
Chapter 185 - Doctor Statham.

"…the Cobra is already dead, what a waste of resources".

"…reporting, the mutated Hawk-Eagle has also been confirmed to be dead".

"…this is a huge chance encounter; our mage detectors show that all 2 dead beasts are purple tier predators. 2 of the 3 surviving predators are purple tier also".

"…block the entrance, intercept the 2 escaping bastards!"

"…surround and round em up, shoot your enchanted harpoons, don\'t be stingy, these guys are dangerous".

"…elite team A, pressurized beams!"

"Yes Sir!"

Bam! Bam!

"…the toad has been shot, its speed slowed".

"…throw in the electromagnetic net".


"…the huge toad has been caught, but the giant Praying Mantis escaped".

"…intercept it. Fuck! It escaped".


"…this is cave exploration team 5-B, we need reinforcements, the Volcano Spiders has gone berserk".

"…send in a doctor also, we have a big fellow here who needs attention".

"…team leader, the mana bomb will explode in ten seconds".

"Got it. Confirming one last time, is everyone out of the cave?"

"Yes Sir!"

"All soldiers have been accounted for, the injured have been helped out, but 2 excavation drill vehicles have been wrecked by the Spiders".

"Filthy beasts! Blow them to bits!"




"…hello, this is Dr. Statham, am I speaking with cave exploration team 5-B\'s team leader?"

"Yes Sir! It\'s an honor to speak with you, Sir!"

"I heard you caught a living 20-meter-long shark. Use all your trump cards without reservation to annihilate those filthy Spiders and keep him alive". 

"Do anything in your power to keep him alive, you got me?"

"Umm…, ok Sir!"

"Assure me!"

"Yes Sir!"

"…the area is clear Doctor Sir, you can descend".


"Doctor Statham, my team temporarily stabilized the big fellow but his vital signs keep showing threatening signs of shutting down".

"Good job set a defense perimeter and make sure that no beast comes within close distance of this place".

"Leave the rest to me"

"Yes Sir!"

"You heard the Doctor". 


"Yes, team leader!"

"Set up the emergency treatment tent!"

"Yes, Doctor Statham".

"Bring all my equipment out, including the mage life stabilizers and the revitalization mage tonic".

"Yes, Doctor Statham".

"…this big fellow is dying, give him a shot of magenaline".

"…his injuries are severe, and for some reason, his body feels shackled which worsens his internal recovery more".

"…even his magic organ feels dead, it is restricted in some way, causing the meganaline\'s effect to be lowered by 70%".

"…Doctor, what is your advice?"

"…his size is 15 meters, give him 2 doses of mage life stabilizers and give him a shot of pure 10,000mg adrenaline".


"…his vital signs are hyperactive, now is the right time for rapid treatment".

"…80% percent of his tissues are fried; dead cells now fill his body and for some reason, they are not regenerating".

"…his pituitary gland is becoming bland and inactive".

"…ignore those signs, now commence hyper heart shock, connect the B-12 cord and increase his brain activity to the maximum, cut a hole through his mage operculum, tear the hazy membrane apart, then start mass flesh cloning and implanting".

"…tear his anus apart and inject the revitalization mage tonic".

"...yes Doctor!"


"…reporting Doctor, he is jerking, his vital signs are extremely unstable".

"…tie him down and hold his body in one place".

"…he is too powerful, area 2 of the emergency tent ropes snapped. No, an apprentice mage doctor has been crushed, immediately retreat".

"…no! no one retreats, I am the one in charge here".

"…maintain the mass flesh cloning and implantation!"

"…yes Doctor, but…"

"Do it!"

"Yes, Doctor!"


"…his heartbeat has increased above normal, almost 4 times that of normal, his internal regulation has gone berserk, heat is rising inside him, his body is expanding, he has entered the heat death zone".

"…there is a great risk of an internal breakdown and a shark explosion".

"…Doctor, I think he\'s a lost cause, we need to evacuate this area before he explodes. The losses from an explosion far outweigh the cost, we can\'t save this shark…, what?"

"…what did you discover?"

"…the Oceanic binomial nomenclature identification machine just picked up, this is not a Great White Shark, this is a rare orange tier Megalodon".

"…what? No one leaves, listen to my orders, we\'ll be reviving his magic organ".

"…give him 2 doses of mage shock stabilizers to stabilize his body and 1 dose of internal regulators for his body heat conservation, then connect the 2-mouth tube to his magic organ through his heart".

"…connection done".

"…good, now give him 20,000mg of meganaline".

"…what? Doctor, he\'ll die!"

"…do it! He\'s a Megalodon for Doc\'s sake!"


"…the shot has been administered".

"…then wait…"


"…doctor, his heat is rising again, we\'ll be dead before we know it…"


"…reporting, 40% of the Megalodon exploded".

"…we have casualties, 8 apprentices were lost, the emergency treatment tent has been destroyed but the Megalodon survived". 

"…for some reason, the 20,000mg of meganaline that was supposed to be deadly has a weird effect on his body. A part of his body exploded but he survived, now his recovery mechanism has kicked in".

"…his vital signs are brightening up, the Megalodon lived!"

"…good, suppress him in the mage-shackle frozen box and take him away. Set up the second emergency treatment tent, we\'ll be attending to the mutated toad also".

15 minutes later…

"Doctor Statham, the mutated toad also survived".

"His injuries were less severe, just a little dose of adrenaline and some timely injury patches revitalized him and his recovery mechanism took care of the rest".

"Though his recovery mechanism is far inferior to that of the Megalodons, this is still enough to keep his life".

"We were lucky that we encountered them injured, or there is no way that we would have survived an encounter with such deadly purple tier predators".

"Good, keep the 2 test subjects, we\'re going back to base".

"Team leader Tod, I\'m sorry for your losses".

"Doctor, I suffered this time. I lost 25 of my team members, including my 2nd in command, I hope all these were worth it".

"Don\'t worry soldier, I\'ll take full responsibility for all the losses".

"And be rest assured, this was all worth it".

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