
Chapter 4 Genesis [Unedited]

At first the doctors said I had albinism, because of my white skin and white hair, but after some studies they realized that I don\'t, I don\'t have the defects of albinism, the sun doesn\'t affect me at all, and much less I have eyesight problems, it\'s as if I was simply born with different genes.

My childhood self came to think I was adopted, and I myself would be doubting the same if it weren\'t for my memories.

But what made me rule out the case of albinism are the medical results, it turns out that my body produces melanin with no problems, even distributes it perfectly, making everything about me become a mystery.

But the silvery white hair is not the only thing about the situation, there are many cases of different degrees of albinism in the world, the special thing about me is my eyes.

At first they were light blue, but over the years they began to gradually change to violet, and it seems that the more the years go by, the more intense their color becomes.

Today, with the naked eye you can see the peculiar light violet color that has already made the blue disappear completely.

At this point I have to remind myself that this shit is not a movie or an anime, violet eyes are a real rarity all over the world, even doctors say there are no records of anything like it.

It\'s so rare that the doctors who saw me offered to study my body to try to find the anomaly for free, but mom didn\'t think for a second about turning them down, she\'s not stupid, she knows that shit will leave me locked up most of the time.

Although as I recall, in my world I did hear about albinos with purple eyes, but of course.... I\'m not an albino.

But it\'s not just my features that are special, everything about me is special in a way.

Before I got my memories back, my childhood self spent the day reading and studying new things, apparently I have a perfect memory since birth, no matter what I see or what people tell me, I will always remember it perfectly.

It\'s a bit weird to grasp so many things at a glance, but I don\'t feel any discomfort, I would say it\'s quite the opposite, I feel very good about it all.

Thanks to that incredible memory and my high capacity to understand things, I already master 4 languages perfectly, English, Russian, Japanese and French.

Well... maybe saying perfect is an exaggeration, since I can\'t speak the language, I just understand it and can read it without any problems.

But it\'s better than nothing, isn\'t it?

Apart from English, which I learned when I was 1 year old, the others I learned in my second year of school, thanks to the books in the library.

Although it\'s a bit weird to know that my motivation to read other languages is due to a movie I saw at that time. The movie was about a Russian spy and there were many moments where she spoke in her language, apparently I felt uncomfortable not knowing what she was saying, and my childish self took to studying everything I could find about foreign languages.

All that shit caused me some problems in school...

In a way I can say that my passion for books further fuels the flame of that chubby guy who makes my life miserable.

But these traits are not the only ones I highlight either, even though I don\'t notice it much now, I think I have more strength than an average kid, for example, when we moved house, we had to move heavy things, kitchenettes, bags with clothes, mattresses, etc. But I never found a great weight in it, but I know it is something difficult for a 9 year old.

My old self thought I was normal, but now with these memories I know I am anything but normal.

All these traits remind me of a legend from my old world, it was called Alexandria Syndrome or Alexandria Genesis, where they describe something similar to what is happening to me, from super intelligence, to superior strength, even the purple or violet eyes were described to perfection, the only thing that doesn\'t match is the hair color.

Although I\'m still not sure if the strength thing is true in my case, or just in my other life I was weaker.

But it\'s curious how a legend that originated in Egyptian times, can be represented in me in the present time, plus a totally different world.

Although I have too many missing details to be able to say that I have the same syndrome described in the legends.

I don\'t remember seeing any light in the sky as the legend says and if I don\'t remember it is because it simply didn\'t happen.

Although well, it\'s a bit of an empty comparison, I only have a bit of the traits and intelligence, I still can\'t say I have super strength, I could only lift a few things and that\'s it.

But it\'s not bad to have something to compare.

One thing I appreciate is that my child self was aware that his intelligence is not normal, that\'s why he didn\'t tell anyone what he learned, hiding even the languages he speaks.

Although he didn\'t think anything deep in hiding it, the only reason was to avoid being looked at weird, he already dealt with 3 bitches for just reading books and having white hair, imagine what it would be like to admit to being a genius.

Maybe in college or adulthood it would be something to admire, but for kids to be different is a reason to mock.

They\'re just little primates.

Overall, I could say that almost all of my changes are good, although it has some external shortcomings.

Although I\'m still young, I always saw people looking at me with different intentions, I still remember one of the few times I went out with my older sister to the park.

I only went away for a few minutes and a lady came offering me candy if I followed her to some unknown place, my childish self being an intelligent child followed her mother\'s words and refused instantly, I was lucky that the lady didn\'t insist anymore and let me go, because if she insisted on taking me by force I couldn\'t resist.

Now if I had the memory of my previous life, maybe I would have thought about it... but I doubt I would have accepted, I am not stupid, I know that if I had followed her I might not see my family again, even worse, I would end up dead.


I still can\'t even stand up straight.

What good would it do me to go if I can\'t get an erection?

Little advantage and a lot of risk, only a fool would accept.


She\'s not the only weird woman I\'ve seen in my life.

Even the nun at the church near our caravan I\'ve seen looking at me with heated eyes, something that reminds me of my last words.

Maybe I\'ll play around those sides a bit in the future.

It would be great to have sex with a nun...

In my old life I could only dream about it, but in this one I think it would be easier.

How many times did I hear in my old life about shepherds with a penchant for children?

In this world it must be something very similar, only the common victims are men, not women.


What I heard most in my former life is that shepherds usually look for boys, not girls?

In this world they prefer women?

It would be a disappointment to my virgin side...


Why do I think of such disgusting things?

Sleeping with a nun?

Besides... with the way that lady looked, she was pretty scary.

She wasn\'t even pretty...

Do I have a testosterone problem?

I shouldn\'t be having these kinds of thoughts, I\'m only 9 years old...

But why shouldn\'t I think that way?

It\'s exciting to think about sex life...

But thinking about it at 9 years old?

Thinking about sleeping with a potential child rapist?

Well... it sounds kind of exciting.


What the fuck do I think?

Doesn\'t sound good at all...

"What the fuck is happening to me?" I muttered in confusion, as I felt my brow instinctively furrow.

I feel confused...

Do I want something or don\'t I want it?

Am I bipolar?

No, I don\'t have such radical changes...


I\'ll leave it for the future, I have no basis for anything.

The more I think about the subject the more confused I get.

​ "*Sigh* That would be my mental summary of the situation..."

I can\'t talk much about the world, my younger self was never interested in television, and the internet is still not something I can easily access.

Mom has internet on her cell phone, but it\'s hard to ask her for it considering she\'s hardly ever home.

The only thing I can add is that I seem to be in June 18, 2009 and a little historical knowledge I\'ve read.

In a month I will be 9 years old, I was born on July 25, 2000.

But thinking about the year we are in brings me a lot of questions.

I was born much later in my other world, and as far as I can see, this world is not very different from the other one, only the roles were reversed.

Doesn\'t reincarnation follow the laws of time?

Will the timeline stay the same or will everything change?

Will the same events happen as in my previous world?

Will I have to live through the pandemic and all the crap that comes after?

How different is the world now ruled by women?

On this last question I already have a vague answer, but unfortunately I don\'t know enough to draw any conclusions.

I guess I\'ll have time to look into it.


"I have a score to settle with a fat man"

I mutter with a small smile on my face.

I stand up and look around the bathroom, which looks familiar yet unfamiliar.

Even though classes are over, I know that fucker hangs out with his friends to play games or talk about whatever shit they can think of.

It doesn\'t matter that the little fucker behaves like a demon, that doesn\'t take away from the fact that he\'s no different than a girl.

As I stand up I take a good look at my body in front of the mirror and all I have to say is that I am a beautiful jewel, my hair, my features, my eyes, everything about me screams beauty, if it wasn\'t for my slightly masculine features people would think I was a woman, strange thing because if I look like a woman I would be like a man from my old life, what a fucked up shit, although I am thankful that the sense of beauty hasn\'t been distorted in this world.



The only person who told me I\'d be handsome is my older sister and my mother?

Is this the typical case where your family tells you that you\'re handsome when the truth is that you\'re uglier than a kick in the nuts?

The more I follow this line of thinking the paler my face becomes.

Can you imagine being an eyesore for having great beauty?


Come to think of it I\'m kind of popular with the older girls at this school.

Even if they don\'t talk to me, I always see them looking at me.

There\'s a possibility that they look at me for being weird...

But one look would be enough on that, girls look at me whenever they get the chance.

Ah, well.

Never mind...

In my old world, even women who weren\'t very beautiful could have all the sex they wanted.

Besides, I really like the way I look now.

"Fiuuu~ Hello handsome"

I smiled narcissistically in front of the mirror as I admired everything about myself, not bothering to look at the big bruise under my eye let alone the blood coming out of my nose.

"Well, we have to have a rematch"

I muttered, not bothering to wash my face to quietly exit the bathroom.

After leaving that disgusting place, I slowly walked through the empty hallways of the school, heading to a certain locker in particular.

The walk was a very strange experience, I felt like I knew everything perfectly, and the truth is that I do know everything, but somehow it all seems so strange... so unfamiliar.

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