
Chapter 94 - The Strongest Predator, Octumpedam- The Devouring Octopus!

"Who is still recuperating?" Sebastian roared again, jolting the Lizard Lord from his daze as he turned to face him with trepidation now on his face.

As the Lizard Lord looked at Sebastian while still trying hard to digest the dying words of the alpha Crocodile, the seamount kept on shaking, spreading vibrations through the water in random oscillating frequencies.

"Who is still recuperating?" 

"It\'s the…" The Lizard Lord snapped out of its daze but he quickly became distracted again by the sound and visual effects now around the seamount.

The battling Crocodiles and Draconic lizards already stopped battling before due to the fierce battle that resulted in the death of the alpha Crocodile, now they no longer felt awe, they instead felt fear.

Every creature on the seamount felt a suppressive feeling that they have not experienced before, they felt an aura that left them feeling like thousands of boulders were tied to their backs.

Even Sebastian felt the suppressive feeling, only the Lizard Lord and the Mystery Pryer Crocodile who were still trapped in the Tower Prison magic manifestation responded mildly to it.

Despite this, the both of them shivered like they were seeing the antagonist in their nightmare come to life which left them horrified.

After gathering his nerves, a little panicked now, the Lizard Lord finally replied to Sebastian\'s question. "The one recuperating is the strongest predator on this seamount, Octumpedam".

Almost at the same time that Sebastian heard the Lizard Lord introduce the predator that was recuperating, his system lit up a notification to him.

[You are currently being affected by a high-grade Purple tier creature\'s condensed aura: You have entered the psychologically suppressed state.]

[All your attribute stat points have been suppressed by 10%, resistance depends on how high your attributes are relative to your opponent.]

[Calculating resistance attributes…, attributes calculated.]

[After calculating and comparing attributes, the suppression effect on you has been reduced to 6%.]

[The aura of an opposing apex predator has been detected: Devouring Octopus!]

This was the last sentence that Sebastian was coherent enough to hear from his system because the next moment the recuperating predator erupted.

Crack! Crack!

Sounds like those of a boulder cracking open first reverberated through the seamount, then a huge body was revealed before Sebastian with 2 glowing red eyes concentrating on his body immediately.

From the sides of the huge body of mass that dragged itself out of the seamount, enormous tentacles lashed left and right like life reapers.

This was a huge octopus, an extremely huge Octopus. 

Its body was brownish red, making it seem just like hard molten rock. Unlike the other predators in this battle, it had weapons. Its enormous tentacles were armed with menacing wraps of hot red steel. 

[You have activated skill: Advanced Electroreceptors.]

As Sebastian\'s electroreceptors blasted out, outlining the predator to see his enemy properly, it attacked without even wasting time on any prep talk.

8 tentacles shot out of the huge Octopus, all aiming at Sebastian. He was given no time to think or even react as all 8 tentacles dug into his body with force.

[You have been hit by a skill: 8-tipped Trident!]

[You have received staggering damage from your opponent: You have lost 50% of your health points.]

[You have been attacked by the magic weapon: Octranezion!]

[You have been hit by a weapon made with an enchanted metal: You have lost an additional -122 Health points.]

[You are currently suffering under the effects of the Octranezion\'s passive effect: Severe Internal Bleeding.]

[For 20 seconds, you will continually lose 20 HP.]

[You are currently suffering under the effects of the Octranezion\'s passive effect: Severe Pain Hit.]

[For each hit, you will suffer 10× more pain for 10 seconds.]

[You are currently suffering under the effects of the Octranezion\'s passive effect: Burning Heart.]

[For 15 seconds, you will suffer fire damage with pain like your heart is burning.]

[Effects of the fire damage have been reduced by 20% due to your Fire Skin adaptation.]

[Warning! Your health points are currently below 10%.]

[Warning! Your health points are rapidly dwindling further, and are currently below 4%.]

For a moment, Sebastian disappeared and all that was left and seen of him was blood blossoming like flowers in spring. Inside this world of red formed by his own blood, he experienced agony at its peak.

His brain seemed to have spiked in activity, and all the feedback that he received from it was that of pain.

For a moment, he seemed to have returned to earth when he suffered the first agonizing bite injury from his pet shark. The agony he felt was too similar, he no longer felt like a frightening Megalodon powerhouse but a puny human.

Right now, he couldn\'t even see his system\'s notifications again. All that he managed to glimpse was a warning, and he immediately knew that the situation was bad, probably very bad.

His vision was blurred by his blood, but he knew that he was in danger. 

Trying as much as possible to ignore the biting pain all over his body, he activated a skill that he bought for situations just like this.

[You have activated skill: Rejuvenation.]

[Warning: You are still receiving damage from the Octranezion\'s passive effects despite healing yourself.]

Though he still received damage and the pain was still there, this useful skill showed its effects immediately as Sebastian felt the familiar strength returning to him with speed.

He activated his electroreceptors again, then he saw clearly.

At some point in time, the enormous Octopus retrieved its tentacles from his body and it was in the process of attacking again with a lone tentacle to finish the shark once and for all.

Seeing the lone tentacle aiming at him this time, Sebastian laughed inwardly as he knew that he was dead if it hit. Dodging would not solve it; the tentacle was too fast and it was now too close.

At the last moment before the collision, something else collided with it.


With a strange defense skill activated, the Lizard Lord bravely clashed with the powerful tentacles to keep the shark alive.

His defense only held for a few seconds before it was breached. The tentacle penetrated his body, spreading blood everywhere but the damage was minimized to the lowest possible rate.

He didn\'t do this because he was allies with the shark, he did this because the shark was related to his old hunting partner- the motherf*cker Lord and because all hands were now needed on deck.

"Attack!" The Lizard Lord roared at his family members.

Unlike before, he no longer had that casual vibe, he now had the vibe of a war veteran Draconic Lizard who was a powerhouse at the Purple tier.

  He knew the threat of this Octopus, so he reacted without hesitation. With it here, no one on this battlefield could escape, not even the Crocodiles so they all had to battle it out.

This was because of a skill that the Octopus had, Enlarge!

As he reacted, the Mystery Pryer Crocodile also reacted as she also knew the threat posed by this Octopus. It tasked them with something to do and as they failed, they had to face the consequences.

Feeling her gaze land on him, Sebastian immediately disintegrated his Tower Prison magic manifestation, relieving another Purple tier powerhouse in the battlefield.

Then as one, they all looked at the enormous Octopus.

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