
Chapter 13 Demon


Eva exclaimed nervously, crossing her arms defensively as her gaze quickly averted, trying her hardest not to look at that fatal expression, but unfortunately, her willpower with her little one is not much, causing her gaze to return to Chris a couple of times.

"Mommy I love you..."

Christian whispered, pulling his pitiful face closer towards his mother, then nuzzling his face with hers.

"Aghhhhhhh!" cried Eva in frustration, holding her hands to her head in disbelief, looking at her son\'s sad face in front of her, then sighing and speaking.

"Fine... you can come with me" whispered Eva wearily "But you will have to be by my side at all times and you will never let go of my hand Do you understand?"


Nodded Christian quickly with shining eyes, as he looked down at his hands with an expressionless face.

"I have great power..."

Christian whispered inaudibly, looking down at his hands in disbelief.

"But also a great responsibility..."

Christian murmured, looking fondly at his mother, who was still pulling her hair in frustration, staring into the void without understanding what just happened.

"I love you, mom!"

Christian exclaimed happily, jumping straight onto his mother\'s chest, burying his face in them, causing the woman to snap out of her stupor.

"My little prince..."

Eva whispered softly, instantly hugging her little one, cherishing from the bottom of her heart every second this wonderful day bestowed upon her.

They shared each other\'s warmth, assuring each other that this day, will be one of the best moments for both of them, something they will surely remember with fondness in the future... or with sadness... perhaps with pain... it might even be remembered with lust.


The important thing is that it will be remembered.

"We\'re here!"

A cry from a sweet voice was heard from beside Christian, making him jump with fright.

The mother and son pair had fallen completely asleep after a few minutes, causing a small ball of energy to wake them up with a scream as they arrived.

"What the fuck...?"

Christian whispered angrily, looking around bewildered. A lifetime of loneliness makes a scream upon awakening the weirdest and most horrible thing that could happen, but as he cursed, he remembered his new reality, causing a small involuntary smile to spread across his face.

"Hailie don\'t scare me like that..."

Christian muttered, looking at the little blonde girl trying to climb onto the bed, and failing miserably due to her lack of height, causing her to look up at her mother with a beautiful pout, while Eva still looked around in a daze from suddenly waking up.


Christian murmured, slowly getting up on the bed, then crawling over to her, taking her hand gently, trying with all his might to pull her up onto the bed, succeeding after a few attempts.

"Me too!"

Another voice was heard shouting, a small boy instantly arriving at Christian\'s side, looking up at him expectantly as he stretched his arms out towards him.

"Come on..."

Christian murmured with a small smile, reaching out his hand to grab Alan, managing to lift him with ease, leaving him next to Hailie, who was already bouncing on the bed.

"Hailie!" shouted Eva reprimandingly "What did I tell you about jumping on beds!"

"That I shouldn\'t do it because I might fall..."

Hailie muttered sadly, instantly stopping jumping as she looked at her mother in aggravation.

"Let\'s jump together!"

Christian exclaimed happily, quickly getting up to grab Hailei\'s hand, as he started jumping, forcing her to keep up with him.


Hailei laughed, jumping even faster on the bed, looking at his brother with a big grin on his face.

"I want some too!"

Alan shouted quickly, climbing onto the bed to grab Christian\'s remaining hand, jumping up with a laugh of his own.

"Kids... *sigh*"

Sighing with resignation, Eva watched her children jump up and down with a soft smile, enjoying every second of the sound of their laughter in the room, forgetting to even ask who the person was who had brought them from the park.

The siblings were laughing and jumping for a few minutes, minutes that Christian enjoyed wholeheartedly, not missing a second of his brothers\' happy smiles until he got bored and let go of their hand.

"I don\'t want any more..."

Christian spoke, throwing himself on the bed, his face flushed and his breath coming in gasps from the constant jumping, while his brothers looked at him with disappointment.

"Brother let\'s jump!"

Hailie shouts, bending down to grab Christian\'s hand, as she looks at him with a sad expression, causing Christian to open his eyes wide.

\'He\'s using my power against me...\' Christian gawks as he turns to look at his mother, who looks at him with an amused smile.

"I don\'t want to!"

Christian said, turning to hug his mother\'s leg.

"Christian... please..."

Alan spoke softly, taking Christian\'s other hand, looking at him with a pout, making Christian openly curse.

"Dерьмо!" (Shit!)

Christian exclaimed, luckily his intelligence worked and he cursed in Russian because his mother would have instantly lost her smile if she had heard her innocent son\'s curse.

"Я не могу поверить, что простое выражение может быть таким сложным..." (I can\'t believe that a simple look can be so difficult...)

Spoke Christian in Russian, resting his head on his mother\'s leg, while looking absently at Eva\'s smiling face.

"What did he say?"

Hailie asked, turning her gaze to Alan.

"I don\'t know, but it sounded like the demons in the movies...".

Alan replied with a pale face, quickly looking away from Christian.

"*Gulp* You idiot, Christian\'s not a demon!" retorted Hailei quickly, but slowly backing away from her brother\'s side, only to look at her mother doubtfully "Right mom?"

"Alan!" scolded Eva, looking with amusement at her youngest son "Don\'t call your brother a demon!"

"B-but Mom... Christian talks like the demons in the movies!"

Alan replied nervously, looking fearfully at his older brother.

"Я съем твою печень!" (I\'ll eat your liver!)

Christian shouted in Russian, jumping on Alan with his eyes rolling as he opened his mouth wide.


Alan screamed in terror, quickly jumping out of bed to run to the bathroom, only to slam the door shut, leaving only his choked sobs in the room.

"This... I... I was just playing..."

Christian stammers nervously, turning his gaze back to his mother, realizing that Hailei is hugging her tightly as she looks up at him fearfully.

"Christian..." Eva speaks calmly, watching her son with an impassive face, causing him to flinch at her calm tone.


"Come closer..."


Nodding nervously, Christian slowly approaches his mother, always keeping his gaze downward.

Reaching Eva\'s side, Christian nervously looks up, realizing right away that he\'s messed up, only to go blank when he doesn\'t see the angry look he expected on his mother\'s face, but instead meets Eva\'s soft gaze.

"You don\'t have to be afraid, it hurts me to see that look"

Eva whispered, wrapping her free hand around Christian, gently caressing his back.

"I\'m not going to scold you, let alone hit you... Damn it, the day I hit my children will be the same day I stop being me!"

Eva exclaimed angrily, then smiled again and looked her little boy straight in the eyes.

"I know you just wanted to joke with Alan... but you have to know that your brother is still little, he tends to get scared with many things..."

"I know you\'re smart and you\'ll understand my words... just try to be gentler next time..."


Eva whispered softly, caressing Christian affectionately, causing his eyes to redden, as small tears formed at the edge of his eyes.


Christian in his old orphanage lived many things, but what he always remembered and marked him, was the violence.

From a young age he grew up with beatings, every mistake he made ended with a beating, he was never told what to do let alone how to act or fix his mistakes, he was just beaten and let go after a while.

In a way, that treatment caused Christian to desperately search for what people called love, unfortunately, his concept of love was something so embellished and fanciful, that he ended up alone until the moment of his death.

So now, listening to his mother speak to him with obvious affection, he couldn\'t help but feel an incredible amount of emotions overwhelming him, but only a few dominated it all, happiness and relief.

Happiness at finally finding what he had been searching for so long, and relief at not having to go through the same thing he lived through for many more years.


Christian nodded, looking up with misty eyes at his mother from the number of tears dripping from her beautiful eyes, but all of this was happening with a big smile on her face, making Eva gasp as she didn\'t understand what had just happened to her little boy.

"W-why are you crying!"

Eva asked nervously, quickly wiping the tears from her son\'s face.

"I love you, mommy!"

Christian replied softly, gently hugging his mother\'s arm, causing her to visibly relax, though doubt still lingered in her thoughts.

"Me more..."

Eva whispered, resting her head with Christian\'s, as she smiled softly, turning her gaze to Hailie.

"Do you see any demons in this cute face?" asked Eva amused, lowering her gaze to Christian\'s smiling face, causing Hailie to shake her head vigorously.

"No, big brother is too cute"

Smiled Hailie, moving closer to Christian and then patting him on the head, causing him to blush in embarrassment.

\'A girl just patted me... I was called cute...all this in a day... What will happen in the future? "Christian thought in horror "Will I act like a sissy? No, no, no, formerly dead... but... I\'ll let it go for now... just because it feels good...\'

"Of course he\'s cute, after all, he\'s my son" Eva smiled proudly, then turned her gaze back to the bathroom and sighed "Now let me go talk to his brother..."


Christian nodded, letting go of his mother\'s arm then leaning back on the side of the bed, noticing after a long time that his mother still had her breasts in the air, causing a frown to crease his face.

\'Have I gotten used to it by now? Why don\'t I feel anything at the sight of them anymore? I\'ve adapted so quickly? Impossible...\' The more he thought about it, the stranger Christian\'s expression became, staring at his mother\'s back, who was heading to the bathroom. \'Could it be because I\'m still a child? But it can\'t be that... I clearly felt lust when I saw her in the bathroom...\'


Hailie\'s shout was heard, snapping Christian out of his stupor, causing him to turn his gaze back to the girl.


"I\'m bored!"

Hailie exclaimed as she puffed out her cheeks in annoyance, causing Christian to smile and hold out his arms to her.

"Come, hug your brother"

"I don\'t want to!"

Hailie retorted, fiddling with her feet in the air as she lay down beside Christian.

"But I want a hug..."

Christian said, looking sad-faced at his sister.

"*Sigh* Just one Yes?"

Replied Hailie resignedly, moving closer to her brother\'s outstretched arms.

"Hehe~ I promise"

Smiled Christian with amusement, instantly taking his sister\'s small body in his arms.

"You still smell funny"

Hailie muttered, sniffing Christian repeatedly, causing Christian to look at her in confusion.

"Smell funny? But I just took a bath..."

Christian muttered, sniffing his clothes in confusion, realizing that he doesn\'t have any particular smell, just the smell of clothes.

"Does it smell bad?"

Christian asked with a frown.

"No, the weird smell smells good..."

"You said it still smells weird Does that mean it had the smell before?"

Christian asked curiously.

"Are you dumb?" Hailie replied with a giggle "You always have this smell"

"Did you call me dumb...?"

Christian asked quietly, looking at his little sister with narrowed eyes, momentarily forgetting the subject of her smell.


Hailie shook her head quickly.

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