
Chapter 64

Image Credit – vincenteknight.com/page/14/

SURPRISE!!! HAPPY READING ~~~~ Since you guys wanted to see how life back at the palace would be like~~ hahahahaa ^^

Double update today, please read chapter 63 if you haven’t ^^

The emperor going out to war personally and winning the war. Ye Xiu Ming lead the rest of the ministers to await for his arrival at the Yong Ding Gate. Ji Wu Jiu has already changed his outfit to the gold emperor robes, riding on a white horse free from any impurities, showing off a very cold and handsome expression, allowing the citizens to admire him. It was not convenient for Ye Zhen Zhen to show off her face, so she was just wearing a normal soldier outfit in between the troops behind Ji Wu Jiu.

This time, his popularity has increased tremendously thanks to winning the war, almost everyone from the capital also came to take a look, all the way from Yong Ding Gate to the Palace, it was filled with people, some even climbed up the roof. Initially Ye Xiu Ming was worried about Ji Wu Jiu’s safety, and wanted to stop the citizens from gathering, but Fang Xiu Qing on the other hand thought that this was the citizen’s way of showing their gratefulness, so it was not good to stop them. Ye Xiu Ming decided to follow him this time, and decided to have more people guard Ji Wu Jiu instead.

Anywhere Ji Wu Jiu pass by, the citizens all kneeled down and bowed without being instructed.

With so many people around, it wasn’t nice to rush back, so he slowed down abit, and returned to the palace slowly.

Once he returned to the palace, Ji Wu Jiu brought Ye Zhen Zhen along to greet the empress dowager, and then went to Yang Xin Hall, to greet his ministers.

The ministers took turns to say good words “The emperor is so brave and smart in leading the troops, really making us Da Qi proud”, while he replies with “while I was not around, all of you did a great job in running the nation”

After saying all this useless words without changing their expression, they finally came to the real matters. There was many things awaiting Ji Wu Jiu to go through, but the ministers all did a good job in handling them so far.

But there was only 1 thing, that no one dares to mention, Ye Xiu Ming also didn’t mention, but only kept glancing at Fang Xiu Qing.

It was about the stupid thing the empress dowager did, Ye Xiu Ming’s identity is abit sensitive, so it was not right for him to mention it, others was also not suitable to accuse the emperor’s mother in front of the emperor. Only Fang Xiu Qing, he is one of the leaders of the cabinet, wearing the same pants with the emperor is well known by everyone, what others find hard to say, or don’t dare to say, to be given to him, would be less troublesome to say.

Actually, Fang Xiu Qing didn’t really want to mention this matter to Ji Wu Jiu as well. Since the empress dowager has been treating his daughter well in the back palace, and if they want to bring the empress down, then they will need a lot of power to do so. That is why Fang Xiu Qing initially wanted to partner up with the empress dowager. But now, after such a thing happened, he found out that the empress dowager appears to be smart, but is actually another foolish person, for his daughter to follow her, most probably the empress dowager would just drag her down.

Therefore. Fang Xiu Qing decided to keep some distances with the empress dowager, so facing Ji Wu Jiu now, he no longer hesitates and said what he both should have and shouldn’t have said.

After listening, Ji Wu Jiu didn’t have much expression, and then allowed his ministers to first return.

No expression equals to be the biggest expression, they are all clever people, in their heart they start to calculate who and what matters they should and should not meet.

This side, Ji Wu Jiu was unhappy, on the other hand Ye Zhen Zhen was even more unhappy. The moment she and JI Wu Jiu left the palace, the empress dowager called Xian Concubine back, not only bringing her back, she also allowed her to take care of the back palace alone, and not only letting her take control of the back palace, she also allowed her to replace the empress in the Silk Ceremony.

The emperor prays to the god, and the empress prays to the silk, this was the rule that should not be changed. If there was no empress or if the empress was not healthy, then the Silk Ceremony can be cancelled, there was no such thing as using any concubine leading the noble ladies to hold the ceremony, has anyone heard of any Dukes praying to the gods on behalf of the emperor?

This empress dowager has really overdid it this time.

And then there is Xian Concubine, not sure if it was because she was together with the empress dowager for too long, that her brains started to rot too, this type of matter that will incur wrath also she dared to do. If this year the silk harvest is good, then it’s fine, but if it is not good, then Xian Concubine will have to wait for whats to come, who knows how many people will push the matter on the fact that she did the ceremony instead. Furthermore, her father is a leader in the cabinet, and his reputation has always been good so far, but to have educated such a daughter, who knows what will does scholars have to say now.

Thinking till here, Ye Zhen Zhen is not angry anymore, and can only left with waiting for the good show later.

To be honest, although Ye Zhen Zhen is not as bright as Xian Concubine, or as stable as she is, however in terms of thinking about the mass, she is better than Xian Concubine.

That day, after Xian Concubine returned to her palace, she realized that her reputation has indeed dropped. The empress dowager asked her to substitute Ye Zhen Zhen to perform the Silk Ceremony, and all she thought off using this opportunity to build her reputation and improved her influence in the noble ladies, so she agreed to the matter. After Fang Xiu Qing heard about it, he couldn’t do much about it, but only send news into the palace quietly for Xian Concubine to stay away from the empress dowager.

Xian Concubine thought her father think too much, and decided to went through the silk ceremony happily. Only after a few days there are people who starts to say that Xian Concubine was not qualified to perform the ceremony. As for men, it was not appropriate to reprimand a woman, so they talked about her father instead. Facing tremendous stress, Fang Xiu Qing can only send news into the palace again for Xian concubine to keep her distance with the empress dowager.

After that, when the empress dowager did that type of thing, Xian Concubine also detected her drop in intelligence. Actually Xian Concubine was someone smart, in her heart, she knew although the empress dowager is a little foolish, but to use her against Ye Zhen Zhen, was still convenient. She just has to be extra careful, and not to allow others to catch her wrong doings, then it would be fine. Therefore, she did not listen to what her father said.

Back to Ji Wu Jiu, he stayed at Yang Xin Hall till dark, and went through the matters brought forward by his ministers, and seeing that all the matters have been properly done by the cabinet, his mood turned slightly better.

Feng You De came in to ask Ji Wu Jiu, if he wanted dinner, Ji Wu Jiu places the document in his hands down, “no need, let’s go to Kun Ning Palace’ he stood up, and stretched a little, thinking about it again, he said to Feng You De, “Forget that, we go visit Xian Concubine first”

Ji Wu Jiu already knew that Xian Concubine was brought back by the empress dowager, and also knew what she did, although he was not very pleased with her, he still wanted to give her another chance, not for anything, but for her father. To settle a concubine, Ji Wu Jiu don’t need to waste time, but Fang Xiu Qing was a worthy minister. This person was talented, and has good reputation, smart and cautious, flexible as well, not like that Ye Xiu Ming. Although he does not agree with everything he said, but he was truly loyal.

This type of people would truly be beneficial towards the country. So towards, Xian Concubine, JI Wu Jiu didn’t want to act to harsh, and turn his minister’s heart cold.

Xian Concubine had a feeling Ji Wu Jiu would visit her today, as the proverbs say, a small break wins over a new marriage. For two person to be separated for a few months, and he was facing Ye Zhen Zhen everyday, most probably he has started to grow bored.

Therefore, she has properly dressed herself up, and at night just when Yao Yue Palace started dinner, Ji Wu Jiu arrived, therefore they had a dinner together. In her heart, she thought the emperor really missed her, that is why he rushed to her place before dinner, so it made her happy, her face can’t help but to feel proud.

Just that, before servicing him later, Xian Concubine must first do something.

“Beloved Concubine, what are you doing?” Ji Wu Jiu asked while looking at the kneeling Xian Concubine.

When Xian Concubine lifted her head, her eyes were red, and tears were threatening to fall from her eyes, “I have done something wrong, please punish me”

Ji Wu Jiu places his cup down and said “What have you done wrong?” Although he said so, but he still hasn’t ask her to stand up.

Xian Concubine knew that her kneeling, was a right choice. On her face, a blush of red can be seen, she answered “When the empress was not in the palace, the empress dowager has requested me many times to conduct the silk ceremony, I was temporarily muddle headed and accepted. What I have done was really not the right conduct, I hope your majesty will punish me!”

In a few sentences she has managed to explained how the empress dowager asked her to do it, and she did not push away the responsibility as well. Ji Wu Jiu still remained calmed, but Xian Concubine could feel that his mood has turned slightly better, therefore she secretly led out a sigh.

Ji Wu Jiu remained quiet for a while, and seeing that Xian Concubine was tired from kneeling, her body kept moving around, he said “You stand up first”

“My mistakes are unforgiveable, if you don’t punish me, I will not stand up”

“How do you want me to punish you?” Ji Wu Jiu looked at her half smiling.

Xian Concubine blushed and look down, not saying anything.

Ji Wu Jiu moved forward and pulled her up.

Xian Concubine let him helped her up, and she slowly moved up. Most probably she has kneeled too long, her knees were abit soft, so she fell again, luckily she was caught by Ji Wu Jiu.

Xian Concubine was in his arms, she looked down, not daring to look at him.

Ji Wu Jiu frowned slightly. For a beauty to be in his arms, if to say that he was not slightly itched, then he would not be considered a man. But he suddenly thought of Ye Zhen Zhen, that vinegar pot, he found it funny, if he really did anything with Xian Concubine, god knows how much effort he will need to make in order to climb up her bed again. Although he likes to see Ye Zhen Zhen get jealous, but everything must have a bottom line, it should not be crossed over.

The moment he thought of Ye Zhen Zhen, Ji Wu Jiu’s gaze would turn gentle.

Xian Concubine looked up, because there was no action made by Ji Wu Jiu, and when she saw his gentle gaze, her mind turned hot, and initiated to kiss him.

As though as he got scared by her actions, Ji Wu Jiu suddenly let go, and stood up….

Xian Concubine “……” He threw me back to the floor?

“The person whom you offended is the empress, if to punish, it should be by her. Tomorrow morning, go ask for your punishment from her” Ji Wu Jiu quickly left, after leaving those words, without looking at her reaction.

Xian Concubine was shocked, and embarrassed, as well as a little afraid. Ye Zhen Zhen that woman, is filled with weird ideas, to let her punish…..


After leaving Yao Yue Palace, Ji Wu Jiu headed towards Kun Ning Palace, and stopped the announcement outside, and shamelessly he stood outside her window listening to what’s happening inside.

Ye Zhen Zhen was playing with a talking Mynah. The mynah was brought in by Su Feng, quite costly, but thinking that the empress will surely like it when she returns, she has kept it at Kun Ning Palace.

Ye Zhen Zhen “Say, really courageous”

Mynah: “Really pretty”

Ye Zhen Zhen : “The empress is really courageous”

Mynah: “The empress is really pretty”

Ye Zhen Zhen: “Stupid Bird”

Mynah: “You are the stupid one”

Ye Zhen Zhen : Hong Feng Huang, Fen Feng Huang, Hong Fen Feng Huang, Fen Hong Feng Huang” (Chinese tongue twister… translator too lazy to find out what it means.. lalalalala `~)

Mynah: “……”

Ye Zhen Zhen: “Stupid bird”

Mynah: “…..”

Ji Wu Jiu who was outside, his head had three black lines, to teach a mynah to say tongue twisters, was really unfair, only she can think of such an idea.

As though as the mynah was angered, it decided to raise his neck and shouted “The emperor has arrive…”

Ye Zhen Zhen laughed “He wouldn’t come”

Her words made Ji Wu Jiu’s heart jumped, an unexplainable and weird feeling was bursting from his chest. He shouted back “Who said that I wouldn’t come?” While walking in to the room.

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