
Chapter 346 Requirements Of A King

"The truth is that she is ready, but... I want to prepare her a little more... she still has some knots in her heart and that can cause problems."

"I never asked you about her... What\'s her life like?"

"Did I tell you I met her at a Starbucks in Dubai?"


"Do you know about her real identity?"


"Well... you could say she\'s an oil princess."

Raising his eyebrows, Christian looked at Eva doubtfully and asked "Did you really take the daughter from one of those pompous women?"

"Do you think she\'d work in a Starbucks if she was considered important?" Shaking her head, Eva continued "She\'s the daughter of a rich oil family, but you can tell they don\'t even know she exists, at least most of that family."

Nodding with understanding, Christian commented "Daughter of a one night stand?"

"Something similar... the truth is that the mother raped the father and just walked away..."

"Rape... didn\'t report it to the police?"

"The father tried... but as you know, that territory is not very friendly to men... he had only two options, marry the woman or go to jail and be flogged 100 times for having sex out of wedlock... so the man had no choice but to marry, since he was already \'marking\'"


"Not even a title was given" Shaking her head, Eva continued, "The woman got pregnant and after multiple blood tests, they gave the baby to that man and left him in oblivion... he didn\'t even have enough money to eat".

"How did he survive?"

"He didn\'t."

"And how did Azahara survive?"

[A/N: Azahara is the name of the woman Eva is training. It was mentioned earlier where she was at the orgy that Eva organized for Christian, although Christian sent her back as he wanted to try her out another time]

​ "That girl fended for herself... even though she hasn\'t even finished elementary school, she worked in almost every possible line of work, sold drugs as a child, stole, robbed, assaulted, worked in construction, coffee shops and many more jobs... she didn\'t last long in a job since Dubai is not a good area for poor people, but the important thing is that she reached adulthood in a considerably healthy state despite being left alone since she was 7 years old."

"So somehow you saw yourself in Azahara and decided to hire her? Because even though her life may have been difficult, I can assure you that there are millions of people with lives more difficult than hers and yet they didn\'t take the dirty side to live like Azahara."

"I\'m not going to deny you that I pity her a little, but I really think she is the perfect candidate not only for that hard life she lived, but for exactly what you said, Azahara already knows the dark side of life" Smiling slightly, Eva continued "Stealing, mugging, selling drugs among several crimes that we could consider irrelevant.... Azahara has already seen a part of the dark side of this world and you know that to hold this position, you need a cold heart."

"A cold heart..." Pursing his lips, Christian thought for a few seconds, then shrugged his shoulders and commented "It\'s your choice, I think you\'re right on this point... it wouldn\'t be a good CEO if he did everything by law, no doubt we\'d only lose money with that kind of naive person"

"Just don\'t be so late" Stroking Eva\'s hand, Christian smiled and continued "You\'ve already worked almost all your life... I want you to rest and live in peace..."

"Relax, it won\'t be long now" Lifting Christian\'s hand, Eva kissed it softly and smiled "The company is already at a stable level where I don\'t have to worry about its downfall... as for the future CEO... she won\'t be long, maybe a year or two at the most, after that I\'ll dedicate myself to rest and watch my granddaughter grow up"

"Watch your granddaughter grow up?" Raising his eyebrows, Christian laughed "That sounds like something an old lady would say, don\'t forget you\'re only 33 years old."

"So what should a young woman of 33 say?" Raising her eyebrows, Eva asked with amusement.

"Maybe..." Moving his hand to Eva\'s belly, Christian leaned close to her ear and whispered "I will take care of my future baby and watch it grow up with my granddaughter... although, theoretically that baby would also be your granddaughter... and at the same time my sister... and I would become my stepfather?"

"..." Letting out an involuntary laugh, Eva commented "You\'d be both father and brother, but not stepfather since I doubt you\'d want to tell your siblings that they\'re your stepchildren."

"Hoh, that\'s a tempting idea~" Smiling, Christian gently kissed Eva\'s neck and whispered "How would their faces look if I ever told them that, in addition to being their brother, they could also consider me their stepfather?"

"And how do you plan to tell them about our future baby?" blushing slightly due to the sexual tension in the atmosphere, Eva raised her eyebrows and asked.

"That\'s a difficult question" Thinking for a few seconds, Christian continued "Honestly no matter how I say it, there will be trouble whether we want it or not... something inevitable."

"So what\'s to be done? I know the last thing you would want is to break up the family."

"I wouldn\'t know what to tell you... in a way I\'d like them to just accept everything and keep us happy, but I know it\'s not realistic and even I would feel a bit stunned if I were in their position..."

"..." Looking at Christian\'s complicated face, Eva smiled slightly and took his hand with some more strength, then commented "We don\'t need to think about that for now, let\'s leave the future to us of the future and just enjoy the present."

"What wise words, now I notice that you really are an old woman."

"Can you say I am a suggar mommy?"

"Mmmm, actually I think I\'m your suggar daddy"

"Doesn\'t sound so bad either, my own son is my suggar daddy" Laughing, Eva looked at the smiling girl in the distance and commented with warmth in her voice "It\'s amazing how much she looks like you..."

"That\'s normal, she\'s my daughter"

"Your daughter..." Nodding, Eva smiled slightly and looked around as she murmured "How nice life would be if this kind of peace enveloped the whole world... no more political wars, no more killing for profit... no more dangers."

"That\'s what we are forming our own country for" Smiling slightly, Christian continued "A country where we can stay peacefully without having to be aware of the dangers from outside... a true sanctuary for people with our kind of mentality."

"Our kind of mentality?"

"Those who just want peace with no outside problems... no assaults, no risk of rape, no corruption, just a life of relative peace where you can roam with tranquility."

"And how do you plan to achieve that? You know perfectly well how human beings are, there will always be darkness."

"It\'s simple" Smiling while showing his teeth, Christian answered "We will take care of being the darkness for the inhabitants. If they commit a crime, they will fear the government, but not in a scary way of going to jail or the usual bullshit, but in a much worse way. Death, torture, mutilation, nothing will be forbidden to us as long as the idea of keeping crime to a minimum is our goal."

"*Sigh*" Already having heard this a few months ago, Eva shook her head and muttered "It will certainly be difficult at first, but the citizens we elect, shouldn\'t mind if that happens, since as I told you before, we won\'t touch honest people who follow the law."

"And if the offender is someone important?"

Opening his eyes a little more, Christian turned his gaze towards Eva and observed her in silence, then turned his gaze towards the sky and answered "There will be no crime on my island... no matter who it is."

"It will be interesting to see" Smiling slightly knowing that not everything will be so simple, Eva continued "Have you already foreseen what the positions of power will be like? Ministries, army, among others?"

"I am planning to have ministries" Nodding, Christian continued "Although honestly I am not able to plan everything, so I am planning to start in the near future the recruitment of talents to fill these positions... I just have to look for people who are aligned with my idea and at the same time have the necessary talent".

"Do you think it will be easy?"

"When I have information on the lives of at least 90% of the world, it\'s certainly not difficult, I just have to give myself the time to look for them myself" Thinking for a few seconds, Christian continued "I was already thinking about the future of the kingdom... and I think I will not make an inheritable monarchy."

"Non-heritable monarchy?"

"Although this generation of our family is good, we will not know if in the future it will be like this with our great grandchildren" Looking at nothing, Christian continued "Besides... it is inevitable that there will be political fights between the family itself when there are interests involved... the last thing I want is a typical drama where they fight for the throne and end up dead".

"Not to mention that I don\'t want to place this burden on my daughter or my future children" Looking at Helen, Christian continued "I plan to prepare several tests for future leaders of the kingdom... at 25 they will rise to power and will have to abdicate at 40..."

"What tests will you do?" Raising her eyebrows with interest, Eva asked.

"I haven\'t thought it through yet but I already have a vague idea... to start with, the future leader will have to be able to speak at least 4 different languages, if he doesn\'t meet the requirement, he will be disqualified."

"4 languages? Surely that\'s a high requirement considering it\'s only for people under 25"

"That\'s the idea, I don\'t want mediocre people who rise to power just for connections or as a puppet" Nodding, Christian continued "I want people who are intelligent and who are really fit for the position"

"What other requirements do you have?"

"Clean background, but I plan on making that law flexible, since if there is someone with a fighting background, it wouldn\'t hurt to give them a chance" Smiling slightly, Christian continued "Aside from those requirements, they will also have the obligation to be crowned the best in the world in at least two trades, regardless of whether it is musician, artist or athlete. As long as there are world championships and he is crowned the best, he will be eligible."

"To be the best in the world at two trades?" Frowning slightly, Eva continued, "Do you know how impossible that would be? I believe you that maybe people over 30 will make it, but under 25... it\'s almost impossible if you take into account the amount of time they have to train."

"That reinforces my will, I don\'t want inept people on the throne, besides... it\'s not that hard to be the best in two trades, keep in mind that everything is apt, even video games, sports or whatever... as long as they have will and a decent talent, they won\'t have problems"


Edited By:

Discord: https://discord.gg/VtHg4GqXtq

Pa treon: https://www. pa treon.com /Eroos

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