, but Sebastian felt like his brain was functioning a bit faster than normal, more like it was now on overdrive which felt weird.

Right now, to turn the stalemate around, either the alpha Crocodile had to die or he activated a skill that could wipe out half of the adult Crocodiles immediately which was not feasible.

If he decided to kill the Mystery pryer Crocodile by all means, though it would affect the tides of the battle, it would not be as significant as killing the alpha considering the fact that his mana points would literally be exhausted after.

Despite how strong a display she was showing in the battle, Sebastian had no doubts that the alpha Croc was far more frightening.

Thinking of this, he turned his attention to the battle of the alphas.

Both alphas were still tied in a fierce battle, but both of them already suffered countless injuries which bled, weakening them as time passed.

Seeing this, ideas were rapidly exchanged and analyzed in Sebastian\'s mind as his human intelligence came into play again. Though his power stat was more than his mind stat now, his human intelligence advantage was still there.

Suddenly, he seemed to have experienced an epiphany as an idea clicked in his mind which he acted on immediately.

He returned all his attention to the Mystery Pryer Crocodile.

[You have activated unique skill: Water Transmutation.]

[You have created a magic manifestation: Tower Shield.]

As soon as the huge pitch-black tower shield appeared, Sebastian pushed it with his magic power towards the mystery pryer crocodile who instinctively reacted by erecting an earth element defense around herself.

Sebastian didn\'t pay attention to the defense that she erected, because offense was not his plan in the first place.

Originally, despite his last evolution and increase in stats, he could still only comfortably control one tower shield magic manifestation but he was about to push his limits this time around.

Leaving the first tower shield to hover before the Crocodile, he created a second one amid strains and a throbbing brain before aiming for the 3rd and 4th.

[Warning! You have stretched the limits of your magic power: You will either gain something from this or lose a lot.]

[Warning! Your control over your unique skill is unstable.]

[Warning! You have created a 4th Tower Shield magic manifestation, any further and your material magic organ will be at the risk of rupturing apart.]

Now, Sebastian\'s throbbing brain already spiked, he felt like his head was on fire but he was still sane enough to control the 4 hovering pitch-black tower shields.

After not receiving damage, the Mystery Pryer Crocodile already suspected something but it reacted late. When it raised its head from its defense to look, that was when it discovered exactly what was happening.

Under Sebastian\'s unstable control, the 4 tower shields quickly surrounded the Crocodile, forming what seemed like a sturdy pitch-black impenetrable prison around her, successfully cutting her off from the battle.

The metal sides extended after the 4 tower shields connected, forming new pitch-black metal surfaces to cover the remaining sides of the attachment to make the prison complete.

[Congratulations! You have invented your first stacked magic manifestation- Tower Prison!]

[You have gained 10 Invention points.]

Bam! Bam!

The Mystery pryer Crocodile finally reacted and released attacks at its new prison, but it was far too sturdy for it to break through immediately, it was trapped.

Seeing this, a sharky grin spread across Sebastian\'s face. Ignoring his still throbbing head, he turned to look at the alpha Crocodile with a look of bloodlust on his face.

He was in a race against time, killing the alpha Croc was now or never.

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