
Chapter 114 - The Queen Mother Has Something To Say

Chu Yun had no reaction beyond surprise. He had no idea what being \'prey\' entailed. He looked at the front of the dais and found Xiao Zai looking back at him, his eyes wide with panic. Gu Wei was looking back at him, too, his pale lips pressed into a grim line.

Okay, so, nothing good.

The King didn\'t wait for the shock to settle before addressing his captive audience once again, gesturing at everyone to settle down, making his large gold sleeves billow with the regal drop of his arms. 

"Unlike the participants, the prey doesn\'t need to be a wolf, and will be released on the grounds the hunt will take place at hours ahead of the competition. The prey will also take animal form, providing they have one, and their senses will be dulled with medicine, to ensure the fairness of the hunt. The prey will be unable to see or scent those giving them chase, therefore it will be in their best interest to...keep running."

Unable to hold back his glee, the King grinned widely. For a moment his dignified features were twisted into a mask of cruelty, exposing his sadistic nature. It only lasted for a moment before he wiped it off, replacing it with his usual air of regal wisdom.

Chu Yun tried to come up with something to say, but the words deserted him. At his side Hua Nanyi was like an attack dog poised for action, but held back by the collar around her throat. In this case the collar was civility.

Just as the shocked hum in the room began to die down, a gravelly voice rang out. "I object."

All eyes turned towards the beaded curtain that hid the Queen Dowager. She was still reclining sideways on her sofa, and didn\'t shift her position at all.

For the first time, the King\'s exultant expression showed its first cracks. "Our Queen Mother is of course welcome to share her wisdom."

She lifted a thin arm and pointed forward. Her pale, wrinkled hand broke through the barrier of the beaded curtain, pointing right at Chu Yun.

"He is obviously injured," the Queen Dowager said, her gravely voice dispassionate, "what kind of prey will he make?" she scoffed, turning her heavy, crowned head to the side as if dismissing even the sight of Chu Yun. "No, he won\'t do."

Chu Yun tried to keep his expression neutral despite the relief coursing through his veins. He didn\'t know what effects that so-called "dulling medicine" would have on his...stomach bug. The Queen Dowager\'s intervention showed that she feared it wouldn\'t do any good. 

The King\'s ever present smirk wavered. "But then, if not him, who will be the prey for this hunt?"

The Queen Dowager scoffed loudly from her sofa, adjusting her legs and making the beads clink together with her movements. "Doesn\'t he have a brother right here? What different those it make? Just replace one fox for the other."

Chu Yun could feel Hua Nanyi\'s fingers tightening on his shoulder, and then her whispered praise, "Smart old dog."

He should have been glad that she had spared him from something potentially dangerous for himself and...stomach bug, but he couldn\'t help but worry for his brother.

Chu Hean\'s expression revealed nothing, but Chu Yun was still apprehensive about what could happen to him.

Meanwhile, the King was going through a complicated series of emotions, his jaw trembled with his attempt at holding a smile, at the same time his hands shook with barely suppressed rage.

"Very well, it will be done as Queen Mother says."

She said nothing, taking for granted that her orders would be followed.

She had taken all the fun out this pantomime for her son, and with a grunt he raised his hand, and announced, "Court dismissed."


Chu Yun rose to his feet as soon as the King left, determined to talk with Xiao Zai before the guards took him away. With great effort he walked to the centre of the room, with Hua Nanyi\'s help.

Xiao Zai fought against the hands restraining him the moment he saw Chu Yun approach. "I\'m so relieved to see you."

His eyes drifted down to Chu Yun\'s legs. His knees and the thick layers of salve still coating them were hidden beneath the skirts of his robes, but it was clear someone had told Xiao Zai about his injuries.

Chu Yun threw his arms around him, bringing their faces close. He had spent months curating the image of a besotted fool, he would make good use of it now.

"What can happen to you during this hunt?" he whispered against Xiao Zai\'s ear, holding onto the back of his neck as if he couldn\'t bear to be parted from him.

"It\'s not just the chase," Xiao Zai whispered, "sometimes, to make things exciting, some wild animals can be released alongside us."

Chu Yun went still, his stomach churning with fear. He remembered the King\'s words at the beginning of the trial. "Flush out the weak," the sick bastard had said. If both of his sons died then it wouldn\'t be a big loss either way.

It explained Xiao Yuan\'s apathetic look, and it also ensured he\'d try to win -- if only to end the hunt as soon as possible and save his own life.

As to what would happen to Xiao Zai if he lost -- Chu Yun had no illusions that it would be the King deciding on a sentence and using the First Prince as a mouthpiece. Except this way he looked civilised instead of bloodthirsty. 

Chu Yun kept clinging to Xiao Zai even as the guards tried to separate them. "I\'m not going to let him win," he said fervently.

The tips of Xiao Zai\'s manacled fingers brushed against Chu Yun\'s abdomen. "Is..."

Chu Yun nodded. He only felt Xiao Zai\'s relieved exhaled against his neck for a fraction of a second before the guards dragged him away.. Chu Yun held his gaze until the doors closed behind him.

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