
Chapter 340 Problems

While the first time it was fun, over time it becomes tedious and Christian learned to completely ignore those messages.

But the second trend is the typical \'What do you think about this candidate?\' \'What do you think about what this politician did?\' and any kind of similar question.

"How does it feel to be a trillionaire?" Reading a question that is repeated many times, Christian thought for a few seconds and answered "Honestly it\'s not much of a difference, it\'s not like from one day to the next I become a god just because I have a lot of money. Not to mention that having that much money is really not very relevant and I myself, hopefully, spend a couple of thousand dollars a month."

"Although I will not hide from you the fact that it is pleasantly satisfying to see that the seed I planted as a child, has germinated in such a way thanks to good hands."

"But more than anything it is a satisfaction to see that something you started has succeeded, something similar to a father seeing his children grow up" Increasing the speed a little more, Christian\'s eyes sparkled at the wonderful feeling he has when driving this beast.

The roar of the engine, the lightness of the ride and the mental pleasure of knowing that the car he once dreamed of owning is in his hands.

For Christian this small moment of driving is incredibly rewarding and although he would like to go 200 kilometers per hour, it is not as reckless as doing it in broad daylight and in front of so many people.

"I\'m on an exam, could you tell me what the value of X is in 3x-9=36-?" Reading the question out loud, Christian smiled and commented "X is equal to 15."

"First you must simplify, then divide both sides by the same factor and simplify again."

For more than 20 minutes, Christian engaged in quiet conversation with the people watching.

The questions often varied, some asked trivial questions like where he lives now, what places he visits, they even talked about music.

But even though the conversation was light, Christian really enjoyed this little quiet moment.

"Yes, the next album I will release will be another genre and mostly for a change" Smiling slightly, Christian continued "Honestly I didn\'t get into music to look for fame or some similar shit, since I was a kid I liked music and it\'s one of the few moments when I feel calm".

"I\'ve been thinking a little bit and maybe my next album will be rock or whatever, as long as I find it fun, all good."

"The wonderful thing about music is the great amount of rhythms and how much fun you can have in each one" Smiling slightly, Christian continued "But we\'ll see, maybe during these days I\'ll start recording something new and I\'ll be letting you know when that happens-"

Cutting off his words, Christian turns his gaze to the rearview mirror and looks at the police who turned on the siren behind him, causing him to sigh and look at his speedometer "Why am I being pulled over? I didn\'t pass the speed limit..."

"I got pulled over by the police" Chuckling while looking at the camera, Christian stopped the vehicle and rolled down the window, waiting patiently.

Looking at the two male cops who got out, Christian sighed and began to pull out his papers.

Vehicle papers, driver\'s license and license to carry weapons outside his home.

"Can I help you with something?" smiling slightly, Christian asked, as the female police officer hunched slightly to look inside the vehicle.

"Do you know how fast you were going?" With an apathetic face, the man asked coolly.

"Within the permitted limit, I\'m sure of it" Raising his eyebrows, Christian replied in the same tone of voice.

"License please."

Nodding and having an ominous feeling growing inside him, Christian took the license and ID card from the side and handed it to the policeman, while his partner hovered around the vehicle.

"You are the owner of the vehicle?"

"Yes, here are the papers" Nodding, Christian took the papers from the vehicle and handed them to the officer, while the man read them carefully.

"Open your trunk for a check."

"Excuse me?" frowning slightly, Christian continued, "May I know the reason why you would have to open the trunk?"

"Will you resist?" frowning, the man picked up his gun and spoke threateningly.

"Mr. Officer, I think there is a mistake here" With a serious face, Christian continued "You stopped me without giving me a reason, I fully cooperated by giving you my papers and I have no problem opening my trunk, but I need you to give me a reason."

"I\'m not stupid and I know my rights. If you don\'t have a warrant or probable cause, you don\'t have that authorization" Squinting at the officer, Christian continued "Now will you tell me what probable cause you have? If you have a valid one I promise to cooperate fully to prove my innocence, if you don\'t have one, I will politely ask you not to overstep your bounds and let me go on my way."

"Sir you are armed!?" Without answering, the officer unholstered his weapon and shouted.

"I carry a Glock17 in my clothing, I also have a permit to carry it outside my home thanks to my service in Afghanistan" Nodding, Christian took the permit and stretched it out towards the officer "Please check it, if necessary I will defuse the weapon and hand it to you to check the serial code".

"Step out of the vehicle!" Pointing towards Christian as his partner grabbed his radio and spoke quickly, the officer continued "Do it slowly and with your hands behind your head!"

With a dark face, Christian glanced sideways at his cell phone camera and nodded, then opened the door of his vehicle and slowly got out with his hands on the back of his head.

"Get on the ground!"


"Get on the fucking ground!"

"Okay..." Kneeling on the ground as a vein bulged in his forehead, Christian continued "I\'ve got the gun on the right side of my jacket."

Finishing speaking into the radio, the other officer quickly approached Christian and held him tightly, then went through all his pockets and pulled out his wallet and gun.

Turning to the right, Christian frowned even more as he saw another police vehicle approach, pull up next to him and two other women in uniform get out.

Looking at each other, one officer nodded and approached Christian\'s vehicle, then checked each spot and got out again "What is this!?"

Rolling his eyes at the shout, Christian looks at the brick of what appears to be drugs and replied "That\'s not mine."

"It\'s not yours!?" With a serious face, the officer continued, "Then why was it in your vehicle?

"That I could ask you" Taking a deep breath so as not to kill these people right now, Christian continued "May I know why I am going through this situation? Do I have a crime to my name?"

"Don\'t move!" Drawing their weapons at the same time, the officers surrounded Christian and shouted "Drop that gun!"

With confusion on his face, Christian asked "What gun?"

"Drop it!"


Eyes widening, Christian quickly dodged the bullet and quickly changing his gaze to a purple one, Christian leapt towards the nearest officer, then smoothly removed the gun and punched him in the throat.

*Bang* *Bang* *Bang*

Without taking the time to aim, Christian unleashed three shots, easily hitting each officer\'s shoulder, causing the weapons in their hands to fall as groans of pain echoed through the area.

With his face red with fury, Christian grabbed the handcuffs of the officer he had taken the gun from and cuffed him to the ground, then pulled the guns away from the other officers and cuffed them one by one, not caring in the least about the blood pouring from their shoulders.

Tearing off pieces of the officers\' clothes, Christian stuffed them into his mouth and forced them to shut up, then rubbed his hair in frustration and walked to his vehicle.

"What the fuck are you bastards doing?" Standing outside his door, Christian glared at the officers in fury and shouted, "Why the fuck did you try to kill me?

"What the fuck gun did I have?!?"

"You cowardly motherfuckers!" Taking a deep breath, Christian walked over to his vehicle and grabbed his cell phone "Did you see this fucking garbage!?"

Pointing at the cops still lying on the ground, Christian continued "The fucking cops tried to kill me for no reason!"

"Goddamn it!" Slamming the steering wheel of the vehicle, Christian cursed "Now what the fuck do I do? I just shot the fucking cops!"

Rubbing his hair, Christian pulled out his other cell phone and dialed 911, then put the cell phone on speaker and spoke.


"911, what is your emergency?"

"I\'m on xxxx road by xxx height, I need medical assistance and the police to come" Leaning back in the seat, Christian quickly answered.

"May I know what happened?"

"The police stopped me on the road and after a totally abusive and confusing situation, I shot them."

"Sir, did you shoot the police?" With great calm, the operator continued "Are they alive?"

"Yes, I hit them in the shoulder and there will be no health problems, but they will need treatment" Nodding, Christian sighed and continued "I am no longer armed, my service weapon was with the officer and I defended myself with his, I will be in my vehicle waiting and will offer no resistance".

"The police are on their way. May I know if you need medical assistance?"

"I\'m fine, thanks for asking" Rubbing the tip of his nose, Christian pulled another cell phone out of his pocket and searched for his mother\'s chat, then sent a voice message "Mom, check my Instagram feed and make sure they don\'t delete it, I need a lawyer here in LA"

"Sir, are you still online?"

Putting the other cell phone away, Christian nodded "Yes, I was contacting my family and a lawyer, do you need more information?"

"Could you give me details of how the wounded are doing? It would be helpful for the ambulance to get everything ready while they are on their way."

"One officer has a blow to the throat that could have left an internal wound, his life is not in danger but he will need to be checked to avoid possible infections" Looking at the officers next to him, Christian continued "The other 3 have a bullet impact at the level of his shoulder and the bullet did not pass through, it hit the bone directly and a fracture is expected. As for the bleeding... it\'s not a problem, the blood comes out normal color so they don\'t have any damaged arteries."

"Are you a doctor?"

"No, I served in the army for a while and have some experience with wounds" Smiling slightly, Christian pulled out a cigarette from his clothes and lit it, then took a long drag and stood up with the cell phone he was transmitting on.

Pulling some gloves out of his pocket, Christian picked up the brick of drugs the cop had and sniffed it "Marijuana..."

"People" Looking at his cell phone camera, Christian continued "I can\'t see your messages right now and I know it\'s all going to be fucking crazy, but I hope you saw where I got this shit from because it\'s really not mine."

"And for the avoidance of doubt..." Walking over to the trunk of his vehicle, Christian opened it and focused inside "I don\'t have anything in here, so if miraculously the police say it was full of drugs, it\'s nothing but made up shit."

Closing the suitcase again, Christian got into the vehicle and started to focus on every space in the place, while taking long puffs on his cigarette.

With everything recorded, Christian sighed and sat back down, then hung up the 911 call and looked at the chat room.

The messages were fucking crazy and the amount of people watching it was definitely record-breaking.

When Christian was driving, he had about 1,300,000 viewers.

While that\'s not a small number, it\'s certainly an understatement when you consider that Christian is one of the most followed people in the world, with over 300 million followers.


Edited By:

Discord: https://discord.gg/VtHg4GqXtq

Pa treon: https://www. pa treon.com /Eroos

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