
Chapter 519 - The Plot Continues (IV)...

Chapter 519 – The Plot Continues (IV)…

[Sitri Mansion, Kuoh Town]

Vali gasped when he finally regained consciousness… He had no idea where he was, but his surroundings were very much unfamiliar. So, he tried to move, he wanted to get a better understanding of where he was and maybe remember how he ended up here. Only a pitiful groan escaped his lips when he tried to move. Vali felt like his whole body was on fire.

"So, you are finally up?" Vali heard a very familiar voice from the side. With some difficulties he looked up, only to find Azazel sitting near the window.

"Where am I?" Vali asked in a raspy voice. His throat was very dry, and he was finding it very difficult to talk.

"You don\'t remember what happened?" Azazel asked and when he noticed the complicated look on Vali\'s face, he could only release a sigh. Yachiru Unohana had warned him about this… Vali had gone into a shock when he was getting healed, so it might take his brain some time to recall everything.

"Don\'t worry… you went into a shock. The memories will start coming back to you shortly" Azazel explained and Vali wasn\'t happy with the explanation, but he didn\'t have the strength to argue.

"Don\'t you want something else?" Azazel asked softly as he approached Vali\'s bed.

"Water" Vali rasped out with some difficulties. Azazel nodded his head and grabbed the glass of water which was placed on the table beside Vali\'s head. After that, Azazel placed the glass near Vali\'s lips and he slowly chugged down the whole glass worth of water.

"How long have I been here?" Vali questioned curiously as he looked under the sheets. At least, he wasn\'t naked under the sheets. Vali also noticed that he could talk more freely now.

"It has been a few hours" Azazel answered and sat down beside Vali\'s bed. Before Vali could ask about anything else, he felt a stinging pain in his head and he slowly started to remember the events which led him here… wherever he was. 

Vali clenched his fists in anger and bit down on his lower lip. Once again, he was soundly beaten and he has also embarrassed Albion, who has been his partner since the time he has learned how to access his Sacred Gear.

\'You shouldn\'t worry about me… I won\'t lie, I feel defeated… humiliated, but this isn\'t anything new for me. There were other wielders too who were soundly defeated by Boosted Gear wielders in the past\' Albion began, trying to console Vali. Seeing that Vali was intently listening to his words, Albion decided to continue speaking.

\'I think you should be proud… Unlike my past wielders, you were fighting against the real thing. No matter what a wielder tries, they could never reach our original powers. Ddraig held a huge advantage over you if nothing else\' Albion continued and even though Vali frowned, he didn\'t denounce Albion\'s words.

It is said that the power of the Juggernaut Drive is comparable with the power of the original Heavenly Dragons. He has used Empireo Juggernaut Overdrive in the fight, which was much stronger than the Juggernaut Drive, but he still lost.

So, in theory, he should have been stronger than Ddraig, right? But Ddraig was simply playing around with him during the fight. Now that he thought about it, Ddraig only used his ability when his power was Divided. That was a hard pill to swallow for Vali, but there was nothing he could do.

"So, did you finally remember how you ended up here?" Azazel asked with a smug grin on his face. Vali wanted to slap the man to remove that cocky grin from his face, but he couldn\'t even move without wincing due to pain surging through his body.

"Where am I?" Once again Vali asked as he still had no idea where he was.

"You are in Sitri Mansion. Sona Sitri has graciously agreed to host you, so be respectful to her" Azazel said in a warning tone. Vali gave him a confused look. Now he knew where he was, but he has no idea why he was brought here, instead of being taken to Grigori to get healed.

"And as for why you were brought here? You were in a very bad space when the fight ended. You were barely breathing, so Ddraig decided to bring you to the best healer he knew and it seems that I have to agree with him… Yachiru Unohana is the best healer I have seen" Azazel admitted in a respectful tone. 

Vali didn\'t know what to say, but he decided that he was going to thank Yachiru Unohana for saving his life as soon as he meets him. Vali has been this close to death… In fact, Vali had accepted his death when he was engulfed by the energy beams.

"Thank you, Azazel-San, I am glad that you appreciate my healing skills" Vali was brought out of his musing when he heard a woman\'s voice. Yachiru Unohana entered the infirmary with her usual kind and gentle smile marring her face. 

"Thank you for saving my life even though you didn\'t have any obligations to help me" Vali said, looking really grateful and respectful.

"As a healer, it is my duty to heal you. I don\'t need any obligations to heal someone…" Yachiru said kindly as she drew some hand signs and her palms started to glow. She quickly inspected Vali and after a few minutes of continuous prodding, Yachiru stopped whatever she was doing.

"You are mostly healed, but I would suggest that you shouldn\'t move. I had to regrow a lot of your muscles and tendons. That is why you are feeling pain when you are trying to move, you were badly burnt when Ddraig has brought you here" Yachiru said and pulled out a parchment from her sleeve. She handed the paper to Azazel.

"This is the list of injuries he had sustained, you may show him the list, but that is going to be your decision" Yachiru said while looking at Azazel, who nodded his head in understanding. Then Yachiru turned back towards Vali. "You should also refrain from eating foods which are difficult to digest" Yachiru added with a smile.

"Please take care" Yachiru said and turned around to leave the room, but she stopped near the door and turned around. "Your friends have been waiting for you, I am going to allow them to visit you, but you must refrain from moving or I would be displeased" Yachiru warned and her eyes and smile darkened as she warned Vali.

Both Vali and Azazel shivered in fear. Once again, Yachiru gave them a kind smile and walked out of the room. Only after a couple of minutes, Vali\'s group members entered the infirmary along with Ophis…

Meanwhile, in another part of the Mansion, a different type of conversation was taking place…

"So, how may I help you?" Sona asked as she crossed her fingers under her chin and leaned in front of the table with her elbows as support.

"I want to join your peerage" The small girl sitting in front of Sona declared with a determined look on her face. Even Sona\'s Peerage members who were present inside the room were surprised by the girl\'s straightforwardness.

The girl has long dark purple hair along with sleepy golden eyes. Her hair was tied in a long braid by a bow with a purple skull, reaching all the way down to her hips. The girl\'s skin was inhumanly pale. The girl was dressed in a light blue dress and a black and white hood resembling a jester cap with an emerald gem at the tip.

She was also wearing elbow-length gloves covered in golden neon lines with gems at the back of her wrists. She also had a cape hanging behind her and lastly, she had a skull mask hanging by her waist.

"I don\'t think you gave me your name" Sona reminded the girl. A look of realization finally dawned on the girl\'s face.

"Oh, sorry" The girl apologized sheepishly and started to chuckle nervously. Moments later, her demeanor shifted and she became upbeat and cheerful. "Hello, my name is Bennia Orcus, it is nice to finally meet you!" The girl exclaimed with a bright smile on her face.

Sona was slightly taken off-guard by the cheerfulness of the girl. "May I know why do you want to want to join my Peerage? I don\'t think I am that famous" Sona questioned and the girl became slightly sad after hearing Sona\'s question.

"I don\'t have anywhere else to go. The Destroyer killed Hades along with most of the Grim Reapers. My friends and I were out on a mission, that is why we weren\'t able to answer his summons. Now, I think that\'s a good thing or we would have been slaughtered" Bennia shivered.

"We heard that you along with your Peerage destroyed Hexennacht and you personally defeated Walburga. So, we thought that joining you was the best option since you reside in the Human World" Bennia explained and Sona nodded her head in understanding.

"I see… I don\'t have any reasons to deny your request and with the upcoming Rating Games Tournament, I need all the help I can get" Sona declared with a smile on her face and Bennia almost beamed at Sona after hearing her decision.

"Thanks!! I going to get my friends. After that, you can resurrect us as your Peerage members!!" The former Grim Reaper exclaimed cheerfully and skipped out of the room after Sona gave her the permission to leave…


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