
Chapter 193 Music

Looking at all the people staring at him, Christian smiled and spoke "I\'ve been listening to your shit for about an hour now, always talking about bitches, drugs and guns, while everyone cheers like it\'s the best reality... so now I\'ll give you something more raw and real, so you know that this gang shit is not beautiful and rosy like they show in the movies."

"Why don\'t you better come with me and I\'ll show you something rosy!?" Looking at Christian with open lust, a woman in front of the crowd spoke up.


With her words, several laughs rang out from the audience, while Christian only smiled slightly "If you need to make comments like that to hide that you\'re a lesbian, it didn\'t help because I can clearly see it"

"..." Losing her smile, the woman looked at Christian with a dark face.

"Hahahahaha!" the women nearby openly laughed at their companion while some openly mocked her.

Listening to the beginning of the melody, Christian closed his eyes and took a deep breath, then opened his eyes and spoke "This is the first time I sing this style of music, listen well because I will **** your brains and after this song you will lose your smiles."


"♪ I once knew a nigga whose real name was Liam

Su principal preocupación era hacer un millón

Being the illest hustler that the world ever seen

She used to fuck moviestars and sniff coke in her dreams

A corrupted young mind at the age of 13

Nigga never had a mother and her dad was a fiend ♪"

Losing his smile as he sings, Christian began to spout rhyme after rhyme of a song extremely censored in his old world.

Dance With The Devil by Immortal Technique.

A song that paralyzes anyone and leaves the listener with a somber feeling, and this time, it\'s his first arrival in this world with a modified version by Christian.

"She built a reputation, \'cause she could hustle and steal

But got locked once and didn\'t hesitate to squeal

So criminals she chilled with didn\'t think she was real

You see, me and niggas like this have never been equal

I don\'t project my insecurities on other people

She fiended for props like addicts with pipes and needles

So she felt he had to prove to everyone she was evil

A feeble-minded young woman with infinite potential

The product of a ghetto-bred capitalistic mental"

The more Christian sang, the more eyebrows were raised by his lyrics, while his voice alone covered the whole place.

After long minutes, Christian finally got to the raw part of the song, while all the women already had dark faces as they listened to the situation of raping a man.

"But whats she saw made her start to cringe and stutter

\'Cause she was starin\' into the eyes of her own father

He looked back at her and cried \'cause she had forsaken his

He cried more painfully than when they were rapin\' his

Her whole world stopped, she couldn\'t even contemplate

Her corruption had successfully changed her fate

And he remembered how her dad used to come home late

Workin\' hard for nothin\', because now what was she worth?

She turned away from the man that had once given her birth

And cryin\' out to the sky, \'cause she was lonely and scared

But only the Devil responded, \'cause Goddess wasn\'t there

And right then she knew what it was to be empty and cold"

With the revelation of who the man was, a large part of the audience opened their eyes wide while some slightly shuddered, even people were suddenly seen crying.

The whole place was getting heavier and heavier, but Christian didn\'t seem to notice and kept singing.

"After that, they killed her father, and never spoke about it

And listen, \'cause the story that I\'m tellin\' is true

\'Cause I was there with Billy Jacobs, and I saw how he was raped

And now, like the devil, I follow them everywhere they go

In fact, I\'m sure I should punish one of you on this show.

And every street cypher, listenin\' to little thugs flow

I could be standing right next to you, and you wouldn\'t know

The Devil grows inside the hearts of the selfish and wicked

White, brown, yellow and black- color is not restricted

You have a self-destructive destiny when you\'re inflicted"

Walking from side to side while singing, Christian stared at the audience as he reached the end of the song.

"And you\'ll be one of God\'s children that fell from the top

There\'s no diversity because we\'re burnin\' in the melting pot

So when the Devil wants to dance with you, you better say never

Because a dance with me can last forever"

Stopping singing as the beat slowly went silent, Christian looked at the audience and spoke "Life inside this gang world is not beautiful, think twice before you start something because you may regret it."

Raising his hand with the microphone, Christian looked at the entire audience and released it, causing a loud noise, then walked off the stage calmly.




After a few seconds, the audience looked at each other with uncomfortable feelings in their eyes, leaving the whole place in silence for a few minutes.

Arriving in the small room, Christian looks at the women who were staring at him in disbelief and smiled "Did they like my song?"

Smiling bitterly, Kim looked out the window at the audience and sighed "You just killed my party, after this everyone will leave."

"Never mind, we need to talk" Sitting down on one of the chairs, Christian lazily replied.



"Luna, Sanza, I heard you singing on stage, I must say you are talented" Looking at the two women, Christian spoke "Each one has a style in the way she sings and I am interested in you."

"What do you mean?" looking at Christian with interest, Sanza asked.

"I\'m opening a music company and I need singers, I want to hire you to produce records and see the possibility of organizing concerts for you, I promise I will make your faces known all over the world."

"..." Opening their eyes wide, Luna and Sanza looked at each other in disbelief.

"The usual contract for companies in this line of business is 90% for the company and 10% for the singer, but I offer you 35% of what your music produces."

"*Gulp*" Swallowing saliva, Luna asks "How much would the pay be exactly?"

"That depends on how well you do, but when you sign the contract, I can give you an advance of a million dollars each and then you\'ll pay it back from your future earnings."

Breathing heavily, Luna turned to Sanza with a twinkle in her eye.

"Before you get excited, I must ask certain things" Looking at the two women who look like they might faint at any moment, Christian spoke "How long have you been singing?"

"I\'ve been rapping for a few years, but I never recorded a song" Looking at Christian, Luna answered quickly.

"I tried to record one, but they charged me $100 and I wasn\'t going to spend money on that shit" Laughing lightly, Sanza replied.

"I see..." Looking at the two women, Christian began to think of songs that resembled his singing style.

Pointing towards Sanza, Christian spoke "You\'ll be Notorious B.I.G, they\'ll call you Big Poppa."

"Notorious B.I.G?" Holding her hand to her chin, Sanza nodded "Sounds good."

"And you..." Pointing towards Luna, Christian smiled slightly and spoke "You\'ll be 2Pac."

"Whatever" Not caring about the name, Luna asked "When do we start?"

"In 4 days, first I will prepare the lyrics and beats" Pulling out a black business card with gold edges while the letters in the center are red, Christian spoke "You will call me at this number in 4 days and I will tell you where to arrive, there we will record the first song"

Quickly taking the business card, Luna looked at it carefully and whistled "This shit has style".

Nodding, Christian spoke up "I want you to start preparing songs, they dropped some good rhymes on stage, create something interesting".

Receiving confirmation from the two women, Christian turned to Kim and asked "Come to think of it... where\'s Ayana?"

"*Sigh* In jail" Looking at Christian with a bitter smile, Kim continued "That day we left your house, we got to our area fine, but it turns out that my mother\'s sister was the one who sold us out and tried to kill my mother, a shootout started and we arrived.... Ayana ended up killing 4 people and went to prison for 25 years."

"I see..." Nodding with understanding, Christian asked "Do you have the possibility to pay the bail?"

"Yes, but it\'s $900,000 and we don\'t have that money yet."

"But now we can get that bitch out of jail" Laughing lightly, Luna interrupted.

"..." Staring at the trio in silence for a few seconds, Christian spoke "Kim, do you sing?"

"Once in a while" Shrugging, Kim replied.

"Don\'t believe this bitch, she was the only one to record an album but then she quit to sell dope" Looking at Kim, Luna spoke up quickly.

"Hoh" Looking at the woman, Christian asked "Do you have any songs of yours on you?"

Pulling out her cell phone, Kim nods and plays a song.

"..." Listening silently, Christian frowned because her singing reminded him of a certain bastard who stabbed him to death.

After a few minutes, Christian sighed and nodded "Would you like to work for me?"

"..." Looking at Christian in silence, Kim turned her gaze and watched her friends and her people staring at her, then sighed and shook her head "I have to take care of my people, if I leave, they will be eaten."

Looking around, Christian thought for a few seconds and spoke "Death, get everyone out of the room."

Looking at Kim, Christian continued "Let\'s talk alone with Sanza and Luna".

Looking at Christian for a few seconds, Kim nodded and looked at his people, causing them all to leave the place.

With just the 4 of them, Christian looked at Kim and spoke "If you come with me, you\'ll have enough money to upgrade your neighborhood if that\'s what you want, but if that\'s not enough, I can give you some guns as a hidden part of our contract."


"I have several automatic weapons, M4, M4A1, AR-15, UZI, MP5, pistols, whatever you need, I\'ve got it."

Frowning slightly, Kim spoke "And you\'ll give them to me just like that? With nothing in return?"

"You\'ll have to work for my company, nothing more than that."

Leaning back in the chair, Kim looked at Luna and Sanza, who both nodded quickly.

"*Sigh* I want 12 Uzi submachine guns and bulletproof vests."

"I\'ll give you 15 guns, the vests and add helmets" Nodding smoothly, Christian spoke "The guns are not registered and the bullets are not traceable, and I don\'t think it\'s necessary to say that this never happened."

"I\'m clear on that."

"Good..." Looking at the 3 women, Christian spoke "Since all 3 are coming, apart from the money I will pay Ayana\'s bail and assign her a lawyer, that bail will come out of her future pay."

Smiling instantly, Sanza turned to Luna and muttered "Are we dreaming?"

"Kim, you\'ll be 50 Cent" Looking at the woman, Christian sighed and muttered his new nickname "I\'ll take care of registering those stage names, you guys make sure your nickname goes around to everyone you know, I need you to stay out of legal trouble for now and if you do, don\'t get caught."

Rising from the chair, Christian stretched his body and spoke "I\'ll leave now, I\'m tired."

"When will we get the guns?"

"I\'ll send the woman in the patch to this place with them, come alone or with these two, but make sure you don\'t involve anyone else so we avoid danger"

"I understand."

"Luna, my flash drive" Stretching out his hand, Christian spoke.

Laughing lightly, Luna pulls it out of her pocket and tosses it towards Christian.

"Remember to call me in 4 days, bring your personal data to send it to the lawyer so he can prepare the contracts, also send me Ayana\'s data to send her a lawyer"

"We will contact you" Nodding, Kim took the card from Luna\'s hand and replied.

"See you~" Waving his hand lazily, Christian walked out of the room and looked at the rapidly emptying place, then looked at Leslie and Lust "Let\'s go home."



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