
Chapter 353 - A Business Transaction [3].

Once Sebastian placed his assistant in a place that was safe enough which at this moment was the middle of the room, and stacked compact mechanical shields around her to protect her, he finally went to work.

His unique skill was already activated, so he didn\'t need to activate it again to use it, he simply needed to create magic manifestations when needed.

At this moment, the incentive threw by the notorious Dwarf Merchant already sank deep inside the dwarves\' heads so much that they lost their rationality, they no longer cared about their lives just for that promotion opportunity. 

All they cared for at this moment was throwing themselves at Sebastian and hoping that one of them was lucky enough to succeed and to get the ultimate prize.

Sebastian pitied their motive but they were enemies at this moment, so he was not about to hold back on them. He was about to finally test out a battle style that he theorized for this body of his after months of accumulation.

In an Atlantian body, he guessed that his Water Transmutation unique ability would be even more OP since he didn\'t need to use magic power to control the magic manifestations but could directly use them with his hands.

[You have activated skill: Mega Electroreceptors!]

Once this wave of electromagnetic interference swept through them, every dwarf shuddered as they tangibly felt it. 

Before they could understand what happened, the Atlantian Doctor already erupted, attacking them in the most violent manner. Before he did this though, Sebastian did not forget the final touch to make this scene more cool.

[You have created a magic manifestation: Cool Tinted Glasses!]

Bam! Bam! Bam!

The Magic Rifle vibrated in Sebastian\'s hands as he pulled the trigger while his eyes deep inside the tinted glasses tracked the movement trajectory of the enemies to make sure that a dwarf died with each bullet.

[You have activated skill: Mega Dash!]

Sebastian turned into what was akin to a phantom all of a sudden. He jumped while still pulling the trigger as his body dashed to the nearest dwarf.

Holding a Rifle and using it to meet an enemy in a life-or-death battle situation would have proved suicidal, but not to Sebastian.

Bam! Bam!

The Rifle roared 2 more times, reaping the lives of 2 dwarves in the process before Sebastian nonchalantly threw it away while keeping his right hand raised.

At this moment, his dash already enabled him to close the distance to the frenzied dwarves. In between them, he was ready to wreak havoc.

[You have created a magic manifestation: Plasma Blade Sword!]


Sebastian ruthlessly sliced with the sword that emitted heat that distorted the water space. The 3 dwarves that were in its direct path stood no chance; they were cut into 2 pieces effortlessly by the super-hot sword.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

The first slash heralded the 2nd, then the 3rd, the 4th and subsequent ones as Sebastian went on a rampage through the ranks of the dwarves.

They stood no chance against the super-hot sword.

After the 20th sword kill, Sebastian threw it forward in a stabbing motion, reaping 4 lives in the process who stood on its path as he retreated a bit to draw out another weapon.

[You have created a magic manifestation: Plasma Spear!]

When the dwarves thought that they were already figuring out the battle style of their opponent, this happened. With Sebastian suddenly wielding a spear of the same material, the dwarves despaired.

Only whooshing sounds followed by flying heads, limbs, and blood could be heard, accompanied by the painful yells of the dwarves as they were subjected to the most painful treatment of their lives.

Sebastian killed 15 dwarves with the spear before he dished it.

[You have created a magic manifestation: Dual Magic Pistols!]

Bam! Bam!

Each bam sound was accompanied by a dwarf suddenly becoming headless. Heads blew apart as the terrifying force of the bullets ripped them from their necks.

With each second that passed, Sebastian drew closer to the reinforced metal door that led out of this room despite the astonishing number of dwarves who were still trying their best to kill him and get all the rewards.

He killed the most dwarves with his dual magic pistols until he finally dished them. While he did all this, his assistant who was tied to him was dragged along like a bag of bones that was being dragged across a corridor.

Once he was only a few meters away from the door, Sebastian changed configurations again to rattle the defensive formations of dwarves that were determined to hinder him from going forward.

[You have created a magic manifestation: Magic Laser Machine Gun!]

Tu! Tu! Tu! Tu!

He paid the dwarves back tooth for tooth, for all the suffering that they induced on him, they have been shooting at him with their rapid laser guns since now he paid and settled the vendetta.

The only problem was that the dwarves could not put up much of a resistance against the astonishing impact force and burning force of his machine gun magic manifestation.

They were practically swept away like dry leaves in autumn.

As the laser machine gun kept on rotating, spilling out bullets like a robotic fire dragon, Sebastian finally cleared all the opposition that blocked his way to the door, killing over 30 dwarves at once.

With this done, only the reinforced metal door was the obstacle remaining. Sebastian also changed configurations to brute force his way through it.

[You have created a magic manifestation: Positron Rifle!]


One shot was all that it took for the reinforced metal door to fall apart. Of course, Sebastian felt the steep mana drain but the effects were more than worth it and he was thrilled.

With the door blasted open, he picked up his assistant and dashed there, easily swimming out of the room.

Once Sebastian got outside, he discovered that the whole guards of the secret base were already mobilized against him. He was not flustered though; this was because he already expected it.

"Keep yourself alive". Sebastian muttered before throwing his assistant to the side, then he flexed his muscles in an anticipatory manner.

"Hehe, let\'s test the feasibility of this battle style".

[You have created a magic manifestation: Missile Launcher!]

[You have created a magic manifestation: Magic Beam Launcher!]

[You have created a magic manifestation: Hypersonic Missile Launcher!]

[You have created a magic manifestation: Warship-grade Cannon!]


Everything quickly faded into static as the mighty blasting sounds of so many powerful weapons being unleashed at the same time burst a lot of eardrums, sending a lot of beasts into concussion immediately.

As for those that survived the soundwave, they died to the tyrannical explosion as the fire washed through them like an abyssal plague.

No single guard survived!

Sebastian singlehandedly annihilated all the guards of this secret base!

This was not without costs though. At this moment, Sebastian was feeling drained of all his power, his mana points were at a critically low point but looking at what he achieved, he believed that it was all worth it.

"This is power!"

"Move! Move! F*cking move!"

A horrified Dwarf Merchant frantically operated the military-grade shuttle, trying to bring it to life but the machine was proving too unresponsive to his liking as this spooked dwarf kept on hitting at the controls.

While he did this, he kept on looking back at the destruction that was wrath by the Doctor that he was just about to scam.

"What a terrifying Doctor!"

While he exclaimed, the shuttle finally responded to life, making him heave a deep and long sigh of relief.

"At least, I escaped".

"Are you sure?"

"…" The dwarf felt goosebumps filling his whole skin.

On turning around, he saw the Atlantian Doctor directing a funny glance towards his direction from the shuttle where he thought he was the only one in. The smile on the Doctor\'s face spooked him to no end.

At this moment though, he was confused more than he was horrified.


He turned to look only to see the Atlantian Doctor standing proudly in the distance, looking at the destruction that he just wrath. Then on turning back, he saw the same Doctor standing before him.

This dwarf\'s legs turned to jelly.

"Wh-who are you, really?"

"I told you, I am John Cena".

[You have created a magic manifestation: Basic Sword!]


The dwarf was beheaded effortlessly, the Dwarf Merchant died.

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