
Chapter 349 Military Technology

"Did you see the files I sent you two days ago?"

"Yes, the military training for each age group, I already have people learning it and preparing everything for when we take the children."

"I\'m not talking about the military training, but the project to recruit talents."

"Yes, I read it" Nodding, Envy took a sip of tea and continued "It will be really complicated to coordinate and try to attract so many people... we have money, power and the quantum computer to tempt them, but not many would be willing to risk working with people no one knows."

"I know, but it will be enough to attract a small group and that\'s enough" Turning his gaze towards the forest, Christian continued "We need to start recruiting the talents to run the kingdom... medicine, economics, education, politics... literally right now we only cover the military and slightly the economic area, but in the future we can\'t depend on the stolen gold we have and if we get to around 200,000 inhabitants, that gold won\'t last 5 years"

"It will be a pretty big problem if we consider that we can\'t allow citizens to form their own big companies..."


The biggest problem for Christian\'s future kingdom, is the fact that they won\'t be able to allow citizens to leave once they enter.

While Christian is not looking to create something similar to North Korea, it is inevitable that he will have to take that precaution when his kingdom is revealed, after all the United States will be an inevitable enemy and spies can ruin everything he has built.

Not to mention that if you get the technology that Christian has been working on every day, an information leak could cause catastrophic risks for the very existence of the kingdom and unfortunately the only way to control that is that during the first years of internal foundation, the citizens cannot leave the island unless they have a special permission from the government.

So considering the fact that citizens will not be able to leave the country, it is the same as considering that they will not be authorized to do business abroad.

"The best thing to do is to simply take care of all the stores, it will serve to avoid the birth of future bigwigs that will interfere with the management of the kingdom."

"It won\'t help at all" Shaking his head, Christian sighed "There are many people whose dream is to open small stores and dedicate themselves to that... I can\'t forbid them that nor do I want to do so... we also need the citizens themselves to help cement the economy and for the economy to flow, we need something as simple as stores"

"How about bringing in Walmart? I\'m sure we can work out a deal with them."

"No, I don\'t want to bring in outside powers" Shaking his head, Christian continued "I\'d rather we take care of the big stores ourselves and form our own Walmart inside the country, while the citizens will be allowed to small stalls like pastry shops, bakeries, cafes and the like... we could also take care of selling all the technology"

"The most difficult thing will be to achieve a real price in our own currency... I understand that you want to make it virtual and if you really manage to create chips that serve as an identification card and at the same time virtual wallets for each citizen, I do not deny that it would be a breakthrough and would help to streamline everything... but I do not know how other countries will see it and if our currency has no value abroad, it is the same as going to ruin quickly".

"I know, we will really depend on many things" Rubbing his hair, Christian continued "If we manage to have the infinite energy source, being able to depend on energy trade would not be a dream,... you know that the dollar is backed by oil and that gives it its value, but our country has the potential to be backed by something much more solid than oil and that is infinite energy... with infinite energy to trade, it would not be a dream to be the type of currency that rules the world in the future."

"*Sigh* It\'s unbelievable the fact that every future plan we have ends with a direct war with the United States... it\'s certainly going to be a difficult time."

"It all depends on military power" Smiling slightly, Christian thought for a few seconds and pulled an ipad out of his clothes, then reached for his files and set it down on the table "Look at that."

"Mn?" Taking the ipad, Envy looked at the blueprint on the screen and read everything carefully, then frowned slightly and changed the image.

Spending a full hour reading under absolute seriousness, Envy finally looked up at Christian who was playing with his cell phone and asked with surprise "Is this viable?"

"For now it\'s just theory, but I\'ve already done several simulations with the quantum computer and it all seems viable, although we still have several problems with the AI."

"You\'ve already given them names?"

"Yes, but let me explain in simple words everything" Smiling slightly, Christian continued "The smallest drone you saw, it will come inside a cylinder measuring about a meter... the name of the whole thing will be \'Hive\', and I guess I don\'t need to tell you that at least 50 drones will come in each hive"

"Looks good for a reconnaissance drone..." Looking at the plans for the drone, Envy nodded.

"But it\'s not just reconnaissance" Showing his teeth with his smile, Christian continued "The drones themselves are no bigger than the palm of my hand, they bring infrared cameras, facial recognition, proximity sensors and everything will be controlled by an AI, but... the essential thing about this drone is something it has inside it, check the blueprint well."

Frowning slightly, Envy squinted across the screen and muttered "Explosives?"

"2 grams of explosives... maybe 2 grams seems small and certainly won\'t come close to a grenade, but..." Stretching out his hand, Christian moved quickly to another file and opened a video, a video where everything is hand-drawn and lasts no more than 5 seconds.

"Wow..." After watching the video, Envy blinked in a daze and muttered "If the drone ejects the projectile like that.... it could actually exceed 8 centimeters of perforation even in a human skull."

"That\'s what the explosive is for" Smiling, Christian continued "The projectile is cone shaped and the explosive itself will propel it far enough to kill a person, obviously it will need help from AI and facial recognition, but it\'s really minimal considering the lethality."

"How much is the cost of each drone?"

"That\'s the beauty" Squinting his eyes with his smile, Christian answered "Only 14.5 dollars per drone if we buy everything and manufacture them in large quantities... the only bad thing about all this, is that when the drone releases the projectile, it directly explodes with its chip included, so they are not reusable and are directly disposable in the same instant that it is used".

"Are you telling me that with 2.9 million dollars we could kill 200,000 people?"

"Exactly, but keep in mind that although the drones should have sensors to dodge humans and bullets, there will always be a margin of error and I estimate that of those 200,000 drones, maybe we can only kill 130,000 people or maybe 150,000 ... maybe it can even be much less and not exceed 50,000, it all depends on the terrain and how well prepared the enemy is."

"Still you lose almost nothing" Shaking her head, Envy looked at the ipad with a twinkle in her eye and asked "Any other flaws in this drone?"

"Yes, the hive that will be the drone\'s main base.... the little drone can\'t get more than 100 meters away from the hive or it will start to have errors, so my idea is to have each tactical team carry one to help them on missions."

"Mmmm... It\'s certainly a big limitation to have to walk around with the hive in hand" Nodding while rubbing her chin, Envy asked "The hive would be the brains of the drones, right?"


"And if you replace that brain with a larger one like a satellite?"

"I also studied the feasibility and it\'s certainly possible, but keep in mind that satellites are tightly controlled and if for example China sees an unauthorized one, they won\'t hesitate to shoot it down and it would just be losses for us."

"Mmmm... I guess with the portable hive there won\'t be any problems for now" Nodding after a few seconds, Envy continued to the next plane and asked "And this one?"

"That one is still in virtual testing phase but it already has a name" Looking at the blueprint, Christian continued "Stolas, it is also a combat drone about the size of a human torso, maybe a little less... it will have two common machine guns, motion sensors, infrared cameras and facial recognition... its main function is to accompany tactical teams to serve as reconnaissance and attack at the same time, although its large size makes it a relatively easy target for heavy weapons with lots of bullets..."

"Mmmm, it doesn\'t look bad, it would also be quite useful for defending military bases... what about its lethal force?"

"The machine gun won\'t really have as much power as an AK or anything like that... let\'s say its bullets will be mainly submachine gun and its firepower won\'t be any different from a P-90."

"Not bad firepower if you can make lots of them... Just imagining hundreds of these drones surrounding me makes my skin crawl... It would be great for defending bases and cities"

"The idea is that it would also serve for that, the problem is that their AI is much more complex than that of the hives and although I have been studying the war AIs of other countries, the technology is still deficient and I have a lot to do."

"It would be nice if the recordings from this drone could be transmitted in real time to the soldiers..."

"In fact it is possible, we could use them in our contact lenses just as it would not be very difficult for me to create lenses that adhere to the war helmet... in fact I could even add cameras to the helmets and directly supplant the night vision."

"Something like these contact lenses we have? It would be very useful for our entire army to have access to terrain and targeting information so easily."

"The contact lenses I still want to keep it a secret, but I can actually make normal glasses with the same utility... maybe in a week at least I would have a prototype made."

"Instead of normal glasses try to make tactical ones so you can add it to helmets... it would really help a lot in every mission."

"Mmmm, that will be a bit more difficult since if I add the idea of them having night vision and infrared, the design will be much more complex and the construction a bit rougher... but give me a month at most and I should have a prototype for you."

Nodding, Envy looked at the third and final blueprint and asked "What is this?"


Edited By:

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Pa treon: https://www. pa treon.com /Eroos

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