
Chapter 41 - Quirk Training Camp (III)

The next day I woke up and I remembered the topic I have been thinking before I went to sleep last night. The future seems to be changing slightly. Like it did yesterday, so will the Vanguard Action Squad invade and try to kidnap Bakugo and Fumikage? Or they will go after someone else?

This time Bakugo didn\'t achieve anything special but All For One could still try to kidnap him or they might also try to kidnap me. Yes, this time I have foiled many of his plans and I also severed Tomura\'s (Man-Child) arm, his protege. Several things could happen. So whom should I take out? Tomura won\'t be on the attack team so I can\'t do anything to him. Muscular is a must, Twice\'s Quirk is annoying so he will also meet the same fate as Muscular. Let\'s see next Spinner... he is pretty useless so he is gonna return with some minor injuries. I am going to kill Magne, accidental death, of course. ​​

I not someone jealous but her Quirk kind of irks me from inside. Like my Quirk itself is telling me to get rid of her. Well she would be killed by Overhaul anyway. Dabi??? Hmm... let\'s see, for now I will let him get back with all of his limbs. Kurogiri is out of the question... then comes Mr. Compress. Let\'s see first who they want to capture. Moonfish... well he is insane so even I cut off his limbs it won\'t affect him, I will let others deal with him. Next is Mustard... I honestly don\'t know what to do with him. I will let others deal with him or if his Quirk annoys me then he might go missing some limbs. And lastly the Himiko Toga, honestly if she can happily hurt someone, I will also hurt her and her Quirk is really annoying, like some wise man said \'cut the bud before it blooms\'.

Those people who would happily hurt someone or murder someone then they should be also ready if someone else gives them the same treatment. I understand their past in canon made them turn villians... but honestly why should I care. If they attack me then I would happily give them the same treatment.

I don\'t care if they want to remove fake heroes, as long as a hero saves people he is doing good. No matter for what reason he or she does that.

Now some might call me heartless but I would go to any lengths to protect my loved ones and friends. I might not go ahead and right out kill them but I would take them off the streets permanently. Magne is different, just thinking about her is making me wanting to kill her. All For One is also different, if he lives I have to stay in this world and he might find someone I love and care about and kill them. I ain\'t letting that happen, he would also cause apocalypse if he lives. Momo told me what God told her, even if he didn\'t I knew Izuku was incompetent.

Turning off my dark side I got ready and went to have breakfast. Breakfast was fun, we all enjoyed how Denki was trying to get close to Kendo. With breakfast over Aizawa and Kan gathered their own classes.

"From today your actual Quirk Training Camp will start. Bakugo come here and throw this ball" Aizawa in his usual manner spoke. He called Bakugo and handed him the ball and told him to throw the ball using his Quirk.

Bakugo did what Aizawa asked him but everyone was shocked including Bakugo that he was only able to throw the ball a few metres more than he did at the Quirk Apprehension Test. After that Aizawa explains that we had improved from that time, but in departments of technical skills, stamina and mental powers but our Quirk hasn\'t improved. He also mentioned my name that my Quirk improved leaps and bounds since I started UA.

Soon, class 1-B also joins us after Kan was done with his version of explanation. After that Wild, Wild Pussycats arrived and Aizawa declared that they were going to help us train.

Pixie-Bob used her Quirk and modified the ground suitable to each students to train their Quirk. Ragdoll will be observing the students and Mandalay would relay that to the students about what they needed to do. Tiger would help the students that were working on physical workout.

Aizawa then called me out "Reo, how is your hand-to-hand combat?"

"I never tried fighting someone in melee" I told him. It\'s true I never fought anyone, I trained with Rumi. Two things are different.

"Then let\'s spar" Aizawa said, the other students were already practicing with their Quirks.

I froze for a moment when I sensed 7 people arrived inside my sensory range along with Kurogiri. I would recognize that foggy bastard anywhere, he is the only thing that has metals only on his neck and also in condensed form. They were standing over a nearby mountain and looking down at the students training.

I didn\'t bother with them for long because I knew that they won\'t attack now. Both me and Aizawa took positions. We rushed towards each other at same moment, Aizawa threw a left hook at me but he was quite callous with the attack. I easily dodged his attack and kicked towards his ribs. I also didn\'t use my full power not wanting to injure him but he stopped the attack with his bandage.

I didn\'t bother with it and increased the speed of my attacks to keep up with his bandage style fighting or whatever the fuck it is called. The sudden increase of speed surprised him and I was able to land a punch on his chest. I just increased my speed not the power behind the blow.

"Let\'s get loose" Aizawa said ans immediately attacked me with his actual speed and power. I blocked his kick and I felt it, so I decided to return the favor and went full power. I was fasted and stronger than him, it was completely clear. He started fighting passively but I didn\'t care, I was enjoying the fight. And by the look on his face he was also having fun. We didn\'t even noticed that we had an audience, students stopped training even the Pussycats group was watching our fight.

Everyone was shocked to see that I was overpowering Aizawa in hand-to-hand. After sometime, I noticed that Aizawa was getting slower by the moment. I noticed the blood flow in his body and understood that he was running out of fuel.

In department of stamina he could never be compared to me. But even with this I still wasn\'t able to land a hit on him because of his damn bandages... his bandages were non-metallic, so nothing can\'t be done there. I have to say his experience is making up for his short-comings but experience can only help you that much. I finally landed a kick on his chest which made Aizawa skid back. Aizawa grabbed his chest and kneeled on the ground. Damn... that must have hurt.

I immediately extended my hand towards him, he accepted my hand and got up on his feet. We still haven\'t noticed that everyone was watching us with wide eyes.

"Good fight" Aizawa said and patted me on the shoulder.

"Yes... it was really fun. Maybe we can spar again" I told him.

"Sure" Aizawa said back in his bored tone.

Only after all that we looked around and saw that everyone was watching us with wide eyes. We both shrugged and walked away from there. That finally brought the others out of trance and began training again.

I watched all the students and they trained the same way they did in the canon. I also noticed the perverted midget was checking out the girls even when he was bleeding from his scalp. We shall have another understanding conversation with him.

I looked at Momo who looked slightly bloated, this was the first time I have seen her bloat due to ingestion of excess food. I silently clicked several pics of her. It would be highly appreciated by her mom.

With that the second day was over, I fought Aizawa a few more times but everytime I ended up winning.

The third day began, everyone except me looked like they would drop any moment. Vanguard Action Squad will attack today, well as soon as they appear I will be hunting them and it would be much better if they separated. I will pluck them one by one... coming out of my dark thoughts I began the spar with Aizawa.

They also did the same training everyone was doing yesterday. Pixie-Bob then announced that we would be having \'test of courage mini-game\' after dinner. Everyone instantly became excited. When the day finally ended we had beef stew for dinner.

After dinner, Pixie-Bob explained the mini-game. Class 1-B students will be entering the forest first and they will try to scare Class 1-A students. I passively heard her, making several plans inside my mind.

The test began and after 10 minutes we from Class 1-A were allowed to enter the forest. From what I remember the Vanguard Action Squad attacks after 12 minutes from the start of the test.

The two minutes passed in an anticipation and finally the 9 life signs entered my sensory range. A gentle smile appeared on my face but my thoughts were far from anything gentle.

"We are under attack" I said making everyone freeze around me...

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