
Chapter 351 Problems

Asserting itself from the cradle, Helen stood up and looked down at the bed beside her, easily observing her two mothers and father sleeping peacefully.

"Dad..." Completely ignoring Elisa and Sarah, Helen focused on Christian and murmured as a cute smile bloomed on her face.

Walking to the bottom edge of her crib, Helen held onto the edge of the protection with both hands and braced herself with her small strength, then lifted one leg with great difficulty and dangled off the wood.

Looking at the small fall on the other side, Helen blinked for a few seconds and moved, with half of her body already out of the cradle.

Unable to support her own weight, Helen\'s hands gave way and her little body fell backwards out of the cradle, but the blow was easily cushioned by her swaddling clothes and the carefully arranged pillows.

Obviously this is not the first time Helen has done something similar.

The first time this happened, it almost ended with Helen whipping her head on the floor, and if it hadn\'t been for Elisa\'s quick interruption, it could have ended very badly.

After what happened, Elisa and Christian didn\'t think twice about buying ample pillows and making sure to surround Helen\'s crib with pillows every night, something that has made them sigh with relief more than once.

Without feeling the slightest pain, Helen got up and walked unsteadily over the pillows, then reached the edge of the bed and began to climb up it with some experience in her movements.

With a bead of sweat on her forehead, Helen finally climbed onto the bed and looked down at the man sleeping happily embraced by a beautiful red-haired woman.

"Daddy" Crawling onto the bed with a smile on her face, Helen crawled in between Christian and Sarah, then sat on Christian\'s stomach and stared into his eyes.

Blinking silently, Helen reached up and gently touched Christian\'s face, staring at him for a long time as her eyes seemed to sparkle with innocent happiness.

The minutes passed and the sun was already beginning to peek through the window, while for more than 40 minutes, Helen kept looking at Christian in silence.

But when it seemed that the situation would go on for hours, Helen suddenly dropped on top of Christian and opened her mouth, then grabbed Christian\'s neck and bit his cheek.

Quickly opening his eyes as he felt a small tooth and soft gums colliding with his cheek, Christian felt the weight on him and felt the soft scent surrounding him, causing him to smile lazily and lower his gaze to the girl who was still trying to bite his cheek while her beautiful eyes stared at him.

"What\'s wrong my pretty princess?" gently caressing Helen\'s cheek, Christian asked with a soft smile.

Blinking for a few seconds while looking at Christian out of the corner of her eye, Helen released her father\'s cheek and stared at him while murmuring "Kiss."

Raising his eyebrows, Christian chuckled and gently kissed Helen\'s cheek, then rubbed his cheek with hers and asked "What\'s wrong with you today my girl? Since when do you try to bite daddy?"


Letting out a small laugh, Christian shakes his head and sighs, then kisses Helen again and wraps her in his arms.

Turning to the side, Christian stares directly into his little girl\'s beautiful eyes, while her soft smile and warm gaze were impossible to erase.


But just as Christian was having one of the best moments of his life, a sudden message arrived on his cell phone, causing him to look down at his pillow and reach under it to pull out his cell phone.

Unlocking the screen, Christian quickly reads the message, but the more he reads, the faster the smile fades.

After a few seconds, Christian closes his eyes and sighs, then puts the cell phone aside and looks at his little girl with a faint smile "I love you sweetheart."

Gently stroking Helen\'s hair, Christian made sure his little girl didn\'t see him and lost his smile instantly, staring at the window with an empty and cold look.

Many will wonder the following.

What was written in that message that could make Christian lose his smile even when he was with Helen?


Better see for yourselves.


"I\'m so sick of the damn kimchi" Walking next to Maya, Hailie muttered.

"I feel you" Rubbing her stomach with a sick look on her face, Maya muttered "Why the fuck have we been eating that damn food for 4 days straight?"

"Isn\'t it all your fault and your fucking youtube reviews?" Glaring at Maya with annoyance, Hailie continued sarcastically "How did you think trying all the Kimchi from Seoul hotels would be a good idea? Stupid bitch!"

"[Here I had a text in Korean but Webnovel forbids me to use any Asian word]." (Help!- South Korean).

Stopping at the same time upon hearing a high-pitched male shout, Hailie and Maya stare at each other for a few seconds, then turn their gazes to the alley next to them and squint to try to see in the darkness.

"Did you hear that?"

"What a damn creepy-crawly, is it a ghost?" Hugging her own body, Maya muttered.

Rolling her eyes, Hailie thought for a few seconds and approached the alley, looking around with suspicion in her eyes.

"Can\'t see a thing" Standing next to Hailie, Maya muttered.

The alley was certainly quite theatrical.

Metal dumpsters in different areas, garbage littered everywhere and dampness covers the place.

Considering all this plus the dim lighting of the area, this alley could certainly have a lot of murders to its name.

"Was there such a weird street around here?" Moving deeper, Hailie frowned and asked.

"Looks like a typical detroit street" Nodding quickly, Maya looked sideways cautiously and continued "Let\'s get out of this place, I feel like any minute I\'m going to fall unconscious and wake up in a bathtub full of ice and with a gash in my stomach."

Rolling her eyes, Hailie replied "Let\'s just make sure nothing shady happens and leave...clearly that scream came with a horrified tone or something similar."

"*Sigh* You\'re the typical stupid horror movie walk up to the killer or ghost..." Shaking her head, Maya mumbled, but even though she groaned, her feet didn\'t stop and she followed Hailie every step of the way.

"Is anyone here!?" Looking sideways, Hailie shouted.

Walking down the alley, Hailie looked ahead and noticed 3 possible paths connecting to the alley, so to remove doubts from her mind, Hailie walked towards the entrance to those alleys and looked sideways.

"What the fuck are they doing?" But as she looked to her right, Hailie saw a large group of about 8 women beating with smiles on their faces a young girl who looked no older than 16, while a young man was sobbing silently on the side being held by 2 other women.

"[Here I had a text in Korean but Webnovel forbids me to use any Asian word]" (Go away, none of your business) Sitting on a trash can while smoking a cigarette, a young girl of about 17 looked sideways at Hailie and replied lazily.

"What did he say?" frowning deeply as she looked at the bloody scene, Maya asked.

"I don\'t know, but they will clearly end up killing her" Looking at the young girl on the ground bleeding all over the place, Hailie replied in a deep voice, as adrenaline coursed through her body and sweat ran down her forehead.

While Hailie has quite a bit of boxing experience and certainly had her fair share of fights at the Swiss boarding school, she herself knows her limits and the number of people she can consider opponents right now exceed 15, causing her tension to rise to the max knowing that with luck she could take on 2 or 3 people.

\'Screw it\' Gritting her teeth as she noticed the forlorn look on the young man\'s even side, Hailie gritted her teeth and advanced towards the group, only to push them off into the distance and stand in front of the woman on the ground "Stop this!"

Looking at each other with doubt on their faces, the women turn their gaze towards the young woman on the dumpster in silence.

"..." Taking a small puff on her cigarette, the young woman looked at Hailie closely and observed her blonde hair, then commented "These foreigners are always a damn pain in the ass..."

[A/N: The conversation between these women is supposed to be in Korean, you know, I just leave the introduction in another language so they know they are speaking in another language.]

"What do we do?" Standing next to the young woman, another woman asked hesitantly.

Taking another puff on her cigarette, the young woman murmured, "I already got in trouble for killing the last tattletale...just break her legs and send her to the hospital."

Nodding at the same time, the young women instantly surrounded Hailie and Maya, causing the two to look at each other with a clear nervousness in their gazes.

"Stop!" But just as a bloody scene was about to begin, a group of 5 women rushed into the alley, easily passing by the women\'s side and surrounding Hailie and Maya.

Looking at the women, Hailie instantly understood that her family sent security to follow her without her knowledge, causing her to sigh with relief as her nerves quickly relaxed.

"They have security with them?" frowning slightly as she noticed the obvious training in the women, the young woman put the cigarette aside and murmured.

"What shall we do?" frowning deeply, the woman next to her commented "We don\'t know what kind of background they have, I think we should withdraw."

"Retreat?" With clear displeasure in her eyes, the young woman turned to the woman and commented dismissively "What good is whatever funds these bitches have? We\'re in Korea, we\'re the fucking law here!"

Turning to her group, the young woman exclaimed "Break her arms and legs, I\'ll take responsibility!"

Frowning as she noticed how the aggressiveness increased in an instant, the leader of the security team looked to her teammates and nodded, then turned and grabbed Hailie by the shoulder and started to run, while two other women grabbed Maya and followed their boss, leaving only two guards in the area who didn\'t hesitate to take out their metal batons ready to fight.

"W-what are you doing!?" Being dragged against her will, Hailie exclaimed as she watched the fight from a distance, knowing full well that it is logically impossible for two people to take on 15 or more.

"Our duty is to take care of her and keep her safe" With a stoic face, the head of security arrived outside the alley and looked sideways, then dragged Hailie towards a dark van and opened the door "Please get in, we\'ll go get our companions."


"Please miss, don\'t make it difficult for us."

"..." Looking at the woman\'s serious face, Hailie turned her gaze to the helpless Maya and sighed, then nodded and got into the vehicle.

As soon as the two protégés entered, the vehicle started quickly and the security escorting Hailie and Maya returned to the alley, ending with an undefined destination and a worried Hailie.


"What are your statuses?" looking out at the sea from the balcony, Christian asked.

"*Sigh* Pretty serious" Shaking her head, Eva continued "Of the 5 people who stayed behind, 3 are on ventilators... they had broken ribs and ended up puncturing the lung, plus everyone\'s legs are broken... it will be hard to see them get the mobility they used to have."

"How are the other two besides the broken legs?" Nodding, Christian asked.

"They are a little better, one or two broken bones but their lives are not in danger and should improve with proper rest."

"What happened to the assailants?"

"They escaped."

"And the police?"


Edited By:

Discord: https://discord.gg/VtHg4GqXtq

Pa treon: https://www. pa treon.com /Eroos

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