
Chapter 31 Confrontation


"You don\'t have to worry... I\'m sorry I didn\'t find out sooner" I shook my head bitterly, as my hand clenched tightly in anger.


"Be honest with me... how long ago did it start?"


"And don\'t you dare lie to me."

"*sigh* I don\'t know... I think 4 or 5 years ago, maybe more..."

"4 or 5 years... maybe more..." Clenching my fists even tighter from the anger that was growing, I turn to Christian, watching his peaceful expression.


Years of bitterness my children had to live through.

All because of me.

All because I couldn\'t be with them...

"I-I... S-sorry... for my f-fault." I whispered in a cracked voice, as I felt a lump choke my throat.

"Mom..." interrupted Ashley, taking my hand as she gave me a reassuring smile "Don\'t complicate yourself... you have a lot of burdens to carry and I understand... besides... I\'m just worried about Christian... for some reason, dad always focused on him"

M-my Christian...

Relax Eva, it doesn\'t do any good to lose control.

At least not in front of your girls...


"I was trying to attract his attention to me, I can take it no problem, I\'m a woman after all... but it was only good for a while, he always ended up focusing on Christian"

Easy Eva...

"You... couldn\'t you stop him?"

"...What am I supposed to do... should I have beaten up my father? call the police?"

"... Couldn\'t you have told me earlier?"

"...Believe it or not... it was Christian who asked not to talk to you"

"Christian!?" I exclaimed in astonishment, quickly lowering my gaze "But... Why?"

"Why do you think?"


"My brother is smarter than you think mom, don\'t mistake him for a normal kid"

"I know... yesterday I found out he\'s a genius"

"A genius?" asked Ashley with raised eyebrows.

"Yeah, it\'s a long story, I\'ll tell you later"




"Your father... What was he doing to them?"

"...do you really want to know?"

"Yes, I need to know"

"*Sigh* I don\'t know where to start... He never talked, he just hit... a few slaps, hair pulling... sometimes he would throw dishes at us... Christian he dragged by the hair around the house... I... n-I couldn\'t do n-nothing" Ashley whispered, as her voice got smaller and smaller.


"He didn\'t ask for help... he didn\'t cry... he didn\'t scream... he didn\'t do anything *Sniff* w-while I... just watched everything *Sniff*" Ashley murmured, as tears began to leak from her eyes.

Biting my lips tightly, I turn my gaze to my other children, who were watching TV nonchalantly.

"J-just... I was just doing them to you two?"

"Yes... With Christian we used to hide Alan and Hailie...they always went unnoticed... like I said, Dad always focused on Christian"

Scratching my neck out of nervousness, I lower my gaze to Christian, who was still writing as if nothing was happening.


"I-I just don\'t understand *Sniff* Why take it out on him? *Sniff* I told him many times that, if he wanted to hit someone, to hit me *Sniff* but he never listened to me... he was always going after him."


"I-I *Sniff* I\'m so useless *Sniff* sorry mom *Sniff* I couldn\'t protect my brother" At this point, Ashley was shedding bitter tears, while my lips were starting to bleed from biting too hard.

"Shhh~ don\'t cry Ashley, you\'re not to blame"


"Ashley... you don\'t have to carry that around, you\'re still a kid... even though our situation isn\'t the best and you ended up dropping out of school, you\'re still a kid... the fault is mine not yours" I smiled softly "Besides... didn\'t Christian tell you that he loved you very much... if you had failed him like you think you did, would he say those words to you?"


"You know this boy doesn\'t lie, if he says it, it\'s because those words come from his heart... in his mind, you were very brave, I assure you."

" *Sniff* R-really?"

"Of course, yes" I smiled softly, as I reached out to tap Ashley\'s shoulder.

"Now dry those tears and wash your face, if your brothers see you they\'ll be very worried."

"Mn!" Ashley nodded, getting up then walking to the bathroom.

"My children..." I whispered, while to Christian with complex emotions "What am I supposed to do?"



What am I going to do with you?

"Mom, are you okay?"

Hearing Ashley\'s worried voice, I put my thoughts aside and watch her.

"Of course, I do Why do you ask?"

"for nothing..."

"Ashley, come" With Ashley next to me, I have her lie down next to me and speak "Lend Christian your breasts to settle in, I have to go get some air."


"I\'m telling you to cuddle Christian while I\'m gone, it must be comfortable for him to be between these fat balls."

"B-but I don\'t know what to do" Ashley replied nervously, as she looked at Christian who was still typing.

Rolling my eyes, I reply with a smile "Why so hesitant? You just put an arm around him and let him lean on you, nothing else."

"Well..." Ashley replied dubiously, as he carefully lay down on his side.

"Fine, I\'ll move him" I smiled slightly, as I gently picked Christian up and moved him slowly towards Ashley.

When he reached Ashley\'s arms, Christian stopped writing for a moment, only to move his hand and grab Ashley\'s breast, instantly bringing it to his mouth, only to bump into the clothes.

"Oh~" Ashley moaned lightly, causing my brow to instantly furrow.

"You... Did you just moan?" I asked in disbelief.

"N-no, I was just surprised...I\'m not used to it like you" Ashley replied with an embarrassed expression.

"Well... I didn\'t think Christian would do that... but if he\'s comfortable with it, that\'s okay..... I think" I whispered hesitantly, as I felt a little weird seeing Christian touching a breast other than my own.


"Well..." I spoke hesitantly, then smirked "But really? groans? You\'re going for women now?"

"I\'m not going for women!" Ashley exclaimed angrily "I was just surprised, that\'s all!"

"Okay, okay, I believe you" I smiled teasingly, then reached into my pocket and pulled out my cell phone "Here, so you don\'t get bored, Christian will probably be in that position for a few more hours... you know him, if he didn\'t talk and eat, he\'d be mistaken for a statue"

"Thank you" Ashley replied, quickly taking the cell phone from my hands.

Shaking my head, I turn to my other two little ones, finding them the same as always, watching TV.

Walking over to them, I pick up the remote next to them and turn down the volume "For today, you are allowed to watch TV late, but don\'t jump between the beds"

"Yes!" Hailie excitedly exclaims, quickly taking the control from my hands, turning the volume up, only to have them ignore me as usual.

Good, now I don\'t have to worry about them.

One is on the cell phone, the other is in his own world, and the last two are watching TV.

"Brayan, Brayan, Brayan... What should I do with you" I whispered softly, as I left the room.


*knock* *knock* *knock*


In the room next door to the Grey family, Eva can be seen, who knocks loudly on the door.

*knock* *knock* *knock* *knock*

"I\'m coming, damn it, who\'s so impatient!"

After a few seconds, the door opened slightly, revealing David\'s head.

"Eva? What the fuck do you want now?"

"Open the door, I need to talk to Brayan."

"Fuck you, I\'m not opening anything!" David exclaimed aggressively, trying to shut the door instantly.

"David, open the fucking door or I promise to break it down" Eva whispered coldly, as she stopped the door from closing with her foot.

"You want me to call the police!?"

"I don\'t have time for your bullshit"

Reaching in, Eva grabs the chain lock and pulls it out, then pushes hard on the door, causing David to fall to the floor.

"What the fuck are you doing!" David shouted in disbelief, standing up quickly.

Without answering, Eva scanned the entire room, instantly finding Brayan on a bed, staring in terror at Eva.

Shaking her head, Eva quickly walks over to Brayan "We have to talk..."

"Damn it! I told you to get the fuck out of my room!" shouted David, as he tries to pull Eva\'s arm.

Turning around, Eva grabs David\'s face with one hand and squeezes it "I told you to stop fucking around, keep bothering me and I promise to kill you!"

"You dare you bitch!?"

"I won\'t warn you again" whispered Eva, looking coldly into David\'s eyes.

"Fuck you, I\'ll call the police!" David exclaimed angrily, quickly releasing his grip on Eva and then running to his bed.

"Call them, but while they\'re taking me into custody, you\'ll have to deal with an anonymous complaint about prostitution"

"Y-you-" David stammered, his eyes widening.

"You think I don\'t know what you\'re working on? We\'ve been living in this motel for days, I\'ve seen you out every night. Besides, I can hear your fucking moans every night, so shut the fuck up!"


Without giving the man another glance, Eva turned to Brayan, showing the fury on her face for the first time.

"Brayan, you have a lot of explaining to do to me"

"S-sweetheart, is something wrong?"

"I put up with you getting high, I put up with you yelling at me, I put up with you treating me like crap..."


"I even support the fact that you spent our little money on that shit..." Eva whispered, as her face grew redder and redder with anger.

"But if there\'s one thing I won\'t put up with you in this life..." Eva whispered, gripping Brayan\'s chin tightly "It\'s you hitting my children!"

"Eva, what the fuck are you doing!"

David shouted, rushing quickly to Eva\'s side, as he tried to pull on her arm, failing miserably from lack of strength.

"DAVID, STOP FUCKING AROUND AND GO TO HELL!!!" Eva shouted as the veins were already starting to swell on her face.


David knew about Eva from Brayan\'s stories, he knew she was aggressive when she lost control, but according to Brayan, Eva never got angry with her family, something very hard for him to believe, even more so seeing her current behavior.

\'Then what the fuck is wrong with her!" David thought in panic, as fear spread inside him at the sight of the woman\'s furious face.

Breathing heavily, Eva turns to David, not letting go of Brayan\'s face, who didn\'t dare to let out even a scream.

"Did this bitch tell you what he did to my kids!?"

"What should he tell me?" frowning, David asked.

"Oh, so you don\'t know what this bastard did either!" Eva exclaimed with a cold smile, then turned and pulled Brayan\'s hair "Come on, tell your new friend what you were doing to Christian and Ashley!"

"S-sweetie p-please *Sniff* s-sorry *Sniff*"

Brayan replied, as tears leaked from his eyes.

"Damn it, Eva, let him the fuck go!" Exclaimed David, as he tugged on Eva\'s arm "Think of your kids, they\'re in the next room, they\'ll hear everything!"

Exhaling heavily, Eva let go of Brayan.

Even though she knows they\'re distracted on their own stuff right now, she doesn\'t want to take the risk with her kids.

"This fucking bitch was beating Christian and Ashley daily!" exclaimed Eva, looking with extreme fury at the man on the floor, then turning to David "FOR 5 FUCKING YEARS!!!"

"What the fuck are you talking about, he wouldn\'t do that!"

"*Sob*" (These sobs are coming from Brayan).

"And what the fuck do you know!" Eva exclaimed angrily.



"..." Hearing David, Eva\'s expression of fury quickly collapsed, while different negative expressions glared on her face.

Rage, sadness, pain, etc.

Letting go of Brayan\'s head, Eva lay back on the bed, staring dazedly at the man on the floor.

For a few minutes, the only sound in the room was the sobs of the man on the floor, while David just looked at the couple with a frown.

"What did he tell you" Eve whispered after a few minutes.



"What the fuck is everything!?"


Space for the author\'s complaints about life:

The bread shit happened to me again, I\'m seriously thinking of burning that damn bakery.

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