
Chapter 153 Arsenal

Opening the next box, Christian saw it filled with black bulletproof vests, while the front box was filled with dark-colored military helmets.

Opening another box, Christian saw it filled with black tactical uniforms.

The more boxes he opened, the more bitter was Christian\'s smile, finding in the boxes different armaments, machine guns, grenade launchers, snipers, submachine guns, explosives, grenades, even missile launchers.

Having enough arsenal to easily arm 300 to 400 people to the teeth.

Turning his gaze to his mother, Christian smiled uncomfortably "I didn\'t ask for this..."

"We\'ll keep that in the panic room and then make a bunker on the island to store them more securely" With a serious face, Eva gave no trouble and came up with an easy solution.

"Well..." Looking at the boxes, Christian sighed and covered them one by one, then looked at the last box that had holes all over it.

Moving closer, Christian carefully opened it and looked inside, causing him to smile oddly and pull out a small white feline inside.

Looking closely at the feline sleeping in his hands, Christian whisperd "It\'s a white tiger cub...it\'s sedated"

Turning to his mother, Christian walked over and showed her the tiger "We have a new addition to the family"

"..." Looking at the animal, Eva\'s lips quivered slightly as she murmured "First a giant snake, now a tiger... what\'s next? A shark? A crocodile?"

"It will be called..." Picking up the tiger, Christian looked at her crotch and saw that it was a female "Kitty"

"Kitty?" looking at the little tiger, Eva murmured quizzically "A tiger named Kitty..."

Looking at the boxes behind him, Christian sighed "We\'ll have a while moving this... I won\'t ask the guards for help, I don\'t want them to know we have this"


Tucking the last box of weapons into the panic room, Christian wiped the sweat off and muttered "Damn old man, if the government finds out what I have here, they\'ll think I want to stage a coup"

"Is that all?" asked Leslie with sweat on her face.

"Yes, thank you" Grabbing his cell phone, Christian quickly dialed the old man\'s number.

"Hey kid, did you like my present?"

"Do you know the mess I\'ll be in if they find out about this?"

"Hahaha, then make sure you don\'t get caught" Laughing with obvious amusement, Dimitri replied.

"And that tiger where did you steal it from?"

"They found her in Indonesia, her mother died in a territorial fight and the little tiger was wandering around, he was going to die sooner or later so I told them to send him to you"

"..." Smiling slightly, Christian sighed and looked at the boxes at his sides "Thank you old man, it\'s a nice gift"

"Don\'t call me old man!"

"How did it go in Russia?"

"All good, although it took me some getting used to this damn cold again"

"They say that if you freeze you don\'t get old, maybe it will help you"


"Old man?" glancing at his cell phone, Christian smiled with amusement as he saw the call hung up on him, then sighed and walked out of the room.

Exiting the subway, Christian closed the doors and walked towards the main hall, seeing his siblings looking at the tiger curiously.

"Will it kill us?" Gingerly touching the sleeping tiger, Hailie asked.

"I don\'t think I want to eat your rotting flesh"

"At least I don\'t have fleas"


Sitting down next to Hailie, Christian took the tiger carefully and looked at it closely, then brought his fingers to his chest and felt its pulse "It should wake up in a few minutes... an hour at most"

"Do you have a name for her yet?" Hailie asks curiously.



"And your snake?"

"Snake?" With hesitation, Alan asked.

"Christian has a big snak."

"W-where is it?"

"I don\'t know, I let it roam free around the house while I build it a habitat" Stroking the tiger, Christian replied.

"You let her free? What if it bites us!?" Panicking, Alan looks around.

"She\'s pretty passive, just don\'t bother her or try to touch her without being near me" Turning his gaze, Christian shouts "Lilith, are you out there!?"


"She\'s not around"


Spending the morning looking at his gifts from the old man, Christian found lots more jewelry, sunglasses and various eyeglasses, lots of designer clothes from different environments and obviously enough guns to cause a national problem.

But putting all that aside, Christian now saw a serious and interesting conversation.

"Why do I have to do that!? I don\'t want to go to that place!"

Looking at the angry young man, Christian leaned on Hailie and watched his mother arguing with Alan.

"That\'s the condition for getting your apartment"

"But Hailie wasn\'t given such absurd conditions to get her vehicle!"

"Alan, there will be no discussion with this situation, you have to do it and that\'s it, you will help 2 days a week and 4 hours a day, you have to choose which days you will do it and think well, because there will be no schedule changes later"

"But mom-!"

"Don\'t insist, it\'s already decided" Standing in front of Alan, Eva looked at him seriously and spoke "You are the only one who is not yet earning his own money, and if you won\'t do anything, you will dedicate yourself to helping others to see if you will change your mentality a little bit"

"But we are rich, we don\'t have to work!"

"You\'re wrong, your brother is a billionaire for all his companies and books, Hailie is already a millionaire for her work on Twitch, even I\'m a millionaire for being CEO" Pointing at Alan, Eva continued "But you? You\'ve never worked a dime, I gave you the option to earn money doing homework and you didn\'t take it either, you were given multiple contracts to use your fame on social media, but you turned them down"


"Everyone in this family has their own money, except you"

"..." With tears streaming down his face, Alan looked at his mother with a heartbroken expression.

Looking at her silently weeping son, Eva\'s heart seemed to squeeze tightly, but knowing it is for his good, she continued "I\'m not asking you to go out and build yourself an economic empire, I\'m asking you to do something with your life, but I don\'t see any initiative in you... so since you didn\'t have the initiative, I will force you, you will start after the new year"

"But mom..."

"Alan, I don\'t want any arguments, you\'ll do it, period"

"I won\'t do anything!" Not bearing anymore, and feeling aggrieved, Alan shouted "I don\'t want to go to that place!"

"Then you won\'t go to school anymore, I\'ll take away your cell phone, your computer, your TV and your allowance, you\'ll stay locked in your room until you change your mind!"

"You can\'t do that to me *Sniff*" With his face drenched in tears, Alan mumbled between tears "Because they always pick on me..... *Sniff* I don\'t pick on anyone; I don\'t hurt anyone *Sniff* but still everyone picks on me *Sniff*"

"..." Staring at the young man silently, Christian sighed and stood up, then sat down across from Alan and cupped his face.

Forcing him to stare him straight in the eyes, Christian looked at him seriously and spoke softly "Alan... we don\'t want to mess with you, we\'ve always shown you how much we love you and I was always happy to spoil you... I love you so much I\'d give my life for you with a smile, but if there\'s one thing I can\'t afford, it\'s allowing my brother to make the biggest mistake of his life"

"..." Looking at Christian with tears streaming down his face, Alan just looked at him silently.

"You have a lot of potential, you are a handsome and intelligent young man... you have gone through many facets in your personality and difficult situations like all of us... today I am glad that you spend more time with your family and don\'t let your friends as a priority, but you have a big mistake in you that will end up destroying you" Embracing Alan gently, Christian continued "You do everything to fit in with other people, you don\'t have your own personality and you mold yourself to please others... are you really happy with that? Do you really feel comfortable pretending to be someone you\'re not?"

"*Sob*" Sobbing quietly, Alan leaned against Christian\'s shoulder without saying a word.

"It really hurts us to see you like this... but as your family, we care about you, and we won\'t allow you to take a path that will give you so much pain" Stroking the young man\'s back gently, Christian continued "You may not understand this now and feel wronged, but remember that every decision we impose on you is for your good, and sooner or later you will understand this"


"I remember my little brother Alan, who had a unique style of dressing, the cheerful boy and who was always surrounded by friends... but today you are just a shadow of that and you are not able to realize that... I love you my brother, and I always will" Hugging the young man, Christian whispered "I know that you will be able to improve for the better and get ahead"

"*Sob*" Crying silently, Alan hugged Christian tightly, while Hailie and Eva looked at each other awkwardly.

After about half an hour of crying, Alan pulled away from the hug and wiped his tears with his clothes.

"W-what do I have to do? *Sniff*" Looking at his mother, Alan asked in a clipped voice.

"You\'ll just help those kids, see if you can teach them to read or just bring them happiness...you\'ll understand what you\'ll have to do when you get there"

"W-well *Sniff*" Wiping away his tears, Alan nodded.

Fluffing Alan\'s hair, Christian passed him his tiger and spoke "Can you take care of her for now? She\'ll be lonely if there isn\'t someone with her when she wakes up"

"Y-yes *Sniff*" Taking the tiger, Alan nodded, then turned to Eva and asked "C-can I go to my room?"


"..." Rising silently, Alan walked slowly to the second floor.

"..." Looking at the young man silently, Christian sighed and leaned back against Hailie again.

"Do you think he\'ll be okay?" Taking Christian\'s legs, Eva lifted them up and sat beside him.

"He will be in a little while."

"I\'m sorry you have to do this..." Looking at Christian, Eva continued "Your brother had a much easier life... but you always have to be helping him and you put your stuff aside..."

"Okay..." Looking up at the ceiling, Christian continued "Everyone lives their own hells... their own pains..."


"A few years ago, the bullying I suffered at school was a great pain and something that generated a lot of anger in me... but today, that situation doesn\'t represent much, with everything I lived through, I discovered new pains and that situation seems insignificant"


"What I\'m getting at, is that Alan must feel very sad... the same sadness that a person who lost someone important or was stripped of everything he loved must feel... all pains are equally ugly for the one who lives them, it is stupid to think one suffering is worth more than another, because all suffering is equally bad in the mind of each person"


"Hailie... how are things at your school for Alan?"

"You could say he is doing well now... but he suffered a lot of bullying before it came to that, I got through it without any problems, I am a woman after all and I know how to defend myself... but Alan was very depressed and yes, like you said, he had to adapt in order to fit in... but it really bothered me what he did, at the same time it bothered me that you don\'t even react because of what he told you"

"Of course, it bothered me, it really hurt me, his actions... but I\'d rather focus on seeing what we can do to make him change his attitude because it\'s no use for me to get angry or ignore him, it would only make everything worse..."

"Christian... you must also express yourself; I understand that you love your siblings, but you can\'t bear everything without giving it importance, sooner or later you will be knocked down if you go on like this... talk to Alan, yell at him, if necessary, you have to make him understand that what he did hurt you" Looking at Christian with concern, Eva continued "Alan is my duty, it was my mistake not to be able to discipline him, not yours"

"It\'s ok mom, I really feel more concern for him than discomfort... it\'s situations like this that will help Alan understand the shit he does, and honestly... I don\'t have the stability to carry hate anymore, I really just want to relax for a while."


Turning to Hailie, Christian spoke warmly "My cute little sister got bullied too? Do you want your brother to beat them up?"

Blushing, Hailie huffed in annoyance as she turned her gaze "Hmph, no one dares to bully me"

"When do they go back to class?"

"Monday, February 26th"

"Well... I have scores to settle at that school" With vacant eyes, Christian mumbled, but noticing Hailie\'s confused face, Christian quickly adjusted his expression.


"Die!" Turning around, Christian suddenly bit Hailie\'s shoulder.



Looking at his sister as he bit her shoulder, Christian watched with amusement as she blushed quickly.

"Hailie, didn\'t you have to do your homework?"

Pursing her lips, Hailie squinted at her mother and nodded "Yeah, I\'m outta here"

Carefully getting up, Hailie set Christian\'s head down on the couch and quickly left the room.

"I was having fun" Pursing his lips, Christian looked at his mother with annoyance.

"..." Without answering, Eva just looked at Christian with a slight frown.

Noticing the annoyance in his mother, Christian raised his eyebrows and stood up, then sat down next to her and smiled "Are you jealous~?"

"What nonsense are you talking?"

Chuckling lightly, Christian moved his face closer to Eva\'s neck and bit her lightly, then ran his tongue along her skin and pulled back "Happy?"

"..." Stunned, Eva brought her hand to her neck as she looked at Christian silently, but seconds later, nodded with a stiff smile.

"..." Shrugging, Christian leaned back into Eva and smiled with a strange twinkle in his eye.


Edited By: Amiss

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